"RUST reminds me that Pondelion, the mascot of Mister Donut, also eats himself and live. He calls it the ultimate self-sufficiency, eating himself to live; The source of the nutrients that keep him alive is a mystery"Pako

Rage Pig Ho Down - Ralph Discovers vTubers to Spite GAYTOR

Ed O'neill

God's Strongest Smartass
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Recently we have had Sektur Champion Ethan Ralph get assmad at Gator for largely irrelevant reasons to what I am going to post here. TLDR though his former associate Gator has slowly been inching in the Vtuber sector which has caused Ralph to do some digging. One of the individuals who has been highlighted has rumored to have had a sorded past before. A Vtuber by the name of Kiki Pyon Pyon, prior notable 4chan /here/ girl that somehow got in with Kaneko Lumi and Pipkin Pippa way back. Well Gator was caught in a meet and greet with her and has brought additional eyes.

While most eyes are of course on Gator, @reinigen and @Short went further digging and compiled quite a sordid history regarding this individual. And naturally somehow everything comes back to Cyberlive.

The original post by @reinigen https://kiwifarms.net/threads/virtual-youtubers.69525/post-18547551

Yea, looked into that Kiki chick more and found the chick might be a total nutjob (surprise surprise). Starting with an old post here back in 2022.

Kiki was doing meetups and discord discussions through /r9k/ and /soc/ (Archive) while underage using the name “Bunke”, and was dating a moderator for Cyberlive (Archive), some literally-who agency who was also underage at the time.
Diving through the archives, you see these same accusations of underage attentionwhoring on /r9k/ again and again.
Seems like she was found out because she didn't rename assets from her old persona and the names were the same.
Seems she used the name "Bunke" in the past (as noted in the linked post) and that was the paper trail.
Knowing this, searching for "Bunke" turned up this post.
We see some names Gunjy and Virial. Let's looking into Gunjy first.

Looking into the name Gunjy we find some posts here -

With this post supposedly being from Gunjy himself -

The above vTuber company collapse above is referring to Cyberlive. Because one of the other people she supposedly slept with while underage was a mod from Cyberlive named Viral.

The other people in the screenshots are Eira Woolcott, Sei (another of Lumi's old mods who had his own controversies), Beatani, and DumplingShirara - now Shiina.

Virial's name was initially blurred, but I could find other screens with his name around that make it seem like he was the one blurred above.

So yea, this Kiki chick looks totally nuts. I'm not sure I'd want to associate with her at all given the history that can be dug up.

@Short then went digging and found that Kiki Pyon Pyon went on a spree in real time to delete prior evidence linking the prior accounts in question to her current Vtuber persona. Seemingly confirming the findings by @reinigen. This was compiled by @The Proctor https://kiwifarms.net/threads/virtual-youtubers.69525/post-18548751

Yea, looked into that Kiki chick more and found the chick might be a total nutjob (surprise surprise). Starting with an old post here back in 2022.

Adding to the fun;


Spoiler: Details.

Annotation 2024-06-07 225857.jpg
This completely debunks the 'she isn't Bunke' argument. She also deleted this info in near real time as soon as it was discovered (as seen in the second image).

Someone is running defence for this person. Fortunately, the internet never forgets. But then again, a 4chan vtuber would know that. Wouldn't you, Bunke?

Further developments are ongoing, as we have seen now that individuals from Soyjack are also coming in to dig up info on Gator and Kiki's circle.
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No one else knew of the radioactive, clusterfuck that is Kiki??

Oh boy, this will be fun.

The Proctor

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No one else knew of the radioactive, clusterfuck that is Kiki??

As was commented over on KF, nobody knew because she was an irrelevant nobody with nothing but a few degenerates in her streams until she began to (very slightly) clean up her image and reach out to other vtubers to act as bridges between her and the rest of the community.

If Gator hadn't slimed his way up to her at Offkai with Ralph's piggy little gaze glued lovingly between his legs the whole way, she would have remained irrelevant for at least some while longer.

So, in a very real way, Gator is directly responsible for all of this.


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As was commented over on KF, nobody knew because she was an irrelevant nobody with nothing but a few degenerates in her streams until she began to (very slightly) clean up her image and reach out to other vtubers to act as bridges between her and the rest of the community.

If Gator hadn't slimed his way up to her at Offkai with Ralph's piggy little gaze glued lovingly between his legs the whole way, she would have remained irrelevant for at least some while longer.

So, in a very real way, Gator is directly responsible for all of this.
Enjoy the ride, brother.

