Regarding the Commerce section being the most fucked up, I am sure it is the retarded decision of the KuroEN management. They have absolutely no fucking idea how to handle the merch sales
For example, a post that i briefly mentioned about Taiwan Luca and Shu meeting last week:
If you only limited your fucking merch sales for the attendees on site (I am sure not only in Taiwan, but around the world as well), how the fuck you could pump your Commerce value??
Besides that, Kuro company official merchs are like recycling trashes: same old shit, but slapped with different artist's artwork.
Meanwhile, HololiveEN/JP selling their merch like hot cakes.
Remember the Gura IPASS card and her tail pillow? They are not limited merch or only in Taiwan. You could FUCKING BUY IT ONLINE across the GLOBE (oh yeah, you have to pay the shipping fees, but thats not the point)
🔥鯊皇魅力持續發威,好評加開 ദ്ദി 預購活動延長至4/3 越快下單,越快收到可愛的鯊鯊! 🔱四款壽司被被 絕對要整套收藏! 🔱Gawr Gura 甜甜睡姿+Q萌小手 趕快抱緊處裡 🔱一卡通便利生活 讓Gawr Gura融入你的生活中ˊ˗ ⏰預購日期 2/19~3/24 ,限時不限量! 🔊 全台壽司郎2/19-3/24實體展示中 🔊 同步開放台/港/澳地區購買 ※四款全包為每款各一隻,恕無法指定款式。
🔥鯊皇魅力持續發威,好評加開 ദ്ദി 預購活動延長至4/3 越快下單,越快收到可愛的鯊鯊! 🦈最萌甩尾!來自亞特蘭提斯的禮物 🦈壽司郎 X Gawr Gura主題店期間限定 ⏰預購日期 2/19~3/24 ,限時不限量! 🔊同步開放台/港/澳地區購買 ※因物流材積限制,僅提供宅配,抱枕恕不開放與同系列其他商品一同下單,單筆訂單限購1顆,第2顆起需另下一筆訂單。
I bought the Gura IPASS set (all 4), and a pillow tail for my wife without any sweat
NijiEN merch? Good luck in getting one FUCKING TICKET to join their event before you could even spend money on merch