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Well I have no sympathy for the pizza delivery guy but this homeowner is a complete cunt for providing this recording to the news. The guy likely had no idea he was on camera either. I hate this lack of privacy today. Unless there's something else to the story, fuck these people.
I disagree. If he were just some rando they had no connection with then sure, but customer service is part of this guy's job, and he happens to be shit at it. It's in the public interest (and also fun to laugh at his fuckup).
Not to mention that on a personal level I have such a distaste for people complaining about only getting so much free money that no amount of Karen-ing on her part could make him look better by comparison.
Pippa is not just talking about the trap one because it wouldn't cause THIS much seethe. Guessing she did see some of those old tweets in /pcg/ didn't actually think she would because they get deleted pretty fast.
Glad to know your opinion on the Bureau of Land Management changed.
This niggas be simping for Sleepy in Pippa's stream but I don't see them simping in Sleepy's stream. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, MEN ON STREAM MAYBE?????????
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