"Baggles"Projekt Melody

General Thread v4mirai: Brought to you by Brave

Punished Anime Discusser

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Pipproject Producer
Joined:  Sep 12, 2022
Just to clarify: We're talking about this Mozzu, right?
C'mon man, we loop on this at least twice a month.

Whores people don't watch are bad, whores people like for whatever reason aren't whores. Get with the times, old man.


We have some serious streams to discuss 🔨
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 14, 2022
Are they all from @God's Strongest Dragoon like mine are?
You can always migo him back. But I feel his original point has been lost with the passing of days. Or maybe he'll summon back El Rrata once he reaches a million migos given, in which case I am rooting for him.


Pippa Fan, Failed Normalfriend
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 13, 2022
Also new Holoindie releases:
An animal crossing clone

And a clone of that FOTM rolling a ball up a hill game from last year:

How many Holo games are there that are substantial in their own right, rather than just being legally-distinct versions of other games? I get that the main motivation behind developing most of these is just to make something novel for the girls to play on stream, but that doesn't offer much to other players.

I like HoloCure because gameplay-wise it's a genuine improvement over Vampire Survivors, and the Kronii platformer looks neat, but otherwise not much has caught my eye.
Elia Stellaris effortpost New


Well-known member
Joined:  Sep 8, 2023
Specifics depend on which rrats you want to believe, but it all kind of came down to Elia being a bad influence... Causing drama with Mozzu over male collabs (supposedly she got one of the other V-Dere girls to join her for a male collab and then ditched her), Twitch whore pandering, etc. I remember around the time of the Japan trip when people (even some people here) were talking about V-Dere possibly disbanding, /vt/ was arguing back and forth over whether Mozzu or Elia was the one causing the problems. Considering Mozzu is still there and Elia is now an indie I'd wager we have our answer. Funnily enough, Mozzu antis moved on to other shit after the drama stopped instead of admitting Elia was likely the problem... last I saw, I kid you not, Mozzu haters were complaining that she hadn't banned/blocked you specifically Proctor.

It's also been heavily theorized by anons that the "great opportunity that fell through" which Ekko once mentioned played a part in her departure from EIEN (should be here: https://thevirtualasylum.com/threads/eien-project-disintegrates.265/post-531582 but Ghost Archive isn't working for me right now) was her friend Elia getting her into V-Dere - which combines very nicely with the rrat that each gen 1 V-Dere member got to pick one person for gen 2. It also tracks as Ekko follows all of the V-Dere girls on Twitter except Mozzu, as if there's some beef there, but of course rrating off of Twitter follows is exceptionally schizo. My personal rrat was that Elia was the friend pre-debut Ekko mentioned was trying to convince her to move to Twitch... I'd dropped it for a while because someone pointed out that Elia was a YouTube streamer but now seeing this rebrand and seeing Elia's Twitch linked on her Twitter instead of her YouTube, I'm somewhat inclined to start believing it again.

There's probably more and some reason that Elia is commonly referred to as the "whorse," but I never followed Project Kawai or V-Dere and only started paying attention from the perspective of an Ekko fan. As to why anons were right to worry, seeing this redesign gives me serious doubts that Elia is someone who should be trusted for advice. Ekko for example has mentioned she already has a 2.0 and 3D in the works and I shudder to think that she might ask Elia for feedback and value her opinion because holy shit I do not want the person responsible for this abomination of a redesign to start influencing other people.

Edit: just to note, I don't know the first thing about Elia outside of reading about her here and on /vt/ and seeing her in collabs with Ekko... I'm not trying to be an Elia anti and if she's actually a good friend to the V-Dere girls/Ekko/others then great - but seeing this 2.0 and the apparent Twitch pivot I do not trust anything she could say regarding models/content direction/etc would align with my personal VTuber preferences in any way.
"If she's actually a good friend to the v-dere girls"
She was barely out the door before taking a parting shot at v-dere. Strap in because I'm popping off.

Elia is incredibly fake and 2024 was a gradual mask-off moment. I've followed her since her time at Kawaii and I've gone from thinking the world of her to seeing her as hysterically bitter who thinks the world owes her a favor. She overvalues her unwarranted self-importance and became belligerent, blames others for her inability to handle her finances, is drifting towards twitch clique route, and there's nothing left resembling what made her good when she was in Kawaii.

