We're back with another episode of "Nolan overshares on the internet".
Not letting the setback of the HanaMaki server get to him, Nolan has decided to vent on another server willing to hear him out.
Meanwhile, the rest of the channel looks like this.
That's right folks, he's back to venting to random Bug-men on the Chinese speakers. Surely these people will understand the trials and tribulations of an autist from Ohio!
Exactly as he posts, here's an example of one of the places telling him off - The Kiara-cord. It starts just after Nolan starts whining again. The channel had been him the last few days complaining about his idiotic decisions, and people mildly reacting to him. This now took off after Nolan bitches about the Dokibird ban.
As you can see, the Chinese KFP give zero fucks even entertaining Nolan and just tell him to eat shit. In fact, let's go check and see how this server reacted to his earlier bitching about his mom's computer.
Don't worry guys, I'm sure Nolan will take this random Bug-man's advice to heart for once,