It may be interesting as a matter of broadening our perspective...
> 用户理解并承诺,主播皮肤的设计方案不得存在任何以下类型的“动态预设动作”元素和设计方案:不得存在任何具有性暗示、性挑逗性质或擦边低俗色情的行为或表演,包括但不限于抚摸敏感部位、撩衣服、表演脱衣舞、模拟性姿势、展示诱惑动作、有走光风险的动作、互相抚摸等让人产生性幻想的动作等;
Avatars cannot have any sexual expressions, suggestive elements or performances, incl. but not lim. to touching sensitive parts, suggestive clothing, striptease, simulating sexual postures, enticing movements, or other elements and motions that entice the imagination in a sexual fashion.
> 不得存在任何暴露突出敏感部位,或进行任何诱导观众关注性敏感部位和性敏感衣物道具的行为,包括但不限于展示暗示性器官、提内衣、脱穿丝袜等;
No exposure of sensitive parts or enticing audience focus on sensitive parts, clothing or items, incl. but not lim. to suggestions of sexual organs, mentions of underwear, removing pantyhose, etc
> 不得存在利用Furry兽文化向虚拟形象进行任何具有性暗示、性挑逗性质或擦边低俗色情的行为或表演,包括但不限于交尾、抚摸肢体等色情或暧昧动作;
No furry culture ( :kekw

or its influence and no mentions of it, or such sexual performance, incl but not lim to crossing tails (??) touching th body and other intimate actions.
> 不得存在任何其他违反公序良俗的“动态预设动作”的元素和设计方案。
No other performance or elements which disrupt public morals. (VAGUE)
> 用户理解并承诺,皮肤的设计方案不得存在任何可能造成观众不良反应的元素和设计方案:
Users (streamers) understand and promise that the avatar and its usage do not contain elements that cause the audience to have immoral reactions.
> 不得使用昆虫、密集恐惧症等可能引起观众不适宜的内容或元素;
No usage of insects (rip juniper), or phobia inducting elements which can cause ill feelings/reactions in the audience.
> 不得使用恶搞、恶趣味、特意扮丑或讽刺他人等元素;
No malicious pranks, ill taste, or intentional denigration or mockery of others in elements of design.
> 不得故意突出或只有手部、脚部、腰部及敏感部位等;
No intentionally exposing (Emphasizing?) hand, waist, feet and other sensitive parts (a little confusion on my parts here; I think you can't tease just a body part)
> 不得使用其他任何可能造成观众不适、或潜在会引起观众不适的设计方案。
No use of anything else to cause the audience discomfort, overtly or subtly
> 用户理解并承诺,皮肤的设计方案不得违反主播直播规范中关于“主播着装和场景”的规范,具体包括但不限于以下类型的设计方案:
Users understand and promise the avatar's usage does not violate any of the <<Streamer Attire and Scenery Rules>> incl but not lim to below:
> 不得使用任何赤裸的设计方案;
No nudity
> 不得穿着情趣制服内衣(如透视装等)、内衣外穿、SM装束或印有低俗等不当图案的衣服等;
No wearing perceptible underwear with a sexual intent, wearing underwear outside, S/M gear or other low and unseemly clothing
> 不得刻意露出胸罩、底裤、内裤、丝袜、吊带内裤、吊袜带、肚兜、兜裆布等;
No intentionally exposing chest, underwear (?), underwear, pantyhose, suspender underwear, garter belt, (2 kinds of traditional Chinese innerwear its the same idea) etc
> 男性主播皮肤不得仅穿着三角或四角及类似内衣的服装,且裤腰不得低于胯骨;
Male streamer avatars must not wear 3 point or 4 point underwear (no speedos) and the waist shall not be below the hip bone
> 女性主播皮肤的背部的裸露部位不得超过上半部的三分之二以上即腰节线以上;
Female streamer avatar back exposure shall not expose more than 2/3 of the upper back, above the waist line
> 女性主播皮肤的下装腰部应当穿到骨盆以上,短裙或短裤下摆不得高于臀下线;
Female streamer avatar lower wear shall cover up and over the hip bone; shorts and skirts cannot be above the lower hip line
> 女性主播皮肤的胸部裸露面积不得超过的胸部三分之一,上装最低不得超过胸部三分之一的位置;
Female streamer chest exposure shall not exceed 1/3 of chest, lowest point of upper clothing shall not be lower than 1/3 of the distance from top of chest
> 不得存在其他形式裸露或刻意露出性敏感部位的元素和设计方案。
Other forms of sexual exposure are similarly prohibited.
> 用户理解并承诺,主播皮肤的设计方案不得违反法律、法规以及其他规范性文件以及哔哩哔哩其他平台规则。举例如下:
Users understand and promise no elements of the avatar's usage and design elements violate laws and bilibili platform rules such as blow:
> 禁止模仿、丑化或亵渎国家、政治人物、历史人物、革命英雄等人物形象;
Imitation of or mockery of the country, political and historical figures, heroes of the revolution etc
> 禁止使用违法、暴力惊悚、色情低俗、广告营销等元素;
No depictions of law breaking, violence and shock, sexual, and commercial advertisement in elements of the avatar (they mention earlier to go through bilibili business management for commercial collaborations)
> 禁止使用国家党政机关、事业单位、国内外军政等制服或元素;
No depictions of national, military or party offices, positions, military uniforms in the avatar design
> 禁止使用封建迷信、反动、邪教类等元素;
No use of pre-revolutionary superstitious elements, seditious elements, or forbidden religious elements
> 禁止使用赌博工具、性用品、内衣等涉及不雅违禁的内容物品作为表演道具;
No use of gambling tools, sex toys, clothing and other immoral items as props (rip m0istcr1tikal)
> 禁止使用色情元素内容,如黄油、高潮脸等;
No use of content with a sexual nature
> 禁止其他违反中国法律、法规以及其他规范性文件以及哔哩哔哩其他平台规则的设计方案。
No elements that violate other Chinese law and bilibili platform rules
> 用户理解并承诺,主播皮肤的设计方案仅使用用户原创或取得合法授权的元素或设计方案,不得使用任何未获得授权的元素。若涉及第三方授权的,用户应当在直播间显著位置或简介处注明授权来源。授权元素包括但不限于:人物的肖像;商标、著作物等;其他第三方持有权利的元素。
Users understand and promise the avatar and its use does not contain elements in violation of trademark and copyright.