She's live, btw. I'm so sorry for Sawa...

The Proctor

Manager Arc Unlocked?
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Enjoy the ride, brother.

Normal Christians talk about guardian angels.

I don't want a guardian angel. I want the angel that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.


wtf is happening
Joined:  Dec 21, 2022
No one else knew of the radioactive, clusterfuck that is Kiki??

Oh boy, this will be fun.
I think most people who watch smaller indies were aware of Kiki being trouble, just not this horrible.

AO Cody

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If Kiki's trying to clean her image and move beyond her schizo past, I don't see a problem. Especially if she's got some mental illnesses mixed with a shitty home life. I can see how that can be a powder keg. I'm not gonna hold the dumb shit people do when they're both a minor and mentally ill over their heads for the rest of their lives.

I pop into her streams when she's playing some oldschool SNES RPG I like, and I haven't seen anything suspect going on. She's clearly struggling with something just based on how mousey she sounds.

If she's truly making strides to get/do better as Kiki, good on her. Wish her the best. If not, she'll get a faceful of the consequences of her actions and the natural filter will do its job.

The Proctor

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AO Cody

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If she still likes 4chan and chan culture why would she disavow it?

She ain't causing any trouble as Kiki (and she seems to be making friends, which is really good for someone with her issues). Until she does, that's enough for me.

Ed O'neill

God's Strongest Smartass
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If Kiki's trying to clean her image and move beyond her schizo past, I don't see a problem. Especially if she's got some mental illnesses mixed with a shitty home life. I can see how that can be a powder keg. I'm not gonna hold the dumb shit people do when they're both a minor and mentally ill over their heads for the rest of their lives.

I pop into her streams when she's playing some oldschool SNES RPG I like, and I haven't seen anything suspect going on. She's clearly struggling with something just based on how mousey she sounds.

If she's truly making strides to get/do better as Kiki, good on her. Wish her the best. If not, she'll get a faceful of the consequences of her actions and the natural filter will do its job.
Keep in mind that she may have very well fucked over a number of people for life in VERY recent memory. Like we aint talking about stuff that happened 10 years ago, we are talking about fairly recent events. Generally when we look through any individuals criminal history or similar actions what ends up changing is their methods, their priorities. If she went this far 3 years ago in my opinion there is no way she is a different person. Thats just not how people work.

The Proctor

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If she still likes 4chan and chan culture why would she disavow it?

4chan culture is a cesspit, and anyone who actively courts a 4chan audience is knowingly playing with fire with full knowledge of the consequences.

AO Cody

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Keep in mind that she may have very well fucked over a number of people for life in VERY recent memory. Like we aint talking about stuff that happened 10 years ago, we are talking about fairly recent events. Generally when we look through any individuals criminal history or similar actions what ends up changing is their methods, their priorities. If she went this far 3 years ago in my opinion there is no way she is a different person. Thats just not how people work.
Again, depends on how young she was. When you're a minor you're virtually an entirely different person in just one or two years, especially in your teenage years when you're a cocktail of hormones, and especially when you throw in mental illness into that cocktail.

If Kiki is her attempt to start over, I say let her start over. See how she does. if she's grown up and gotten better, fantastic. VTubing is no stranger to improving the lives of mentally ill women. If not, she'll fall into Mikeneko Hell and that'll be that.

EDIT: lol this thread was about Ralph for like 1/3 of the OP despite the thread title.


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Again, depends on how young she was. When you're a minor you're virtually an entirely different person in just one or two years, especially in your teenage years when you're a cocktail of hormones, and especially when you throw in mental illness into that cocktail.

If Kiki is her attempt to start over, I say let her start over. See how she does. if she's grown up and gotten better, fantastic. VTubing is no stranger to improving the lives of mentally ill women. If not, she'll fall into Mikeneko Hell and that'll be that.

EDIT: lol this thread was about Ralph for like 1/3 of the OP despite the thread title.
The toddlercon clip (and the rest of the fetish rating stream) is from December 26th 2023. There's no way she's "grown up" in less than 6 months lmao.


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Apparently these are gunji's is arrest records, who was one of the people she was fucking

I wasn't able to actually confirm these because when I try to put his name in the court records nothing comes up
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AO Cody

Go read Cloudscratcher
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If she wants to start over, let her start over. Even the leaked Discord chat says her life was fucked. If she's making a go for something better, it'd be sociopathic not to let her and just force her back into whatever dark hole she's trying to crawl out of. And I ain't judging over any fetish rating stream purely because those streams are always degenerate cancer-fests when anyone does them (which is far too often imo). Keep that shit private.

