"I need to try to not speak with an accent! I swear to god, this is bad for me! I have a scottish accent... no, no no nooo! ...Oi shot duh fock op ye bloddy fucken Sassenach, yeah mutherfucker, oh shu'up mate, you're a damn bloody Sassenach, oh fack off lad, jus go bach in duh game or I'll smack yer fockin'ead in"Bonnivier Pranaja
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This stream is once again reinforcing the notion that the people who genuinely want to stick their dick in this woman are seriously more fucked in the head than her; she is a literal autistic retard and anyone feeling anything more than the platonic "must defend" instinct akin to a sister or whatever is a huge red flag. My point is, Reticule: please seek help.
She's not just cute, she's creative, she's smart about a lot of things, she has the skill to self reflect and improve, she's talented, and most importantly she's adorable, pale, and thin.
This stream is once again reinforcing the notion that the people who genuinely want to stick their dick in this woman are seriously more fucked in the head than her; she is a literal autistic retard and anyone feeling anything more than the platonic "must defend" instinct akin to a sister or whatever is a huge red flag. My point is, Reticule: please seek help.
Autistic confession time: I have unironically begun looking at "trashier" (as in trailer park poor) women differently, wondering "what if she's actually fun, cute and silly like Pippa?".
Autistic confession time: I have unironically begun looking at "trashier" (as in trailer park poor) women differently, wondering "what if she's actually fun, cute and silly like Pippa?".
Autistic confession time: I have unironically begun looking at "trashier" (as in trailer park poor) women differently, wondering "what if she's actually fun, cute and silly like Pippa?".
She'd still be battling her way to being a mega idol but she'd get there eventually. Not like Phase did her a lot of favors back when she had her first growth boom prior to the new Mumi being hired.
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