"I remember I had to make a speech about Babylon, and I kept pronouncing it 'baby-lonia, baby-lonia' in front of the whole class, and nobody stopped me until after I'd finished"IRyS
In my many years on the internet, one of the things that hit me the hardest from from one of those 'random confession' websites people would use in the mid 2010's. I will never forget one person wrote, "I joined a Yoga class and intentionally do the poses wrong so that the Yoga Instructor has to assist me in correcting them. I'm totally alone and have no one in my life, and I'm too shy/anxious to get a partner. This is the only thing I can do in my desperation to have any sort of human contact."
I know she's touch averse and such, but it feels like Pippa just needs someone in her life to care for her right now. And not even in like a romantic way. Just someone who cares, who might be a shoulder to cry on, who can keep her company when she needs it. I hope she finds some kind of stabilizing force in her life, she really needs one right now.
That reminds me of something. I knew a guy who loved going to strip clubs and he was in a relationship but it seemed like he didn't care about the girl he was with. I kept prodding him about it and the two answers I got for why he always wanted to go to a strip club and why he was with someone he clearly wasn't happy with, was that he didn't like being alone and he like the club because it was nice to just have a pretty woman talk to him. It took a bit to get that out of him, but it was very depressing and I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people were like that but didn't ever have to face that being the reality as no one bugged them about it until they gave an answer.
I wish there was something I could do to help the girl, but like everyone else there's nothing any of us Internet shmucks can do besides hope she gets someone who can take care of her in person.
a good night's sleep isn't going to make those thoughts go away that easily, this isn't the dime-a-dozen, attention-seeking self-deletion queries that we've all seen a million times over
for all intents and purposes, Pippa should be under watch/care indefinitely, and not just until everyone forgets last night's episode
because I have a very bad gut feeling that she'll try to keep this sort of thinking hidden until it's clear out of everyone's minds, before she tries anything again
I somewhat agree. Given the reaction, she might avoid saying or letting people know about it next time.
I don't know if you should address it but holy fuck you drop a bomb, shortly after go offline and suddenly pop up the next day as if nothing. I have never taken depression meds but some people say that they turn you into a bit of a zombie. I feel like that shit is a lie people tell themselves to trick themselves into not taking it.
I don't know if you should address it but holy fuck you drop a bomb, shortly after go offline and suddenly pop up the next day as if nothing. I have never taken depression meds but some people say that they turn you into a bit of a zombie. I feel like that shit is a lie people tell themselves to trick themselves into not taking it.
Maybe she is still processing what she did on stream and doesn't know how to properly react to it yet. Maybe she just wants us all to follow her lead in acting like nothing happened and let it blow over by itself. I think both are valid reactions at this point.
As for drugs, I haven't done them myself, but I've definitely heard the unfeeling zombie thing from people I trust. Not sure why it's incredulous that drugs designed to stop you from feeling certain emotions would also stop you from feeling other emotions. At any rate, my problem with them, and why I've never sought them out, is that, just like with alcohol, they can change the way you feel or the amount you care about a problem, but they don't make the problem go away, and in my case I had one or two problems that needed to be solved before I felt any better - and in my case drugs that made me feel more indifferent to those problems probably would have been an impediment to me solving them. That said, I've also heard from people whose lives were definitely changed for the better through drugs, so I'm not discounting them entirely. But they're definitely not a solution for everyone.
I don't know if you should address it but holy fuck you drop a bomb, shortly after go offline and suddenly pop up the next day as if nothing. I have never taken depression meds but some people say that they turn you into a bit of a zombie. I feel like that shit is a lie people tell themselves to trick themselves into not taking it.
Maybe she is still processing what she did on stream and doesn't know how to properly react to it yet. Maybe she just wants us all to follow her lead in acting like nothing happened and let it blow over by itself. I think both are valid reactions at this point.
As for drugs, I haven't done them myself, but I've definitely heard the unfeeling zombie thing from people I trust. Not sure why it's incredulous that drugs designed to stop you from feeling certain emotions would also stop you from feeling other emotions. At any rate, my problem with them, and why I've never sought them out, is that, just like with alcohol, they can change the way you feel or the amount you care about a problem, but they don't make the problem go away, and in my case I had one or two problems that needed to be solved before I felt any better - and in my case drugs that made me feel more indifferent to those problems probably would have been an impediment to me solving them. That said, I've also heard from people whose lives were definitely changed for the better through drugs, so I'm not discounting them entirely. But they're definitely not a solution for everyone.
