"Don't use tik-tok it's stupid, it's a waste of... everything"Nanashi Mumei

The Offkai 2024 Blacklisting Debacle (and other possible scandals)

The Proctor

Manager Arc Unlocked?
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Lovebug Proctologist
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Offkai Expo is a vtuber convention that has been running since 2022, and has become one of the more prominent vtuber conventions in the Western world, despite a relatively small annual physical attendance of around 1.5-2.5 thousand people a year.

It is also run by extremely pathetic leftist cuckolds who will slavishly platform abusive psychopaths such as Marina of VT_Rainbow because they are members of the LGBTQIA2SMSNBBCOMGROFL community, while attempting to blacklist people such as Pipkin Pippa and Kirsche Verstahl for having spicy takes on Twitter.

There was originally not going to be a thread about Offkai because I felt that it would likely be localized to simply the Kirsche thread. However, since she went live and discussed her blacklisting (timestamped) an enormous number of people have come out to support her and condemn Offkai, while many people have begun resurrecting old controversies about the convention and drawing lines in the sand over this incident.

I therefore feel it's worth a dedicated thread, just to keep everything together in one place. I will be updating this OP with archives of relevant information soon, likely in imgur or google drive formats as there are a vast number of tweets and images, which we don't have the storage space to reliably hold onto.


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Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
Offkai Expo is a vtuber convention that has been running since 2022, and has become one of the more prominent vtuber conventions in the Western world, despite a relatively small annual physical attendance of around 1.5-2.5 thousand people a year.
It's literally the only one if you don't count Holofes (Nijifes isn't a convention).

Superduper Samurai

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The great Amy Schumer of akkad vs Commiefornia conflict of 2024.
It will not be fought with weapons but :mikothumbsl: and bait, with a gay british man leading the charge for his fox waifu

famous artist pipkun

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Mindflayer and Master Baiter
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The great Amy Schumer of akkad vs Commiefornia conflict of 2024.
It will not be fought with weapons but :mikothumbsl: and bait, with a gay british man leading the charge for his fox waifu
in a lot of ways offkai 2024 is like proctor's first meltdown of 2023. we lost a lot of good posters over kirsche drama.


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It's literally the only one if you don't count Holofes (Nijifes isn't a convention).
There's also Vtuber Expo this year. It's in the UK (they still count as Western, right?)


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It's literally the only one if you don't count Holofes (Nijifes isn't a convention).
And for a reason. Existing anime/weeb conventions often already offer a space for a wide variety of niches all loosely connected by "anime", so adding VTubers is a natural evolution. Exhibitors can make use of an established visitor base and organizers can broaden their target audience, sell more tickets and offer more for their guests.

The Peanut Gallery

New year, same insanity🕯️👁️
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FlaVRs Niicola has dropped an AI distrack about this


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Elara's there with Lucid. She said she's denied a panel there but not blacklisted it seems. Don't know her content



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You can gleam a lot about your character by looking at the people rushing to your rescue. I could be very confident in my position, but once only Proctor, Rev and some other choice grifters come to my help, I would assume I did something wrong along the way.
I mean it's entertainment industry and someone getting blocked for not being left enough.

Only truly close friends and grifters will come out publicly in support in such situations. Close friends because not caring what damage to their possible connections and reach, and grifters just trying to find another thing to latch onto. Even in the case of close friends, I doubt Kirsche would hold it against some of them for just keeping quiet and doing their business stuff. Like say Pippa, doubt she wants Pippa to start shit with Offkai.

Also how much and where you get support can mean fuck all. Look at the outpouring from practically the entire indie scene that Kenji got, when if you scratched beyond the surface of that at all you'd be a bit more cautious of him.

What's the point of the Offkai thread if I'm having to read through like 8 pages of arguing about it on the general thread?
Because no janny sweep yet. So people don't bother quoting from general and replying in the containment thread.


We have some serious streams to discuss 🔨
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Nene's Pet Latinx
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It must be a cultural thing.

Every single brit I run across has this mantra plastered over him or herself. What I typically do is "sure thing pal, give me a moment I'm off to the toilet to deposit a politcal statement".

I don't think this creed is particularly as damaging as "greed is good" or "fuck you got mine" but recent year happenings have shown to me that there are a lot of screwed up people who should not be getting on that soapbox.
Idk, honestly I find it hard to be panicked about "le cooltoore war".
I come from a third-world shithole where real issues still exist, my stance has always been to not debate politics because political people don't give a shit about what you want to say, they are dead set on one side of beliefs and that's it, it's honestly closer to religion than anything actually academic at this point.

The Proctor

Manager Arc Unlocked?
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Lovebug Proctologist
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Don't know her content

Tits, tits, tits, tits, tits, THERE ARE RACISTS IN THE VTUBER COMMUNITY, tits, tits, tits, tits, tits, tits, tits, tits, tits, im definitely not a man with a voicechanger also tits


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Joined:  Apr 14, 2023
Tits, tits, tits, tits, tits, THERE ARE RACISTS IN THE VTUBER COMMUNITY, tits, tits, tits, tits, tits, tits, tits, tits, tits, im definitely not a man with a voicechanger also tits
Stop promoting your stream content. This isn't the place for that.


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Joined:  Oct 1, 2023
To expound on my previous snarky meme because I feel it's wrong to just dump it and leave;

I have spent twenty years in online communities by now. I was on the internet when I was ten years old, and I'm now nearly 32.

In all that time, I have never once, ever, under any circumstances, ever seen a non-political community. It is a myth, it doesn't exist. It is a fantasy. This is a political community, defined by moral principles that automatically fall into the libertarian and right-of-center political brackets. Trying to ignore that reality is completely and totally delusional.