Last year saw her content slowly take a dive:
  • Absent for months on indulgent vacations.
  • Collab spam.
  • Dropped all video and shorts content.
  • Drifting more towards her twitch audience to chase numbers, despite YT having held her up since Kawaii days.
  • Frequent instances of lashing out at fans who dared to speak out (sometimes justified but still shitty to sit through).
  • Slop and zatsu spam when not collabing, TFT, League, FOTM and back-to-back readings (her voice isn't all that).
The straw that broke the camel's back for me was a membership stream in October, shortly before leaving v-dere, where she had a huge melty. She lashed out at her genmates; acted spiteful over their success, blamed them for her stagnation, acted like she does everything for v-dere when she was frequently shown to slack on group work to the point where she wanted to stop group work because it didn't "benefit her" (Proctor might remember how she was surprised at a slide during Vexpo because she didn't help with it, and once left all the collab setup to the other girls midstream whilst she just fucking played Mario Kart!).
Worst of all she accused them of leeching money from her, and she holds all the times she offered to pay for things against the girls, including the Fan-funded trip to Japan.
To top it off she completely blew her lid at a comment suggesting that she dragged v-dere into her donothon goal, really showcasing how she reacts to the slightest critique. Even in her discord fans felt like they couldn't give feedback because she would go mental:

She also blabbed about whatever v-dere drama happened behind the scenes to other vtubers, so scratch a point for trustworthiness too. Whatever she said, they concluded that "friends shouldn't treat you like that." She got to hear back exactly what she wanted to hear and I imagine she was given lots of other pussy pats from third parties until she deluded herself free of any misdoings and felt justified in leaving rather than try to fix things. Place your bets: Yesman male vtuber grooming or cattish female vtuber clique mentality?

Here's some /vt/ spergery that was reacting to her 2.0 because it brings up some valid topics on why she's awful:
Screwing over Airi
Knowing how schizo /vt/ is, he probably means Airi was screwed over for being left to collab with a male on her own that one time. The actual bad thing Elia did was all but implicate Airi as being an ungrateful money leech during vexpo, knowing that some fans had begun watching her content too. Elia was really fucking salty about seeing her subscribers going to Airi after the months Elia was away. Rather than be happy that Airi found some success (and understand there's going to be osmosis in any vtuber group) she just got bitter. I don't buy what Elia said, Airi isn't so poor she can't afford to pay for herself and wouldn't impose beyond teasing, there's more to that story Elia isn't telling. Despite saying she doesn't expect anything back when she does offer to pay for things:

Abandoning her dog:
Effectively yes. She wasn't home to care for it most of last year and ended up giving it away before she moved to Japan. I would have some pity for her since it's never good to part from a pet, but now she wants a cat despite having temporary visa to stay in Japan. So fuck her. This is ALL a symptom of how irresponsible she is and doesn't think about how her actions will affect others. She could take the cat back but considering she no longer has family to look after pets for her in Japan and how often she travels, it borders on animal cruelty to get a pet with her working circumstances.

As for the dono goals and GFE...
Yeah, even if ironically, she's leaning hard into using her GIRL factor to peddle goals. She was even nice enough to justify ANOTHER vacation for fans to fund. The worst thing about the rewards is that they're so half-assed considering how important this was to her, this is her self-proclaimed big break. She had months to think of things. Well, she would have if she didn't immediately travel when she moved to Japan and wasted all her prep time in Sapporo. Oops.
Those top donor goals FUCKING SUCK. Second place get's less than the random person who wins the $4000 random merch giveaway, whilst the top earner gets heaps of awards (but still nothing thrilling.) They pale in comparison to last year's too so it's not repeat behavior she's just phoned it in.
There's a few other things too, like promising a drink stream even though last time she promised that she spent it collabing and was SO mad at chat when they called her out for it she not only scolded them on stream, claiming she wasn't comfortable, she doubled down with a callout post too:
nobody ever said they wanted sussy time from what I could see, that was her own projection. She is very clearly the kind of metoo grifter and has had to hold back going full tilt on SJW equality rants because of her mixed race woes in the past. She definitely hates GFE but takes advantage of it anyway.
A last thing to note about the current donothon: she had one in November too, the same year as her 80k donothon. Why be consistent when you can milk your fans in one big swoop and then slack off?

