There are plenty of good greviances to levy against the criminal justice system. Pippa is being cringe and normy pilled with the erroneous idea that cops kill tons of people. In all, but a dozen per year, the person who gets shot is armed. As well, the amount of cop shootings resulting in death is around 1k a year or some figure in that ballpark, when there are 10s of thousands of police interactions with the public a day.
Niggas need to bitch about these Soros DAs choosing not to prosecute and judges allowing all the types of diversion in lieu of traditional retributive justice. The types of immunity these agents of the government have are kinda cringe too/could maybe use some editing. But the solution to most of these problems, (un)surprisingly, is getting rid of blacks. The strain by this distinctly crime ridden group has eroded all trust that existed or could exist in our justice system. We need cops, but it is true cops are overtly hostile to the populous in numbers that is undesirable. No trust can be gained when there is this racial jungle causing all groups to scramble and grab at any power to protect their group. It stunts what progress is, or maybe, needed.