I think you are understimating the reach of some of these dramatubers. Hell, most of them have more subs and viewers than the vast majority of small corpo talents. Also I would assume that given how sensitive some of the audiences are, I feel like some people might step back from it. Right now the narrative seems to be "muh death threats".I don't think they will lose much if anything at all, the only people who will really care about this are those that are heavily invested in drama fags. Those people don't actually watch vtubers and are casual borderline tourists at best, so nothing to lose from that.
Little message from Meeta after all the announcements honestly it's gonna be weird with her being the only member left now:
I wonder why she chose to stay.
That thought of them copying Ali on their emails was something that i thought about also. It is still possible for them to send a memo like this to their talents as them explaining the delay in graduations to their talents. Its stupid as hell given that they are basically admitting to a crime but I wouldnt put it past them to do it.I won't be surprised that leaker is Ali because retards forgot to remove her from mailing lists.
Or might be even some korean manager that found LM because of his Jonny Salami coverage (why the hell talents would be sent a memo about investor pulling out?)
Gen 6 came out after the Serafi incident but chances are that they signed their contracts before that happened. According to what LM has said about hte contract, most of it wouldnt hold up in court.I doubt anything on V&U's contract is enforceable in freedom land (or colder soon to be freedom land)