You don't have to like it, you don't have to engage with it. You can just talk about vtubers, that's fine. I don't ask you to do any more than that. But do not indulge in the absurdist, nonsensical and laughable concept that there is any such thing as a community without principles. I say principles instead of politics because the latter is simply the act of social engineering upon the basis of the former.

Vtubing, tabletop roleplaying, electronic gaming, anime, battletech, warhammer, MMORPGs, gundam, etc... these hobbies are all under active, sustained attack by outside forces seeking to use social engineering to force you to change your opinions and attitudes to better conform to their own desired versions.

The proponents of these versions will chase you relentlessly everywhere you go. Until you stand up to them, they will never stop. They will attack you, your friends, your family, your heroes, your icons, etc. They will re-write history before your eyes, and when you get angry and burnt out and retreat to another medium that you enjoy more, they will come after you and try to re-write that, too.

The fact of the matter is that escapism is dead, because escapism is passive and conservative, and conservatives have never conserved anything.

I am not political. I hate and despise politics. If you have ever voted for any party in your life, you are a fool. They all hate you and want to destroy you, just with varying degrees of intensity and desired speeds of destruction. What I am, however, is principled. My principles tell me to stand up to inveterate, unprincipled liars who want to destroy the mediums I love and will never stop unless they are dragged out, kicking and screaming. To do that I need to tell others about my principles. If that means I piss them off, then they can go find escapism elsewhere, and hide in their holes as earth is shovelled on top of them by the change agents that they deliberately chose to ignore until it was far, far too late.

Every single person I have ever met who has had the 'I just want to game/watch anime/enjoy my cartoons/etc in peace, man' mental outlook has become more jaded, cynical, miserable and delusional over time. Without exception. They do the same thing over and over; pick something they like, try and ignore the invaders and sit there in an ever-shrinking bubble of supposedly 'non-political' buddies until everything they ever loved about the thing has been subverted out from under them. Then they have a breakdown, rant about just wanting to be left alone, and find another hobby. So the change agents merrily traipse after them, delighted that they've found such a willing, submissive beast of burden, who will constantly lead them to greener pastures for them to rape barren and destroy, safe in the knowledge he will never do more than passively whine and cringe into a tighter and tighter ball on the ground.

Then when he's retracted fully, they can just stick the lever under him and pry him off the last sprout of green grass they want to spray pesticide over, before shooing him away to scout out a new hobby for them to destroy.

They will not stop, ever, until you either stand up for your principles, or you kill yourself. Those are the only two options on the table.

Nothing stands unless you defend it.
Please move all the offkai shit from general thread.

And I'm just dropping this here. Going by this very logic of yours. Kirsche is the original invader by bringing politics into the space. You are calling people who you like "early adopters" and people who you don't like "invaders" and us who tolerated the existence of kirsche "bystanders"

It doesn't matter which side of the politics they are being on, left or right, both of them are invaders to the majority of vtubing community.

Offkai did a great job at removing the first one and I hope they starts remove the other too. Every other cons should start removing kirsche and every other politic spergs vtuber out there and I hope fans unsubscribe from them until they drop the politics shit.

It wont be happening but that's what I hope.
Just know that everything you said about "invaders" applies to kirsche and that's what this community is telling you. Keep the politic shit off the people who dont want to. But if you want us to be involved the first one we target and drive off the community is going to be mrs. right.
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my pronouns are re/tard/fag/got
Joined:  Jan 4, 2024
I guarantee this is less motivated by politics, and one of the sponsors/advertisers were threatening to pull out. I've worked with a few cons, and they worry about this a lot because it can make or break a convention. Especially one as small as offkai.

If you are asking "why would an advertiser/sponsor pull out". 90% of advertisers and marketers are from/in California. It doesn't take much to connect the dots from kirsche's content to why some fucks in Cali wouldn't like her stuff. It just wouldn't be "brand friendly":smugpipi:


menhera addicted sister
Pipproject Producer
Joined:  Jun 21, 2023
Elara's there with Lucid. She said she's denied a panel there but not blacklisted it seems. Don't know her content
E-whore, like the following.

Can a janny pull this one here as well? Case and point.

It really do feel like that "I'm not owned" meme.

Brosnan Pierce Brosnan

God's Strongest Smartass
Dizzy's Husband
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Anyone who sincerely believes that they will remove any of the lefty twats are either being disingenuous or havent been paying attention in the last ten years of Western history

And we are blaming Kircshe for bringing politics into vtubing when Mana exists? Please, get real
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The Pontiff of PonWolf
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Joined:  Sep 10, 2022

Now can we be mad Kirsche isn't allowed? I get not wanting politics in your convention regardless of side but I'm fine with allowing anyone there as long as they leave this shit at the door and I doubt Kirsche's panel was some redpilled anti woke panel or they never would have accepted it in the first place

As for kirsche's personal content I will always be more accepting of politics from the right not because I agree with it but because there is actual risk involved speaking up and I'm more inclined to believe you are genuine unlike left shit like the above that is the status quo and you get asspats for it by the mainstream just for virtue signaling it's an easy way to get fame and it's 9/10 disingenuous af


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As if one needed any more proof that she has the worst bunch backing her team, King Grifter Legal Mindset has thrown his hat in the ring, making the bold assumption that not having a brand risk controversy magnet on a panel is a bad business decision. I wonder what he said about Nijisanji not being able to go...

Not being satisfied with giving bad business advice, he then goes on to make the sloppiest attempt at summoning a slippery slope fallacy I've ever seen.

Poyoyo & Jill

Joined:  Jul 9, 2023
If i got everything right they are just banning Kir because she doesnt a corpo or a 3rd party to back her up right?
Because they problaby tried the same shit with others but didnt work because they had someone behind them
If thats the case then this is just a pretty easy example of why a established indie vtuber would need any kind of help just from extra protection agains shit like this
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