She's probably just feeling embarrassed about drawing so much attention over it, I honestly wasn't expecting her to bring it up today.
re: meds, speaking from personal experience with antidepressants, the feeling like a zombie thing is an exaggeration. What they will do though is numb more extreme emotions which makes it easier to live your life without your more illogical roadblocks wearing you down emotionally, essentially giving you a bit more control. I can't speak for everyone because side effects are a potential risk of any medication, but I find a lot of people who've complained about antidepressants fall into one of two categories:
1) Giving up on it too early - the first ~2 weeks of being on meds will fuck with you and you'll probably go through every unpleasant physical symptom you can think of while your brain chemicals adjust to the change. It's hard to tell whether they're "working" until that intial shock's out the way, but it's easy for people to feel tired or sick after a few days and write it off entirely.
2) Expecting the meds alone to fix the problem - medication is a tool to help you get better, not a magic fix for your bad habits or unhealthy relationships. The idea is to take advantage of not having your low mood killing your energy level any more to do more with your life, which in turn will make you feel better.
I fully understand not trusting pharmaceutical companies (especially after the multiple very convenient COVID strains...) and if people would feel more comfortable trying to push through on their own I can respect that, but if your low mood is genuinely overwhelming to the point where it's inhibiting you it's worth thinking about.
I somewhat agree. Given the reaction, she might avoid saying or letting people know about it next time.
I don't know if you should address it but holy fuck you drop a bomb, shortly after go offline and suddenly pop up the next day as if nothing. I have never taken depression meds but some people say that they turn you into a bit of a zombie. I feel like that shit is a lie people tell themselves to trick themselves into not taking it.
Further sperging: one of the guys I mentioned earlier that blew his brains out with a revolver had a brother who blew his brains out about 5 years ago. My buddy was flirting with committing Minecraft for 30 years, as I said, but walking in on his brother's body planted that final seed in his head IMO. Even then, "help" only got him through 5 more years before he wrote a peppy joke-filled suicide note last fall, posted it to Facebook, called the cops, and shot himself with the same revolver his brother had used. Yes, you get the suicide weapon back when the PD is done with it if you want it. There was no trigger for this, no warning, no special occasion. The note was not a cry for help. He just picked a random day like any other and said, "you know what, fuck it, this is the day". He called the cops first because he knew that nobody could stop him anyway and this way his landlady or loved ones wouldn't have to find him or see it. He was dead within minutes of making the post and the phone call.
Important takeaways: no, a cry for help doesn't mean you aren't going to do it or aren't serious. That's mostly a woman thing, unironically. It's tempting to think "if they were really going to do it, they wouldn't tell everyone their intent". Sometimes that's true, often it's not and I have seen it go both ways. My BFF walked in on her teenage daughter hanging from the ceiling with every pill in the house in her stomach 2 years ago and that girl was super morbid and joked about shit like that all the time but internet bullying lead her to very suddenly make an actual, hardcore attempt that only failed due to a freak chance. A girl who joked about suicide for years to the point nobody thought she would ever actually do something like that. You simply DO NOT have the least fucking idea, ever, what someone is capable of and will or won't do, or when. Ever.
You just have to take any hints seriously, and watch for whatever classic warning signs that you do see. Some people want to die to make pain stop, or because they just don't have a future. Sometimes (usually) it's a permanent solution to a temporary problem, other times it's a solution to a permanent or unsolvable problem. Which life is full of. A man with $200,000 in medical bills after a failed spinal surgery that left him unable to lift weights or care for his horses or ride his Harley, with no future that isn't decades of agonizing pain just to get out of bed? Not a surprise when he shoots himself, in retrospect. I thought he was too much of a tough guy badass to admit defeat like that and that's what I'll say to his face in Valhalla some day. But I understand. A young girl with her whole life ahead of her, or a guy with a new fiancée and nice place and everything going well? The thing is, they felt just the same as the first guy in the moment they did what they did. I understand them too.
Whether Pippa's career as a tuber can get bigger than 10K views or some shit? Utterly irrelevant. She knows better than anyone here that it's illogical. Logic doesn't matter. And Pippa you're not alone, there are people who definitely get it and feel similar shit. Find some and hang out, you don't even have to talk to them about anything.
I do want to say, I've been watching Pippa since the Hermitology saga, and Handcam streams are my favorite content yet. We get to see a very rare, more real, everyday Pippa, rather than Entertainer Pippa.
But I also like that she isn't planning on doing them too often. Once a week is just fine.
Maybe she is still processing what she did on stream and doesn't know how to properly react to it yet. Maybe she just wants us all to follow her lead in acting like nothing happened and let it blow over by itself. I think both are valid reactions at this point.
As for drugs, I haven't done them myself, but I've definitely heard the unfeeling zombie thing from people I trust. Not sure why it's incredulous that drugs designed to stop you from feeling certain emotions would also stop you from feeling other emotions. At any rate, my problem with them, and why I've never sought them out, is that, just like with alcohol, they can change the way you feel or the amount you care about a problem, but they don't make the problem go away, and in my case I had one or two problems that needed to be solved before I felt any better - and in my case drugs that made me feel more indifferent to those problems probably would have been an impediment to me solving them. That said, I've also heard from people whose lives were definitely changed for the better through drugs, so I'm not discounting them entirely. But they're definitely not a solution for everyone.
