"Sakana hates my tongue. Sakana HATE!"Kaminari Clara


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should be timestamped for the animebae x pippa stuff

So out of curiosity of why 2 of the designs didn't fit any theme of Pippa's specifically, though spooky season Pippa is at least close, I went to see what they sell. I think we can all remember when this piece of their merch showed up on the internet at large.

The third design seems to be the pose of the mascot but replaced with Pippa so that is at least explainable and leaves only the spoopy one as the odd one out. Also well no guarantee Pippa's will show up there Animebae's stuff sells in Hot Topic and the idea of Pippa themed shirts in Hot Topic makes me chuckle given how she mentions them from time to time.


irc.rizon.net #TheVirtualAsylum
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Why do I get the feeling Dizzy might unironically think she deserves to a battered spouse.

When the new Slugma Dizzy debuted and we saw her perform, I thought the character she was putting up was too forced, and, while I found it a bit amusing, I couldn't enjoy just how forced it was.

I'm now unsure if it is a character Dizzy is putting forward...

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Topo Chico

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Fishman just said he's gonna fix Pippa. Looks like she doesn't need Reticule after all.


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Fishman just said he's gonna fix Pippa. Looks like she doesn't need Reticule after all.
Will he pay for the rabbit's healthcare and therapy?


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Not distinctly Pippa related but just some Fish interviewness since she will come up I am sure

Sakana confirms Airi tends to tangent most in calls, Pipcoin stocks fall 15% on release of this bombshell news.
PC started partially out of spite (vtuber company never got back to him so he started his own)
Fishman intends to turn Pippa into an idol (and fix her)
Tenma yells at him a lot, including in just random calls between him & other talents, came on call to do it some more live
Ember eats a lot :architect:
Denies hiring out of asylums, thinks Uruka is the most normal followed by Lumi & Jelly
Spends around 25-30% of revenue on commissions (didn't catch if this is just music & music based art or all art)
Phase Wars II now slatted for early 2024 (Q1 - maybe January)
Convention in Detroit in November coming up official announcement expected soon, Yomacon or something that sounds like that
Gets called out on his non Phase Simping, does it so much he can't remember them all
His spaghetti recipe is his own invention, fear him
Shipping costs mentioned, blame Canada essentially. Costs more to ship in Canada then to ship to US. Wall scrolls to UK cost him money as shipping was around $120.
Dead hours are when your supposed to sleep before getting up and watching more streams. Is looking for talents to fill them.
Mahjong Collab Chibi's will be becoming merch, aiming for Novemberish but depends on China. The prizes will not be merch, will stay unique prizes from the event.
Merch again - Hopes to move off preorder to actual stock to speed up shipping. Pippa Slippers issues mentioned specifically.
Favorite PC model is in Gen 3, described as sexy by Airi. Just said "that's not Gen 3 that's the other thing" about something Airi sent him.
Favorite current PC model is Ember
TCG mentioned - Only involved at an IP level, expect year+ to see release
Fine with Nepo's for applying but feels the Nepo part should be ignored on the hiring phase so no talent=no hire in Fish world
Application numbers - almost 100 applied for Gen 1 - 1,000 for Gen 2 - unsure 2,000ish for Gen 3
Wants to move into apparel but understands it is a hard industry. Expects he will go for collabing with existing companies for this. No PNG and done.
Black Company mentioned - Fish says come to Canada to escape, everybody disagrees with this idea.
Wants Nendroids but understands this is a tall ask and is very hard to get
"Who gives you the least headaches" "Pippa" He described it as he learned to let go, did confirm she was #1 in the past
Fishman hasn't smelled all the talents, some boss he is - Expects Uruka?, Pippa, & Remi are smelliest due to environment
Refused access to a restaurant for wearing shorts and a Tenma T-shirt
Confirms he was the retarded kid in class in China then came to Canada around Grade 5
Offered 2,000 coffee sales for Airi's hand in marriage on the victor of a Mahjong match - seems to consider the offer.
Asked if he had a say in Airi's tie holders "I Definitely did"
Maro brings up a Phase themed Mahjong parlor + coffee cafe - thinks it's both brilliant and doomed
Phase invaders to remain as 1 big group instead of gens unless it gets too large
Worked at buddies coffee shop pre-Phase so the coffee technically came first. Had Mahjong tables in the shop for a time too.
Kind of impressed with his understanding of the industry, should try and remember to link the question here as it is hard to short this
Admits Phase is missing an Oni-san type. Also more Azure Lane characters but 'bigger' ones like Battleships not destroyers like Pippa
Thoughts on collabs - Just play Minecraft
Hasn't been scammed by an AI commission yet, is aware of it and keeps his eyes out for it.
Just blurted out new JP's coming because one is good at spotting AI art. Possibly JP Gen is the 'other thing' mentioned above
Doesn't track coffee numbers, might do so just to see. They only make so much overstock so selling out doesn't put Pippa at #1 for sure
Wants to expand internationally more over time but doesn't want to rush, JP first obviously.
Has PTSD from dealing with artists, you can hear it in his voice.

Fish man leaving so this should be the last edit unless I remember to link the Industry question when this goes to Vod
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Superduper Samurai

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irc.rizon.net #TheVirtualAsylum
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Airi: "[you supa to non-Phase Connect members] is this your way of telling your talents to get better at their jobs?"
Fishman: "Sometimes."


Pig in human clothing
Joined:  Oct 3, 2022
You can cope and sneed all you like but it's just the way it is. There's no boogeyman "making" her do all this shit you don't like. It's what she has been since day one. So buckle up and enjoy more 2am jong, more feetposting, and more furfaggotry while she drinks Coke with freshly drilled teeth.

Karma actually working for once. It's fun that this retard got taken out back and put down, now if his "Pippa is being controlled by her black company" dipshit buddy would also get the X-rope, that'd be swell. As a warning to others, mainly.


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You can cope and sneed all you like but it's just the way it is. There's no boogeyman "making" her do all this shit you don't like. It's what she has been since day one. So buckle up and enjoy more 2am jong, more feetposting, and more furfaggotry while she drinks Coke with freshly drilled teeth.

formerly pipkin (Parody)

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now if his "Pippa is being controlled by her black company" dipshit buddy would also get the X-rope, that'd be swell.
He did, for over a year. and then he came back...

Eat em and breed em

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Pippa used to give fishman so much headaches that he learned to let go

it's about an hour and 5mins? into the new airi stream


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Pippa used to give fishman so much headaches that he learned to let go
More like fishman gave her an exclusive tard wrangler manager and doesn't want to be notified about her actions unless it involves suing someone or being sued.


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