You've surely heard the reputation that she pitybaits? It's entirely true.
All her stories are twisted to be some great tragedy against her. She sounds sympathetic at first, but don't be fooled. She would make out that life is truly unjust to her, but after being around her for so long and seeing how she reacts to things I can say all her issues are a consequence of her own irresponsibility and all transgressions against her amount to little more than microaggressions or being offended that she's not being the center of attention. She's the sort to unironically say she gets triggered and flaunt how she's such a (self-declared) introvert to make her seem braver for basic bitch engagements.

As for her time in v-dere: she would have you believe she did so much for them but the most she ever did was a largely self-serving Palworld collab where they GAVE money away (poor financial choices) and paid for a Minecraft server, that she abruptly stopped paying for without telling anyone so everyone lost their progress. Nice one, Elia!
There was also the Japan trip but that was an extension of her own indulgence, and again, fan-funded.

Fun fact: did you know Mozu paid Elia back for her Japan trip? And not once has Elia ever mentioned it despite making such a scene about having to pay for everyone's Japan trip and frequently making the girls look like the bad guys by "making" her be the wallet?

When v-dere announced they would have a concert at offkai this year she tweeted this:
Bitch actually tried to insinuate she had any involvement in the concert and act like the opportunity was ripped from her. Even more signs that she paints everything in the worst possible light to make her look good. Offkai only announced their policy not to have any returning guests for 2025 in January (iirc). That means v-dere had to organize a sponsorship MONTHS after Elia left. Any influence Elia had would be worth approximately fuck all.

Is she the worst vtuber ever? No. The general negative sentiment towards her isn't unwarranted though. It's worth having some firsthand experience written up for posterity because it's not immediately obvious unless you've been around her long enough. Every so often she will do something for another vtuber that seems good, but remember that it's tainted gold.

I don't want her to crash and burn, but with the way she's going I don't want her to have any influence in the scene either. Ideally, Elia will reflect on how she's been behaving and reel it in, get over herself and try and connect to what used to make her fun. Be genuine towards her fans again instead of acting like she is whilst transparently only prioritizing her own indulgences.

When I look at her 2.0 all I can think is "that's what her soul looks like." It's at complete odds with how she tries to depict herself, 1.0 was perfect for that, but 2.0 fits her manic twofaced nature perfectly.


Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
How many Holo games are there that are substantial in their own right, rather than just being legally-distinct versions of other games? I get that the main motivation behind developing most of these is just to make something novel for the girls to play on stream, but that doesn't offer much to other players.

I like HoloCure because gameplay-wise it's a genuine improvement over Vampire Survivors, and the Kronii platformer looks neat, but otherwise not much has caught my eye.
Really none of them. All of these are just spoofs of other games/genres. The only one that has managed to kinda surpass its inspiration is 'cure. Of course few people are gonna spend that much time and effort on a fangame, you just make something simple and the program lets you get a tiny bit of money out of it if you want.

Holocure and the kronii platformer are both way out there because the people behind them are actual game devs who also happen to be fans. You have to imagine game dev fans are not exactly plentiful.

Getting so many fan games is an achievement in of itself imo, most media either squashes fan works because of 'muh copyright' (looking at you nintendo) or doesn't have much more than mods. In the realm of vtubers most other groups or talents have at most a low-skill attempt at a game or just VNs which are essentially just fan-fiction with extra steps.
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Aka Split

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IRyS's husband
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Joined:  Sep 11, 2022
I also have a policy of not ignoring anyone in the forum and I never have
Me neither, but when someone becomes worse than Nolan you have to make compromises. It still shows a box that you can click to view if anyone replies to it, so you don't really miss out on anything.


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Joined:  Nov 28, 2022
I have no idea why notifications are turned on by default. I turned them off immediately on both KF and here. 30+ notifications every few hours makes it absolutely impossible to notice actual post updates, quotes or other similar things. If someone could tell me how to make reaction alerts disabled by default I would, it would solve so many issues overnight.
Sorry if this isn't the right place for it but can you also make it so I don't automatically get emails when I post in a thread

Superduper Samurai

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Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
Sorry if this isn't the right place for it but can you also make it so I don't automatically get emails when I post in a thread
I think you're better off creating a one off and ignorable e-mail account for slightly transgressive forums like here and KF that isnt linked at all to a main account of yours


Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
Sorry if this isn't the right place for it but can you also make it so I don't automatically get emails when I post in a thread
Why aren't you using a burner email for this shit lol.


