I stumbled upon a perfect representation of the quintessential /r/kurosanji poster today.
/u/BlueBerrryScone used to post a lot on kurosanji and two posts stand out. One is where they said
Shu Yamino harassed them before he even became Tora (his PL). The evidence for that? He sounds like him. The Post has not been deleted by moderators even though it is completely unsubstantiated.
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The second post that stands out is one where they allege
they auditioned for Ethyria and got picked to be Enna but didn't get sent the contract and Enna debuted anyways. The post has 122 net upvotes and has not been removed by moderators even though it is completely unsubstantiated.
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These two posts made me wonder who
/u/BlueBerrryScone really is, so I went through their post history, and depending how you look at it, the results were either very surprising, or not surprising at all.
First of all, they're
autistic, but I feel like that was a given.
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Next up though, it does get more interesting. They describe themselves as
"fictosexual" and they are in
a committed relationship with Diluc from Genshin Impact.
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Although there does seem to be
trouble in paradise...
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They also proudly hold
the same retarded opinion as
@MerelyTourist. Really makes you think...
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Finally, all became clear when they returned to the /r/kurosanji subreddit after a 6 month hiatus and
had this to say:
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So several posts on kurosanji are made by a diagnosed schozoid who admits it's all made up, yet the moderators don't take it down.