Like shit, people already won't watch debuts for new companies when they're on the platforms they already watch. What in Allah's dark name did this dumb motherfucker think would get people downloading a new app with no history and no other features?New tech isn't bad, but launching an app and new chubbas all at once seems like splitting your attentions too much.
If you don't have an iphone to watch these debuts on their shitty app one of the girls will be clipping ALL of the debuts.
Viruses are the least of your worries, shit is probably infested with Chinese spyware.Good luck on the debutants but this is FAILCITY from the start. Harry is a dumbass and him being a CEO ain't going to end well for this company.
I also ain't downloading that app, smells like it'll get your data anyways from Sunday. To the inmate who'll try to watch the shitshow:
Hope ya don't get any viruses from the experience.
>No dedicated managerHere's a reddit thread from somebody who allegedly got past screening. According to him:
He posted this image as proof.
- They weren't told many of the details after getting past screening.
- Streaming on other sites is "discouraged' and they're mainly focused on the Anilive app.
- Mainly focused on chatting streams, the company doesn't want gaming streams.
- None of the talents were told that the app would be iOS only, so Lulu presumably had to come up with all of these fixes last-minute until they get the app up and running on Android.
- The company pays for the model, but that's it. Everything else is on the talent aside from a few self-help resources.
Further mentioned in the thread, the "mentoring" they plan on providing was basically just Punkalopi and Filian giving them lectures a few months back. Really picked some masterful leaders in the industry there, guys.
Another screenshot:
(shamelessly plagiarized from this anon in /brg/ on /vt/, I just found the source)
"How do we avoid all those growth pains and the problems we've watched tons of other small groups and corpos go through?"Here's a reddit thread from somebody who allegedly got past screening. According to him:
He posted this image as proof.
- They weren't told many of the details after getting past screening.
- Streaming on other sites is "discouraged' and they're mainly focused on the Anilive app.
- Mainly focused on chatting streams, the company doesn't want gaming streams.
- None of the talents were told that the app would be iOS only, so Lulu presumably had to come up with all of these fixes last-minute until they get the app up and running on Android.
- The company pays for the model, but that's it. Everything else is on the talent aside from a few self-help resources.
Further mentioned in the thread, the "mentoring" they plan on providing was basically just Punkalopi and Filian giving them lectures a few months back. Really picked some masterful leaders in the industry there, guys.
Another screenshot:
(shamelessly plagiarized from this anon in /brg/ on /vt/, I just found the source)