Well-known member
Joined:  Nov 28, 2022
I think you're better off creating a one off and ignorable e-mail account for slightly transgressive forums like here and KF that isnt linked at all to a main account of yours
I mean it's not like I use my real email for these places but that's fair I'm still fairly new to actually using forums

electronic elephant

"I am uncontrollable. I cannot be managed."—Vesper
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
Airi serving her customers rat burgers.
"It's like Beyond Meat, except instead of plant-based patties you get rat-based patties!"


Pippa Fan, Failed Normalfriend
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Joined:  Sep 13, 2022

Brosnan Pierce Brosnan

God's Strongest Smartass
Dizzy's Husband
Joined:  Apr 4, 2023
Basically it comes down to this

Nene Amano is a Good Bad whore. Did she backstab people, shit yes probably but those people-

Elia is a bad bad whore

Everyone else is just a whore


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Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
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Joined:  Sep 21, 2022


Not a fan of Shiina's new plush, @superduper?

It makes sense to release one plushie and gauge reaction to that before doing everyone else's. Helps work out sales viability and sales numbers for other people, and means you're out less money if the new line fails.

Sorry, superduper, but you might get a plush if Shiina's does well.

The Proctor

Manager Arc Unlocked?
Staff member
Lovebug Proctologist
Joined:  Sep 9, 2022
Sorry if this isn't the right place for it but can you also make it so I don't automatically get emails when I post in a thread

Yes actually. I don't think it applies retroactively but I just set the defaults for watched content notifications to not send emails unless the user toggles that option manually.

Ginkgo Balboa 🌾🗡

Sea Bunny Enjoyer 💛
Joined:  Mar 20, 2023
"If she's actually a good friend to the v-dere girls"
View attachment 92091
She was barely out the door before taking a parting shot at v-dere. Strap in because I'm popping off.

Elia is incredibly fake and 2024 was a gradual mask-off moment. I've followed her since her time at Kawaii and I've gone from thinking the world of her to seeing her as hysterically bitter who thinks the world owes her a favor. She overvalues her unwarranted self-importance and became belligerent, blames others for her inability to handle her finances, is drifting towards twitch clique route, and there's nothing left resembling what made her good when she was in Kawaii.

Last year saw her content slowly take a dive:
  • Absent for months on indulgent vacations.
  • Collab spam.
  • Dropped all video and shorts content.
  • Drifting more towards her twitch audience to chase numbers, despite YT having held her up since Kawaii days.
  • Frequent instances of lashing out at fans who dared to speak out (sometimes justified but still shitty to sit through).
  • Slop and zatsu spam when not collabing, TFT, League, FOTM and back-to-back readings (her voice isn't all that).
The straw that broke the camel's back for me was a membership stream in October, shortly before leaving v-dere, where she had a huge melty. She lashed out at her genmates; acted spiteful over their success, blamed them for her stagnation, acted like she does everything for v-dere when she was frequently shown to slack on group work to the point where she wanted to stop group work because it didn't "benefit her" (Proctor might remember how she was surprised at a slide during Vexpo because she didn't help with it, and once left all the collab setup to the other girls midstream whilst she just fucking played Mario Kart!).
Worst of all she accused them of leeching money from her, and she holds all the times she offered to pay for things against the girls, including the Fan-funded trip to Japan.
To top it off she completely blew her lid at a comment suggesting that she dragged v-dere into her donothon goal, really showcasing how she reacts to the slightest critique. Even in her discord fans felt like they couldn't give feedback because she would go mental:

She also blabbed about whatever v-dere drama happened behind the scenes to other vtubers, so scratch a point for trustworthiness too. Whatever she said, they concluded that "friends shouldn't treat you like that." She got to hear back exactly what she wanted to hear and I imagine she was given lots of other pussy pats from third parties until she deluded herself free of any misdoings and felt justified in leaving rather than try to fix things. Place your bets: Yesman male vtuber grooming or cattish female vtuber clique mentality?

