"I'm gonna eat the Sun! NOM"Dokibird

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>POSTED IN r/NijiStatistics

That is the secret of numberfagging. You dont do anything by yourself. I did make a few chart before though

Aquatic Novellite

Merry Shiorin
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Migoed Helmet

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I posted that exact chart 4 times already so i didnt want to do it anymore. Probs in this thread too.:inatiredl:
But here if you want it. Jan to june. Abit outdated because doesnt feature july
Notable july bump:
Vox + $14k over 2 3d +3d after talk stream
Shu + $1.9k on his 3d aftertalk stream. Idk
why his 3d is actually 0 whether hololyzer failed to capture it or superchat was turned off.

It is a case of both people being right rather than arguing. The other guy was right. Vox is pulling in good ccv and money. But he also isn't.

We just looked at 2 pov and i just wanted to point out scale and aia doing alright. And the first 3 gen doing terrible. Rather than a pre-illuna vs post-illuna it's more like male livers + illuna vs everyone else.
Ok, that is definitely a good take then and I appreciate you bringing it up. I assumed we were just seeing the same stuff from different angles, so it's good that you feel the same way. As for Shu's numbers, I'm seeing 2.1k USD for his 3D retrospective and 9.1k for the 3D itself. Here are the images, since direct links to the info apparently don't do it for people:
Screenshot 2024-07-21 at 21-07-11 23SC_A_u4Qsi_tH4yk.png

3D recap in yen

Screenshot 2024-07-21 at 21-09-12 23SC_A_U6Zw6PG3BiE.png

3D debut in yen

Not sure where the number discrepancies are coming from if you're seeing 1.9k and not getting the 3D debut stuff, I may have to reconsider using hololyzer as a source if it's not consistent tbh. Kind of worrying, and changing my exit node for other sites is a pain in the ass on my setup... :painpeko:


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On the topic of superchats, how much did Rosemi and Petra get from the anniversary?

The 3rd anniversary stream on Rosemi's channel got 7,477 JPY (47.49 USD) while Petra's handcam stream for 3rd anniversary got 15,819 JPY (100.48 USD).

I absolutely wouldn't blame them if they graduated.
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God's Strongest Dragoon

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It is a case of both people being right rather than arguing. The other guy was right. Vox is pulling in good ccv and money. But he also isn't streaming.
I assumed we were just seeing the same stuff from different angles, so it's good that you feel the same way.
This is why you retards are suppose to post exact numbers when you have a disagreement regarding your numberfagging. You fucking retards were arguing the similar viewpoint but different sides of the argument:
-Vox pulls in money but he doesn't stream enough to capitalize on it
-Scarle doesn't have as high as a pull as Vox but streams way more and becomes the #1 earner because of it
For 2024 up to June:
-Vox had 17 streams for $37,904 ($14,782.97 from his two 3D debut streams[3D debut+zatsu afterparty])(average of $2,229.64 per stream or $1,541.40 if you don't count the 3D stream)
-Scarle had 175 streams for $107,516 (average of $614.37 per stream)
The real kicker for Vox wasn't the 3D debut but the afterparty for 1,427,106 JPY ($9,073.46)

For comparison, the girls of TTT are suffering with only 6k in superchats for only half a year. Sure, numberfags often don't include memberships and VODs but that's a huge dearth. The real big loser is Yu Q. Wilson with only 5k but what makes it even more embarrassing is his stream count to theirs
-Kunai had 65 streams
-Vivi had 77 streams
-Yu had 88 streams
Shoutout to Twisty for streaming 63 times in June (~40 of them were after she got monetization) and she pulled in 2.2k
On the topic of superchats, how much did Rosemi and Petra get from the anniversary?
The 3rd anniversary stream on Rosemi's channel got 7,477 JPY (47.49 USD) while Petra's handcam stream for 3rd anniversary got 15,819 JPY (100.48 USD).
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I Wanna Die

Don't do drugs, blow all your money on vtubers
Joined:  Nov 15, 2023
All these numbers are gonna be off by potentially $1000s per month because Niji also has stream elements for donation options. Sometimes they do special streams that have commands and stuff that only work through it. Scarle usually recieves a couple thousand a month any given month from it. Here's her July so far.


Also memberships. Some get way more gifted members than others.

Nigel Nigerman

Ore wa...
Joined:  Dec 22, 2022
Another Niji Organ bites the dust. Reposting from General.
Another day, another Niji graduation

No idea who he is but he's the same gen as Mito from what I've read.


