Come chat with the bat:
How are we supposed to “I don't anti her, in fact I like her a lot, but this is a big can of worms that shouldn't go uncovered.
How are we supposed to “never meet your heroes
” when schizos make these things public or dig them out?!
Context is league is gay.Could someone give context for the those not interested in league?
My oshi is so creative i love her
*OMG she just realized shed been using wfif to stream instead of her ethernet cable since she got her new pc LOL
Juni explains spider sex
Caught with an Alice soft song in her playlist lol
That was a given when league was originally brought up.Context is league is gay.
oooohhhhh okay that's why the lol people hate her it all makes since nowShe designed Lux and Pantheon
To explain further, the nerfs to supports that happened in the Talon release patch were mainly aimed at taking down their sustain and ability to be powerful while building no ability scaling whatsoever. Most of these were fine as a lot of them had rightfully deserved nerfs like Alistar's ult giving 70% damage reduction at all ranks.Been a very long time since, she left sometime around 2011 for reference, but what I vaguely recall: She designed Lux and Pantheon, was either on or head of balance team, did some reworks that made some supports super OP and others utter trash (I also think she's the one that made Ryze mana scaling so...), and spent an inordinate amount of time schizoposting on the forums under at least two accounts. She was also married to Randuin and I only have the barest memory of hearing something was happening between them around the time both of them were leaving Riot so I guess that was a divorce.
Not sure, but I wish some had more time in the sun. But she makes them herself so at least it's actually a part of her content.How many outfit does she have? She might give iron mouse a run for her money.
She mention before to still being friends with her and still selling her plushie on her shop. Still talking past that who knowsI believe she left Riot because Randuin got a job offer somewhere else, don't know if that was a lie or if that supposed divorce came later. I wonder if she still talks with LilyPichu.
"Wait, there's a racist in V-dere?"Some shit went down while I was asleep.
View attachment 92812
I can't get an archive because she deleted it by time I was awake but sure enough there was traces of people talking about it, with someone directly quoting it from discord
View attachment 92813
And here is a Link to someone replying to a now-deleted tweet that lines up with the twitter link post on /vt/, so I am comfortable in saying this isn't a hoax.
One extra discord funny:
View attachment 92840
This is clearly a reaction to Kanna's big minecraft event she announced yesterday, which features members of v-dere. The seethe on its own is perfect but it also justifies everything I've said about Elia being fake up until this point. For someone who keeps virtue signaling that they want to avoid drama, that they hate clout, that they don't want vtubing to be like high school; why then is she one that constantly brings up clout, drama and stirring up shit with public quips like a highschool mean girl?
Her damage control afterwards is even more pathetic. First up: getting mad at your "fans"
View attachment 92816
I did a bit of sleuthing and couldn't see a single discord message or twitter reply calling her out. Her DMs are verified users only and she doesn't have marshmallow. There was one place calling her a retard though: /vt/! That's why I say "fans" because none of her pussy-whipped fanbase is holding her to account. Nice egosearch self-report.
View attachment 92817
Yes. She is trying to backpedal from public accusations of someone being a racist and a backstabber to "I'm not here to battle."
Oh and if you laugh at her, you're the bully and she feels sorry for you.
The backstabbing accusations are hilarious given she had to endure the same shit after "backstabbing" Kawaii, and trying to cast a negative light on v-dere the minute she left the door. I guess it's fine when she does itDon't get me fucking started on her saying someone else has double standards. As for the the racist allegations, there's a good chance Elia fell for a /vt/ shitpost:
A semi-consistent shitpost in /vt/ is that Mozu is super racist towards Acti and said outrageous stuff on her now-defunct alt. This lead to a shoop that you can find easily enough on /corpo/ archives in Warosu:
View attachment 92820
This has been edited into other stuff like this
View attachment 92821
In case it isn't obvious, Mozu never said any of this shit. No public entity with two braincells would ever say this. I followed the alt and never saw her post that, something like this would have been plastered everywhere if it was real, and I find it unlikely someone would screenshot the original post and a reply in 26 seconds. This might even be part of a bigger gayop by one dedicated anti since some anon was taking credit as having sent "evidence" to Elia in /corpo/ today, and posted similarly in the past. Even if it's fake and gay, and it likely is, they still have a long enough memory to care about it:
View attachment 92822View attachment 92829View attachment 92827View attachment 92828
I completely write off that she's racist behind closed doors too, otherwise you have to convince me that somehow Spica, Tomoe, Alpha and Airi are cool with it and the only one with moral fiber in the group was Elia, who herself is a disgruntled Asian "half-cast" as she puts it, that grew up in Bongland and loves to share stories of microaggressions from 15+ years ago. I guarantee anytime she was in the same room as an Asian she spent it shitting on wypipo at the slightest provocation. I hope moving to one of the most xenophobic countries on Earth works out for her.
Since this is the third time I've had to post on the topic, this image feels appropriate. Kanna is a precious treasure and, intentional or no, dodged a bullet, I hope she caught wind and opts against inviting her in future too. Thank you for putting up with my grudgetism.
