I've said this before, but even with vtubers it's important to separate the character from the actor, and that disliking the person behind the avatar while liking the avatar's character aren't mutually exclusive. Let's be real, even within Phase Connect the only two members I can imagine voting Republican this past election are
maybe Ember and Shiina (
leaving out non-Americans like Panko and Jelly of course). In private, I'm pretty sure the likes of Lia, Runie and Airi are at best apathetic, at worst resentful of how the Trump administration is rolling back protections for troons, deporting families, and throwing government workers out onto the street (especially Runie, considering her roommate is or was a government employee).
And you know what,
that's okay! Whatever their beliefs may be, they don't let them bleed into their character, and that includes Clara.
I can find Clara entertaining and enjoy her content, while also enjoying making fun of Kelsey Parnigoni for being a batshit insane lefty sperg, in much the same way I can enjoy Mark Hamill's performances as Joker while also thinking Hamill himself is an insufferable demagogue with terminal TDS that deserved to get
pantsed by God on live TV.