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So, I've done this shit a couple times now since "The Selen Incident" (copyright @tgmslc). There are several trends that have become the norm in Niji's Supa income and their CCV counts. Girls in general are doing much worse than the guys, all post-Illuna debuts are struggling to match their senpai's numbers, and numbers overall have been declining since the beginning of 2023 (whether because of Zaion, or Yugo, or 2% merch reveal, or whatever, we don't really have a smoking gun singular reason that we can immediately pinpoint). Post-Selen trends that I've seen and posted about here have been a steady decline in sub numbers and a fairly significant reduction in overall superchat income. Woo-hoo, evil defeated, we did it guys! The big bad corporation has been defeated.... right?

Not quite. There's a big fucking elephant in the room, and I'm not talking about Fulgur.

Luxiem still exists. :calivomit:

And as it turns out, even though Luxiem is losing subs, viewers, and CCV like the rest of NijiEN, they're still doing pretty decently for themselves. With all of the remaining members having 3D debuts out except for Luca (which is mildly interesting for reasons I'll go into) this seems like a decent time to break down some of what's going on with Riku's 4 Horsemen of the Gay-pocalypse.

Let's start with the first Horseman: Bland Japanese Nepotism, or as the kids call him, Shu Yamino. Shu never really got the insane numbers that Vox, Luca, and even Mysta were able to pull. Shu was always the behind-the-scenes guy, who could set up tech for people and speak Japanese to managers, and it shows in his overall numbers. Let's take his top ten superchatted streams from Hololyzer* as an example. He's certainly got a couple big streams in there, but even Sonny and Fulgur have historically outperformed him. However, did you notice something interesting? Shu's day to day numbers are certainly down, but.... his "event" streams in 2024 still performed pretty well. His 3D did great compared to almost all of his streams in 2023, his 2024 birthday did decently, and the post AR-Live Luxiem collab on Shu's channel also made a good chunk of change. That AR Live one in particular is ONLY including superchats, not event income from all those idiots in the comments saying stuff like:

View attachment 74115

Yes, I'm using Hololyzer a lot for examples in this post, because I got tired of ripping Playboard and then waiting for a day, and if I used Playboard for everything in this post no one would be able to read the sources for the whole thing without the website locking them out. Hololyzer doesn't include most of 2022 for Luxiem, so it ISN'T a reliable total. Treat it as a list for comparison's sake, NOT a comprehensive list of highest superchatted streams.

Just something to keep in mind as we go on to the Second Horseman...

Retardation, or Luca Kaneshiro. Luca, more than any current member of Luxiem, has lost his 2022 mojo. Let's look at his Playboard page really quick. This retard made 44 grand on his combined 2022 birthday streams for example, compared to barely 10k for his 2024 birthday streams. His day to day streams, when he has them, make even less. He also hasn't announced a date for his 3D either (the only member of Luxiem without one yet). Apparently it's coming out SOON (tm), but I personally find it interesting that the Luxiem member who has a personal scandal with screenshots of him shit-talking his boss is the one who gets to be last on the 3D debut totem pole even though he has historically been much more successful than anyone not named Vox. His responses to people's questions about it in the stream timestamp above also seem a little... off to me. Why does he need to "do his best" to get a 3D debut when the other 3 have been recorded and announced already, for example? Is he fucking off rather than recording, or is something else afoot? If you keep listening, it really doesn't sound like the details have been finalized at all. I have questions, but it's a disservice to my brain to spend time thinking about retarded manchildren. just ignore the fact that I am making a Luxiem effortpost ok

That isn't necessarily the case for the Third Horseman, Betrayal. Ike Eveland didn't miss a beat after appearing in Elira's black screen video. The day after Valentine's he showed up, streamed the end of Danganronpa, and made 3 grand without missing a beat. His 3D did alright as well. And if you look at his overall Hololyzer numbers (which don't even include the 3D stream yet, might I add), there's a lot of 2024 on there. Certainly nothing compared to his Playboard, which includes all of his money from 2022. But Ike got out almost entirely unharmed after he fucked over Selen. So he lost some subs, boo hoo: money talks, and it doesn't look like any of his paypigs have left. Sure he never reached the heights that Vox or Luca did: but he's also managed to keep the fans he DID have.

