The man hangs out at swingers club there are only two sorts of open relationships; shallow ones populated by emotionally immature people, and abusive ones controlled by emotionally manipulative people. you really should have seen well not this precisely but something like this coming. I personally dropped rackets when he started encouraging female fans to send him saucy photos, and every time I hear about what he's been up to I feel further vindicated in that decision.This is also pretty important. I had mostly an optimistic stance on Nick prior to this where I hoped he could sort his current situation out and make a strong comeback. After seeing how he whined like a bitch and the increasing number of dickheads like Dax and Camelot he surrounds himself with that will snake anyone they get near for an ounce of clout, I've lost most of the respect and optimism I had for Nick. I think he's crossed the Rubicon and there's no return from eventually becoming the new chief Ralphamale.