Here's some /vt/ spergery that was reacting to her 2.0 because it brings up some valid topics on why she's awful:
View attachment 92092
Screwing over Airi
Knowing how schizo /vt/ is, he probably means Airi was screwed over for being left to collab with a male on her own that one time. The actual bad thing Elia did was all but implicate Airi as being an ungrateful money leech during vexpo, knowing that some fans had begun watching her content too. Elia was really fucking salty about seeing her subscribers going to Airi after the months Elia was away. Rather than be happy that Airi found some success (and understand there's going to be osmosis in any vtuber group) she just got bitter. I don't buy what Elia said, Airi isn't so poor she can't afford to pay for herself and wouldn't impose beyond teasing, there's more to that story Elia isn't telling. Despite saying she doesn't expect anything back when she does offer to pay for things:

Abandoning her dog:
Effectively yes. She wasn't home to care for it most of last year and ended up giving it away before she moved to Japan. I would have some pity for her since it's never good to part from a pet, but now she wants a cat despite having temporary visa to stay in Japan. So fuck her. This is ALL a symptom of how irresponsible she is and doesn't think about how her actions will affect others. She could take the cat back but considering she no longer has family to look after pets for her in Japan and how often she travels, it borders on animal cruelty to get a pet with her working circumstances.

As for the dono goals and GFE...
Yeah, even if ironically, she's leaning hard into using her GIRL factor to peddle goals. She was even nice enough to justify ANOTHER vacation for fans to fund. The worst thing about the rewards is that they're so half-assed considering how important this was to her, this is her self-proclaimed big break. She had months to think of things. Well, she would have if she didn't immediately travel when she moved to Japan and wasted all her prep time in Sapporo. Oops.
Those top donor goals FUCKING SUCK. Second place get's less than the random person who wins the $4000 random merch giveaway, whilst the top earner gets heaps of awards (but still nothing thrilling.) They pale in comparison to last year's too so it's not repeat behavior she's just phoned it in.
There's a few other things too, like promising a drink stream even though last time she promised that she spent it collabing and was SO mad at chat when they called her out for it she not only scolded them on stream, claiming she wasn't comfortable, she doubled down with a callout post too:
View attachment 92098
nobody ever said they wanted sussy time from what I could see, that was her own projection. She is very clearly the kind of metoo grifter and has had to hold back going full tilt on SJW equality rants because of her mixed race woes in the past. She definitely hates GFE but takes advantage of it anyway.
A last thing to note about the current donothon: she had one in November too, the same year as her 80k donothon. Why be consistent when you can milk your fans in one big swoop and then slack off?

You've surely heard the reputation that she pitybaits? It's entirely true.
All her stories are twisted to be some great tragedy against her. She sounds sympathetic at first, but don't be fooled. She would make out that life is truly unjust to her, but after being around her for so long and seeing how she reacts to things I can say all her issues are a consequence of her own irresponsibility and all transgressions against her amount to little more than microaggressions or being offended that she's not being the center of attention. She's the sort to unironically say she gets triggered and flaunt how she's such a (self-declared) introvert to make her seem braver for basic bitch engagements.

As for her time in v-dere: she would have you believe she did so much for them but the most she ever did was a largely self-serving Palworld collab where they GAVE money away (poor financial choices) and paid for a Minecraft server, that she abruptly stopped paying for without telling anyone so everyone lost their progress. Nice one, Elia!
There was also the Japan trip but that was an extension of her own indulgence, and again, fan-funded.

Fun fact: did you know Mozu paid Elia back for her Japan trip? And not once has Elia ever mentioned it despite making such a scene about having to pay for everyone's Japan trip and frequently making the girls look like the bad guys by "making" her be the wallet?

When v-dere announced they would have a concert at offkai this year she tweeted this:
View attachment 92100
Bitch actually tried to insinuate she had any involvement in the concert and act like the opportunity was ripped from her. Even more signs that she paints everything in the worst possible light to make her look good. Offkai only announced their policy not to have any returning guests for 2025 in January (iirc). That means v-dere had to organize a sponsorship MONTHS after Elia left. Any influence Elia had would be worth approximately fuck all.

Is she the worst vtuber ever? No. The general negative sentiment towards her isn't unwarranted though. It's worth having some firsthand experience written up for posterity because it's not immediately obvious unless you've been around her long enough. Every so often she will do something for another vtuber that seems good, but remember that it's tainted gold.