And now, for the big (except where it matters) daddy of Luxiem himself: the Fourth Horseman, Bumfuckery. Lets be frank here: Vox has barely fucking streamed in 2024. Maybe that's due to Selen, and he was being disciplined behind the scenes for harassing another employee. His "break" started in January, which is after Selen attempted to commit Suisei but before his appearance in the black screen video. During the same period of 2023, Vox was streaming quite a bit, and a lot of it was ASMR. Sure, a lot of his streams in 2022 outperformed his 2023 streams on average: but unlike every other member of Luxiem, a lot of Vox's big streams from 2023 are on par with his 2022 content. Funnily enough a lot of them are his charity streams, where retarded women sent Vox superchats instead of giving to charity using the "google giving" button; man I wish I got sent 75k every time I told other people to give money to charity, what a fucking racket that would be.

ANYWAYS. Vox not streaming has certainly impacted his income. He also made half as much in his big 2024 streams as he did for his big streams in 2023. But he is still making a fuck-ton of money, even without ASMR and without streaming often. But he is still making more than everyone in the company who isn't in Luxiem or Noctyx, and Anycolor cannot afford to lose him or piss him off, especially now.

So what does all this shit actually mean?

First off, I will reiterate that a good chunk of Niji's financial issues were around before Selen attempted to end her life. Luca's income plummeted faster than Mysta's did in 2023, which is pretty fucking impressive given that Mysta LEFT in 2023. Shu has always kind of sucked, Ike has never made it back to his consistent 10k streams he had in 2022, and Vox mostly held out in 2023 thanks to his ASMR. But Luxiem's income was NOT particularly impacted on a stream by stream basis after the black screen stream.

Second off. I'm increasingly convinced that there are behind-the scenes shenanigans with both Vox and Luca. Luca would make sense, given what we know about the Raziel scandal. But the fact that Ike didn't stop streaming while Vox did after the black screen stream is suspicious to me. The timing of the whole thing is very noticable when you're looking at a comprehensive list of streams. Given Vox's BS in the black screen video and his sudden drop off the face of the earth after Selen's attempt (despite being the company's biggest moneymaker during the 2023 doldrums, might I add) I feel 100% confident in saying he was one of Selen's primary harassers. He never did explain why Selen felt the need to record a conversation with him, specifically.

Last thing: Luxiem is keeping Niji's streaming income alive at the moment*, and I'm sure that the group will be pushing events and 3D streams to keep the money flowing. Even if Luca is on the outs and barely streaming, Shu and Ike are still consistently making more money than their male peers (except for Sonny, I guess. Why the actual fuck do people watch Sonny I will never understand it). Hell, those two are arguably doing better now than they did in 2023. Meanwhile Vox is still the biggest draw in the company and would have helped their disastrous income report immensely if he hadn't "mysteriously" stopped streaming.

Right after Selen got out of the hospital and started negotiating her exit from Nijisanji.

...Seriously, 100 percent confident. :lumitenmakillhim:

*EDIT: This is apparently misleading/confusing, Luxiem is keeping Niji's large event income going, via 3D lives, 2D appearances, and Birthday/Event streams that eclipse every other Liver's Birthday/Event streams. On a day to day streaming basis there are other Nijis doing well for themselves.

Luca 3D this week would still fit the pattern. Vox' and Ike's were announced 5 days in advance, Shu's 6 days in advance.
As for Vox not streaming, he said that in addition to his break he moved house and installed a home 3D setup. He seems to be getting back to a regular schedule now.


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What helps her was that she was the ONLY liver to gain subscribers during "The Selen Incident". Mostly out of sympathy after she was perceived to be another victim of bullying (from the Aster leak).
Scarle's numbers are also kind of weird. She has lost a good chunk of CCV, but that could as much be a YT counting issue as anything else. Numbers in a lot of places on YT have been all over the place in the last year, so I'm concerned about direct 1 to 1 comparisons on a lot of things. Money, however, is at least a decent proxy. She might be the
All these numbers are gonna be off by potentially $1000s per month because Niji also has stream elements for donation options. Sometimes they do special streams that have commands and stuff that only work through it. Scarle usually recieves a couple thousand a month any given month from it. Here's her July so far.

View attachment 74162

Also memberships. Some get way more gifted members than others.
Because we lack data on it, we probably don't respect the potential of the Membership revenues for a lot of Vtubers. It can really skew the results of CCV compared to Revenue the streamer generates. However, one $100USD red super chat is worth 20 months of membership, so there's an interesting discussion to be had about the pushing for Subs vs Super Chats and the trade offs. But, well, no data, unless we get an Anycolor or Hololive accidental document leak.