Most mass shooters are wind-up toys on anti-depressants. Why? Because when you put shit into your brain it fucks you up and makes you susceptible to bad things. No meds. Vitamins? Good. Sunlight? Good. Exercise? Good. Psychotropics produced by the same industry that gave you the clotshot and ignores its own psychotropic efficacy testing, most of which showed its product to be no better than placebo at best? Fuck no.
I've posted this here before, but only within the past few months did scientists admit that "gee guys, actually, the science behind modifying brain chemicals to elevate mood - you know the thing we're been having psychiatrists depend on for their practice and the advice they've been following for a few decades or whatever? You know that science? Turns out we made it the fuck up. There's no evidence for it. So uh... our bad!" https://www.theweek.co.uk/news/scie...ical-imbalance-theory-not-grounded-in-science (a)
A scientific review has concluded that depression is not caused by chemical imbalances in the brain, and may be more closely linked to stressful life events.
The review, conducted by University College London and published in the Molecular Psychiatry journal, examined the “serotonin theory of depression”, an “influential” and long-held belief that lower serotonin levels may make an individual more likely to experience depression.
A link between serotonin levels and depression was first put forward in the 1960s, and antidepressant use has increased since the 1990s with the development of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor antidepressants. One in six adults in England are currently prescribed antidepressants, many of which help to adjust serotonin levels.
“Many people take antidepressants because they have been led to believe their depression has a biochemical cause, but this research suggests this belief is not grounded in evidence,” said Professor Joanna Moncrieff, the study’s lead author.
The authors examined studies into the chemical’s impact on depression, including studies where participants’ serotonin levels were artificially lowered through dietary methods. In both cases, a link could not be established.
> A scientific review has concluded that depression is not caused by chemical imbalances in the brain, and may be more closely linked to stressful life events.
So yeah, whether you're preaching SSRIs or some other chemical cocktail to "balance chemicals in the brain", just know that you're peddling the equivalent of snake oil at minimum, and possibly much worse on average - at least belatedly according to SCIENCE(tm) as of this past July. It's going to take time for that to percolate through an industry and media establishment that's heavily dependent upon people believing it to make many millions of dollars annually and thus dis-incentivized to actually be held to account for their fuck ups and even acknowledge it.
Further sperging: one of the guys I mentioned earlier that blew his brains out with a revolver had a brother who blew his brains out about 5 years ago. My buddy was flirting with committing Minecraft for 30 years, as I said, but walking in on his brother's body planted that final seed in his head IMO. Even then, "help" only got him through 5 more years before he wrote a peppy joke-filled suicide note last fall, posted it to Facebook, called the cops, and shot himself with the same revolver his brother had used. Yes, you get the suicide weapon back when the PD is done with it if you want it. There was no trigger for this, no warning, no special occasion. The note was not a cry for help. He just picked a random day like any other and said, "you know what, fuck it, this is the day". He called the cops first because he knew that nobody could stop him anyway and this way his landlady or loved ones wouldn't have to find him or see it. He was dead within minutes of making the post and the phone call.
Important takeaways: no, a cry for help doesn't mean you aren't going to do it or aren't serious. That's mostly a woman thing, unironically. It's tempting to think "if they were really going to do it, they wouldn't tell everyone their intent". Sometimes that's true, often it's not and I have seen it go both ways. My BFF walked in on her teenage daughter hanging from the ceiling with every pill in the house in her stomach 2 years ago and that girl was super morbid and joked about shit like that all the time but internet bullying lead her to very suddenly make an actual, hardcore attempt that only failed due to a freak chance. A girl who joked about suicide for years to the point nobody thought she would ever actually do something like that. You simply DO NOT have the least fucking idea, ever, what someone is capable of and will or won't do, or when. Ever.
You just have to take any hints seriously, and watch for whatever classic warning signs that you do see. Some people want to die to make pain stop, or because they just don't have a future. Sometimes (usually) it's a permanent solution to a temporary problem, other times it's a solution to a permanent or unsolvable problem. Which life is full of. A man with $200,000 in medical bills after a failed spinal surgery that left him unable to lift weights or care for his horses or ride his Harley, with no future that isn't decades of agonizing pain just to get out of bed? Not a surprise when he shoots himself, in retrospect. I thought he was too much of a tough guy badass to admit defeat like that and that's what I'll say to his face in Valhalla some day. But I understand. A young girl with her whole life ahead of her, or a guy with a new fiancée and nice place and everything going well? The thing is, they felt just the same as the first guy in the moment they did what they did. I understand them too.