But if she just turns out to be a crab in that dark hole trying to pull everyone else down with her, then to hell with her. If she is gonna get better, it's gonna be from building something, making friends, and acquiring a support system. You kick that ladder out from under her, and you're guaranteeing she goes right back to her bullshit, if not worse.

She's been doing fine as Kiki so far, so let's wait and see.


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If she wants to start over, let her start over. Even the leaked Discord chat says her life was fucked. If she's making a go for something better, it'd be sociopathic not to let her and just force her back into whatever dark hole she's trying to crawl out of. And I ain't judging over any fetish rating stream purely because those streams are always degenerate cancer-fests when anyone does them (which is far too often imo). Keep that shit private.

But if she just turns out to be a crab in that dark hole trying to pull everyone else down with her, then to hell with her. If she is gonna get better, it's gonna be from building something, making friends, and acquiring a support system. You kick that ladder out from under her, and you're guaranteeing she goes right back to her bullshit, if not worse.

She's been doing fine as Kiki so far, so let's wait and see.
she tried to ruin several people's lives. she can't just say ops I'm sorry and move on from that, the evidence should be archived not memory holed


They expect one of us in the wreckage brother!
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Thankfully the soyfags and sektur people are focusing on kiki and not Mori. I hope they rape gator so much he fucks off from vtubing forever.


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Thankfully the soyfags and sektur people are focusing on kiki and not Mori. I hope they rape gator so much he fucks off from vtubing forever.
I hope all of them fuck off from vtubing forever

The Proctor

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:certifiedproctormoment:Future Proctor Here: This gay slapfight was brought to you by 'four hours of sleep and eighteen hours of drama' Proctor, and is not representative of my detailed opinions on this topic. Apology and a more nuanced take here. Remember folks, never go more than 50% 'Null on D-Day anniversary', and only in the company of responsible adults.

If she wants to start over, let her start over. Even the leaked Discord chat says her life was fucked. If she's making a go for something better, it'd be sociopathic not to let her and just force her back into whatever dark hole she's trying to crawl out of. And I ain't judging over any fetish rating stream purely because those streams are always degenerate cancer-fests when anyone does them (which is far too often imo). Keep that shit private.

But if she just turns out to be a crab in that dark hole trying to pull everyone else down with her, then to hell with her. If she is gonna get better, it's gonna be from building something, making friends, and acquiring a support system. You kick that ladder out from under her, and you're guaranteeing she goes right back to her bullshit, if not worse.

You are unironically simping right now. If this was a man, you'd be condemning them. Stop thinking with your dick, that is EXACTLY how these people get away with shit like this. Do you have any idea just how many times I've heard this same cope? Do you have any idea how many pieces of shit are active in the vtuber community right this very instant because of cope like this? No, you don't get to ruin people's lives, court an audience of unironic paedophiles, send nudes to people as blackmail material, proclaim yourself empress of the local sewage works, then get to go 'immm sowwwyyyy' and put it all behind you with no consequences.

Every day I have to wake up knowing there are psychopathic, manipulative monsters out there, taking advantage of innocent people and pissing all over their hopes and dreams, and it is idiots like you that make it impossible to expose them, because their victims know they will be forgiven and allowed second chances, while said victims themselves will be shunned and ostracized for 'making a fuss' and 'digging up old grudges'.

Again, for emphasis if this was a man you would be calling them a monster and screaming that they needed to be in jail.
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Gods Strongest Chiramigo
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You are unironically simping right now. If this was a man, you'd be condemning them. Stop thinking with your dick, that is EXACTLY how these people get away with shit like this. Do you have any idea just how many times I've heard this same cope? Do you have any idea how many pieces of shit are active in the vtuber community right this very instant because of cope like this? No, you don't get to ruin people's lives, court an audience of unironic paedophiles, send nudes to people as blackmail material, proclaim yourself empress of the local sewage works, then get to go 'immm sowwwyyyy' and put it all behind you with no consequences.

Every day I have to wake up knowing there are psychopathic, manipulative monsters out there, taking advantage of innocent people and pissing all over their hopes and dreams, and it is idiots like you that make it impossible to expose them, because their victims know they will be forgiven and allowed second chances, while said victims themselves will be shunned and ostracized for 'making a fuss' and 'digging up old grudges'.

Again, for emphasis if this was a man you would be calling them a monster and screaming that they needed to be in jail.
Did she really do anything that warrents this level of seething over someone wanting to give her a second chance, or is this just another Certified Proctor Moment?
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