Millie: For those worried about Ms. Pendora...she is surrounded by people, so do not worry. She's uh, she's okay. She's takin' care of herself. She's surrounded by people who loves her. And um...she's just know, just uh, taking it easy. Hopefully she'll uh, come back soon ya know?
Chat: Thank you for the Wiwa update.
Millie: Yeah, we hung out a little bit...a few days ago. On Hangouts, so...She's okay. Kind of. *millie nervously chuckles* She's just trying to, uh, yeah, rest a little bit, she's okay.
Chat: She'll be fine. She'll get through this.
Millie: Oh. Yeeaaahhh, I meaaannnn. *Takes a few moments* I'll always be with Ms. Pendora whatever happens, so--
Chat: It's such a relief.
Millie: Yeah! ...I love her still so, I'll be there.