I don't want her to crash and burn, but with the way she's going I don't want her to have any influence in the scene either. Ideally, Elia will reflect on how she's been behaving and reel it in, get over herself and try and connect to what used to make her fun. Be genuine towards her fans again instead of acting like she is whilst transparently only prioritizing her own indulgences.

When I look at her 2.0 all I can think is "that's what her soul looks like." It's at complete odds with how she tries to depict herself, 1.0 was perfect for that, but 2.0 fits her manic twofaced nature perfectly.
View attachment 92107
Jeez, what a cunt. No wonder the V-dere girls are better off now, dealing with her shit would drain the oil from the Middle East.


The abominable amalgamation known as "chyaaat!"
Joined:  Apr 1, 2023
"If she's actually a good friend to the v-dere girls"
View attachment 92091
She was barely out the door before taking a parting shot at v-dere. Strap in because I'm popping off.

Elia is incredibly fake and 2024 was a gradual mask-off moment. I've followed her since her time at Kawaii and I've gone from thinking the world of her to seeing her as hysterically bitter who thinks the world owes her a favor. She overvalues her unwarranted self-importance and became belligerent, blames others for her inability to handle her finances, is drifting towards twitch clique route, and there's nothing left resembling what made her good when she was in Kawaii.

Last year saw her content slowly take a dive:
  • Absent for months on indulgent vacations.
  • Collab spam.
  • Dropped all video and shorts content.
  • Drifting more towards her twitch audience to chase numbers, despite YT having held her up since Kawaii days.
  • Frequent instances of lashing out at fans who dared to speak out (sometimes justified but still shitty to sit through).
  • Slop and zatsu spam when not collabing, TFT, League, FOTM and back-to-back readings (her voice isn't all that).
The straw that broke the camel's back for me was a membership stream in October, shortly before leaving v-dere, where she had a huge melty. She lashed out at her genmates; acted spiteful over their success, blamed them for her stagnation, acted like she does everything for v-dere when she was frequently shown to slack on group work to the point where she wanted to stop group work because it didn't "benefit her" (Proctor might remember how she was surprised at a slide during Vexpo because she didn't help with it, and once left all the collab setup to the other girls midstream whilst she just fucking played Mario Kart!).
Worst of all she accused them of leeching money from her, and she holds all the times she offered to pay for things against the girls, including the Fan-funded trip to Japan.
To top it off she completely blew her lid at a comment suggesting that she dragged v-dere into her donothon goal, really showcasing how she reacts to the slightest critique. Even in her discord fans felt like they couldn't give feedback because she would go mental:

She also blabbed about whatever v-dere drama happened behind the scenes to other vtubers, so scratch a point for trustworthiness too. Whatever she said, they concluded that "friends shouldn't treat you like that." She got to hear back exactly what she wanted to hear and I imagine she was given lots of other pussy pats from third parties until she deluded herself free of any misdoings and felt justified in leaving rather than try to fix things. Place your bets: Yesman male vtuber grooming or cattish female vtuber clique mentality?

Here's some /vt/ spergery that was reacting to her 2.0 because it brings up some valid topics on why she's awful:
View attachment 92092
Screwing over Airi
Knowing how schizo /vt/ is, he probably means Airi was screwed over for being left to collab with a male on her own that one time. The actual bad thing Elia did was all but implicate Airi as being an ungrateful money leech during vexpo, knowing that some fans had begun watching her content too. Elia was really fucking salty about seeing her subscribers going to Airi after the months Elia was away. Rather than be happy that Airi found some success (and understand there's going to be osmosis in any vtuber group) she just got bitter. I don't buy what Elia said, Airi isn't so poor she can't afford to pay for herself and wouldn't impose beyond teasing, there's more to that story Elia isn't telling. Despite saying she doesn't expect anything back when she does offer to pay for things:

Abandoning her dog:
Effectively yes. She wasn't home to care for it most of last year and ended up giving it away before she moved to Japan. I would have some pity for her since it's never good to part from a pet, but now she wants a cat despite having temporary visa to stay in Japan. So fuck her. This is ALL a symptom of how irresponsible she is and doesn't think about how her actions will affect others. She could take the cat back but considering she no longer has family to look after pets for her in Japan and how often she travels, it borders on animal cruelty to get a pet with her working circumstances.

