Given her social anxiety I'd hope she is not a out of the house pajama pant wearer so Reticule would already have to have his nose pressed against her window to see them so I doubt this knowledge would do much at that point.Good pajama pants are like a hot shower, you never want to get out of them. The same applies to sweatpants. Unfortunately, she has revealed another identifiable characteristic for Reticule's list. One of these days, he will find Meat Pippa, and God help them both when he does.
The Pippa voodoo doll will just be dressed in the Pokemon center PJ's so has though you'd have to figure out how to replacate the Coke stain on them for true authenticity.I love how she makes sure to specify that these aren't the pattern, so anyone building a Pippa voodoo doll will just give up before wasting all that time. Also no clothesdox.