Whether Pippa's career as a tuber can get bigger than 10K views or some shit? Utterly irrelevant. She knows better than anyone here that it's illogical. Logic doesn't matter. And Pippa you're not alone, there are people who definitely get it and feel similar shit. Find some and hang out, you don't even have to talk to them about anything.
I did not know your friend or his brother, so I can't say with any certainty anything about their situations, but it ticks a flag that matches a worldview that I entertain more and more seriously of late.
The premise is that we have a network of corrupt people operating relatively invisibly among the regular population. They're heavily interested in promoting their own group over non-members. It's the "big club" which George Carlin referenced. It runs in families mostly, uses surveillance and blackmail mostly to control people. And it's not just politicians and celebrities, but people out walking their dogs, folks hanging around while you select items off the grocery store shelf, etc. It sounds unbelievable, it triggers incredulity to hear it proposed, and I see more evidence to support it than I do new evidence to disprove it.
Per this model, one thing it appears this network tends to do is target intelligent or talented people who might be competition or some kind of threat - it's not always clear what the pattern is but those two seem to be consistent trends. It seems to identify them from a very early age - likely putting two and two together from the genetic proclivities of parents already on file - and deploys child assets to harass and derail them in schools in the form of bullying or pushing drugs etc. As a recognizable example, my supposition is that Terry Davis was one such targets, and his schizophrenia symptoms developed from interference in a variety of ways, likely pharmaceutical and technological, as a result of gaining the ire of this thing. But if they can use infrasound or other tech to persistently barrage someone's mood and make them off themselves, all the better from their perspective.
So when i see a report that someone killed themselves, you know, that could be a chance occurrence from totally mundane causes. But when it hits the brother of the dead person not long after, that begins to tickle a pattern. Wild speculation but maybe there was something in that bloodline this thing didn't like. Again, I didn't know your friend or his brother, so I hope you'll forgive the speculation and the rambling context description. And I'm very sorry for your loss.
If this model of reality is accurate, then it would suggest that Pippa, who has been seeing weird things she identifies as ghosts lately, who has a history of being harassed in very abnormal ways by faculty and students in the schools she traveled to, whose parents (or at least her mom) are into conspiracy theory stuff, Pippa who is considerably above average intelligence and creativity with the diligence of a workhorse when she focuses, i.e. a reasonably good chance of being competition to a network of immoral people... that she would be a reasonable target for the application of technology and other stuff to affect her mood in a destructive way, to try to reduce her effectiveness and eliminate her as a threat.
It's a very different way of looking at the world, so I understand if this post gets a lot of 'take your meds' stickers. I'm not saying that it is reality, only a model I have been entertaining. It's plausible that I've fallen victim to a process of thought that resists evidence against it by devolving into more and more distant-from-reality explanations for things without realizing it - but I don't think that that's the case. If it is true though, Pippa has a responsibility to treat her negative mood and destructive thoughts as artifacts of an enemy, and to overwhelm them with that which increases her resolve, productivity, and happiness out of spite. It would also be wise under that scenario to be more careful about who handles her food before she eats it.
If it's a topic that interests you, or you want to find a new potential lolcow, this is the blog of the guy who most cohesively for me presented this kind of worldview for scrutiny. https://www.anonymousconservative.com/blog/surveillance/ (a)
This model would also suggest that Rekieta took the ticket from this thing, hence his balldo and blackmailable sex stuff with his wife. Doesn't mean he's all-in, hard to say how the whole thing works for sure, but it'd be wise to exercise a degree of caution.
Psychotropics produced by the same industry that gave you the clotshot and ignores its own psychotropic efficacy testing, most of which showed its product to be no better than placebo at best?
I've been on mind-altering drugs twice in my life. Both were ultimately totally useless substitutes for exercise and touching grass more often. Both turned me into a zombie. I remember the first day I started taking them and the day I decided to quit them, and literally nothing in between. More than twelve months of my life altogether, just blinked out of existence as if I never lived them. From the first set of drugs, I have one memory of feeling hungry at school break (I was a teenager at the time), which was unusual and noteworthy because they were also strong appetite suppressants. From the second I remember nothing, at all. It's like I just stopped feeling the urge to remember anything and started feeling it again when I quit.
So yeah. Drugs are complete shit and I would never recommend them over something more productive and useful.
Drugs should only be as a complete last resort, but society these days is far too willing to just jump onto them as a first resort. Life is difficult and the current structure of things easily leaves people unfulfilled and depressed, but it's not insurmountable. I also don't think it's just prescription drugs that people turn to too quickly, a lot of times it's things like alcohol as well.
I'm just an Internet idiot and I don't know what's actually going on with Pippa, but from what little I do know, I do think her situation is one that can be solved by lifestyle change and self introspection/development as opposed medication.
WTF Pippa, I miss 1 stream and you're back to expressing metal illness instead of bottling it up I love you Pippa stay around a little bit longer please
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