Wonders AI Offkai staff, whatever you did for Hime's show, you should have just done that for Shiina. Whoever was monitoring (or supposed to be) the stream or OBS should not be allowed to do so ever again. It is in-fucking-conceivable for you to fuck up THAT BAD and then be totally fine an hour later. Doesn't matter if it was severe ignorance and negligence or if it was deliberate, YOU FUCKED HER OVER. She has been up late at nights for a month practicing and you fucked her over. She can't say anything about it herself but don't expect the fans to forget this grievance. You can not just sorry this away.
Edit: According to Wonders AI, it was not their set up but the Venues and they could not set it up or control it themselves, the venue staff did not set it it up until 10 minutes before Shiina's showtime and it resulted in the malfunctions that Wonders AI was not actually able to do anything about. They were also unable to pospone or reschedual Shiina's show,.

Yeah it was also funny in a cursed way, but Shiina will never see it that way and she has to just take the L in silence.