As for the dono goals and GFE...
Yeah, even if ironically, she's leaning hard into using her GIRL factor to peddle goals. She was even nice enough to justify ANOTHER vacation for fans to fund. The worst thing about the rewards is that they're so half-assed considering how important this was to her, this is her self-proclaimed big break. She had months to think of things. Well, she would have if she didn't immediately travel when she moved to Japan and wasted all her prep time in Sapporo. Oops.
Those top donor goals FUCKING SUCK. Second place get's less than the random person who wins the $4000 random merch giveaway, whilst the top earner gets heaps of awards (but still nothing thrilling.) They pale in comparison to last year's too so it's not repeat behavior she's just phoned it in.
There's a few other things too, like promising a drink stream even though last time she promised that she spent it collabing and was SO mad at chat when they called her out for it she not only scolded them on stream, claiming she wasn't comfortable, she doubled down with a callout post too:
View attachment 92098
nobody ever said they wanted sussy time from what I could see, that was her own projection. She is very clearly the kind of metoo grifter and has had to hold back going full tilt on SJW equality rants because of her mixed race woes in the past. She definitely hates GFE but takes advantage of it anyway.
A last thing to note about the current donothon: she had one in November too, the same year as her 80k donothon. Why be consistent when you can milk your fans in one big swoop and then slack off?

You've surely heard the reputation that she pitybaits? It's entirely true.
All her stories are twisted to be some great tragedy against her. She sounds sympathetic at first, but don't be fooled. She would make out that life is truly unjust to her, but after being around her for so long and seeing how she reacts to things I can say all her issues are a consequence of her own irresponsibility and all transgressions against her amount to little more than microaggressions or being offended that she's not being the center of attention. She's the sort to unironically say she gets triggered and flaunt how she's such a (self-declared) introvert to make her seem braver for basic bitch engagements.

As for her time in v-dere: she would have you believe she did so much for them but the most she ever did was a largely self-serving Palworld collab where they GAVE money away (poor financial choices) and paid for a Minecraft server, that she abruptly stopped paying for without telling anyone so everyone lost their progress. Nice one, Elia!
There was also the Japan trip but that was an extension of her own indulgence, and again, fan-funded.

Fun fact: did you know Mozu paid Elia back for her Japan trip? And not once has Elia ever mentioned it despite making such a scene about having to pay for everyone's Japan trip and frequently making the girls look like the bad guys by "making" her be the wallet?

When v-dere announced they would have a concert at offkai this year she tweeted this:
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Bitch actually tried to insinuate she had any involvement in the concert and act like the opportunity was ripped from her. Even more signs that she paints everything in the worst possible light to make her look good. Offkai only announced their policy not to have any returning guests for 2025 in January (iirc). That means v-dere had to organize a sponsorship MONTHS after Elia left. Any influence Elia had would be worth approximately fuck all.

Is she the worst vtuber ever? No. The general negative sentiment towards her isn't unwarranted though. It's worth having some firsthand experience written up for posterity because it's not immediately obvious unless you've been around her long enough. Every so often she will do something for another vtuber that seems good, but remember that it's tainted gold.

I don't want her to crash and burn, but with the way she's going I don't want her to have any influence in the scene either. Ideally, Elia will reflect on how she's been behaving and reel it in, get over herself and try and connect to what used to make her fun. Be genuine towards her fans again instead of acting like she is whilst transparently only prioritizing her own indulgences.

When I look at her 2.0 all I can think is "that's what her soul looks like." It's at complete odds with how she tries to depict herself, 1.0 was perfect for that, but 2.0 fits her manic twofaced nature perfectly.
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Well damn, this is definitely an informative and well put-together post. Sounds like a real piece of work.

Somebody should definitely threadmark this as this is good info to have archived.


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Spectra might be bailing from V&U soon:


V&U hasn't had a graduation in a while, but half of them already seem to have alts set up. Spectra has recently been interacting with Penny (formerly Blue Pippa of Globie) on main too. They hung out just a while ago:

Just some trivia, but there's three ex-corpo girls in this pic (Roro, Ekko and Penny). Now there will probably be a fourth.
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