Actually, thinking on it, we probably all know that when Anycolor goes down, the post-collapse legal stuff is going to be hilarious discovery.


basic ass man who loves the british funny woman
Joined:  Jun 7, 2023
Another Niji Organ bites the dust. Reposting from General.
Oof that's th original trap of the company

Guess I'll just get ready when iinchou moves on


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All I am saying is Niji should really get on with "Vox getting fucked in the ass by Riku and whole management team" ASMR idea. Put a video version on some other site too for maximum profit, it's not like his reputation or testosterone levels can get any lower. Or he would be outdone in earnings by a common whore and her coomer fans


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First, no. Second, :kaelagshgsh!:. Third, she's the only Nijisanji streamer that still occasionally crosses my YT Recommended. I think because of the regular hand cam type of streams, mostly as I've been getting a lot of Onigiri recs of late. So I had noticed she was normally in the 300 viewer range whenever I see it, which is why I'd looked it up in a previous post. She's lost a good chunk of CCV, going somewhere from the 550 to 350 range, but I also don't know if that's issues on YT's side making me think she's lost more than she had. Which is why I mentioned it, since we aren't quite sure how much we can trust those numbers.


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Has either of them ever really let slip the contract issue(s) they had hang ups about? Vesper/Randon leaving wasn't the most surprising thing, the fact he lasted the full first year is a bit surprising in hindsight. He's clearly not the type to work well under that type of structure, reminding me a lot of WW2 stories of dudes doing insane feats but you know they'd never function in a peace-time military setting. He's the kind of crazy you need to win a war, but not the type you normally want to keep around.

Magni/Lando screwed up. I think everyone gets that, at this point, and moving from YT to Twitch is a really good call for his audience issues. Though rather than making a Vtuber model, he really should do what probably no one else has ever attempted: actually go back to Cover. It would probably take some convincing, especially as we don't know how the relationship soured about the contracts, but it could easily work, from a business perspective, for both parties. Though considering the likely issue stemmed from Lando thinking way too highly of his appeal/audience, that might be far too much for his ego to absorb, even if it is likely a better business decision.
I made that because you abruptly ended your sentence at "she might be the"
Which you still hasnt told me the what. Was mommy the correct one.

Superduper Samurai

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I'm suddenly remembering a clip I saw once of a drunk-as-shit Vesper rambling about how "Mag is such a good kid" and "Magni reminds me of myself when I was younger" etc. and D can't help but wonder if that egotistical menhera bitch Vesper wrapped Magni up in an ego power-trip and fucked up both their negotiations.

Would explain a whole lot.
Randon has been much more professional than Lando in talking about why he left and why he wasnt a good enough fit for a company.
This just makes Vesper sound like a manipulating 100iq retard when he is just a menhera and Lando is an adult who made more than Vesper in his PL, and also has a clear chip on his shoulder from not making it big, Randon seemingly does not.
I have no clue about Randon since I refuse to watch him, since Randon reminds me of every IT middle manager I've worked with who is so far up their own ass that they're looking at what they had for dinner six hours ago.
Ah, that explains the wierd seethe
According to Doki, wasn't the recording a rejected take of a recording they took together? I assume he didn't mention that because it didn't fit his narrative he was spinning during the black screen stream.
The general theory/rrat was that they were shooting the shit during a recording for a project that never came to fruition and Vox blabbed about shit he shouldnt have, some think its about the "covid" tweet
In general id still think Luca is the most undeniably public case of autistic favoritism, there is no way all the shit that leaked is not violating an NDA of some kind
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Joined:  Feb 23, 2023
Randon has been much more professional than Lando in talking about why he left and why he wasnt a good enough fit for a company.
This just makes Vesper sound like a manipulating 100iq retard when he is just a menhera and Lando is an adult who made more than Vesper in his PL, and also has a clear chip on his shoulder from not making it big, Randon seemingly does not.
Ah, that explains the wierd seethe
The general theory/rrat was that they were shooting the shit during a recording for a project that never came to fruition and Vox blabbed about shit he shouldnt have, some think its about the "covid" tweet

In general id still think Luca is the most undeniably public case of autistic favoritism, there is no way all the shit that leaked is not violating an NDA of some kind
It seems that Anycolor is using the same logic as Sisters
"Uuuu he got groomed so He dindu nuffin, he's a good boy:faunacry:"


I left Kson
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Another day, another sister bites the dust.

Superduper Samurai

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