View attachment 92839
Just in case it matters for searching threadmarks, she's Elia Stellaria, not Elia Stellaris. Yes I know she's forgettable outside of pity and bitchiness.
I wonder, this cunt thinks she fools anyone besides the people firmly lodged up her backside huffing her farts?Some shit went down while I was asleep.
View attachment 92812
I can't get an archive because she deleted it by time I was awake but sure enough there was traces of people talking about it, with someone directly quoting it from discord
View attachment 92813
And here is a Link to someone replying to a now-deleted tweet that lines up with the twitter link post on /vt/, so I am comfortable in saying this isn't a hoax.
One extra discord funny:
View attachment 92840
This is clearly a reaction to Kanna's big minecraft event she announced yesterday, which features members of v-dere. The seethe on its own is perfect but it also justifies everything I've said about Elia being fake up until this point. For someone who keeps virtue signaling that they want to avoid drama, that they hate clout, that they don't want vtubing to be like high school; why then is she one that constantly brings up clout, drama and stirring up shit with public quips like a highschool mean girl?
Her damage control afterwards is even more pathetic. First up: getting mad at your "fans"
View attachment 92816
I did a bit of sleuthing and couldn't see a single discord message or twitter reply calling her out. Her DMs are verified users only and she doesn't have marshmallow. There was one place calling her a retard though: /vt/! That's why I say "fans" because none of her pussy-whipped fanbase is holding her to account. Nice egosearch self-report.
View attachment 92817
Yes. She is trying to backpedal from public accusations of someone being a racist and a backstabber to "I'm not here to battle."
Oh and if you laugh at her, you're the bully and she feels sorry for you.
The backstabbing accusations are hilarious given she had to endure the same shit after "backstabbing" Kawaii, and trying to cast a negative light on v-dere the minute she left the door. I guess it's fine when she does itDon't get me fucking started on her saying someone else has double standards. As for the the racist allegations, there's a good chance Elia fell for a /vt/ shitpost:
A semi-consistent shitpost in /vt/ is that Mozu is super racist towards Acti and said outrageous stuff on her now-defunct alt. This lead to a shoop that you can find easily enough on /corpo/ archives in Warosu:
View attachment 92820
This has been edited into other stuff like this
View attachment 92821
In case it isn't obvious, Mozu never said any of this shit. No public entity with two braincells would ever say this. I followed the alt and never saw her post that, something like this would have been plastered everywhere if it was real, and I find it unlikely someone would screenshot the original post and a reply in 26 seconds. This might even be part of a bigger gayop by one dedicated anti since some anon was taking credit as having sent "evidence" to Elia in /corpo/ today, and posted similarly in the past. Even if it's fake and gay, and it likely is, they still have a long enough memory to care about it:
View attachment 92822View attachment 92829View attachment 92827View attachment 92828
I completely write off that she's racist behind closed doors too, otherwise you have to convince me that somehow Spica, Tomoe, Alpha and Airi are cool with it and the only one with moral fiber in the group was Elia, who herself is a disgruntled Asian "half-cast" as she puts it, that grew up in Bongland and loves to share stories of microaggressions from 15+ years ago. I guarantee anytime she was in the same room as an Asian she spent it shitting on wypipo at the slightest provocation. I hope moving to one of the most xenophobic countries on Earth works out for her.
Since this is the third time I've had to post on the topic, this image feels appropriate. Kanna is a precious treasure and, intentional or no, dodged a bullet, I hope she caught wind and opts against inviting her in future too. Thank you for putting up with my grudgetism.
View attachment 92839
Just in case it matters for searching threadmarks, she's Elia Stellaria, not Elia Stellaris. Yes I know she's forgettable outside of pity and bitchiness.
This is all convoluted way to say League of Legends is gay and it's good I don't have to suffer as I don't watch vtubers who play that garbageTo explain further, the nerfs to supports that happened in the Talon release patch were mainly aimed at taking down their sustain and ability to be powerful while building no ability scaling whatsoever. Most of these were fine as a lot of them had rightfully deserved nerfs like Alistar's ult giving 70% damage reduction at all ranks.
However this later resulted in Soraka being cancerous as fuck because if she built AP tank, she could spam her starfall like a retard, doing really good damage to everyone on the screen without aiming and would shred entire teams if she wasn't focus fired at the start of a teamfight. She didn't change the design of this character, it was always shit, she just nerfed their base values and increased their AP scaling, which caused this shit to become retarded.
For the most part, a lot of the LoL community was the worst possible retards imaginable and cry over the dumbest shit, so their complaints about her were massively overblown. A lot of them deemed that Soraka was trash after the patch, only for the AP Soraka solo laner to eventually become a monster. The LoL community, especially in those early days, was hilariously retarded at analyzing champion playstyles. Everyone thought Gragas was a mid bruiser until some pro pulled out AP Gragas and realized how broken he was. Same thing with AP Tryndamere, where everyone claimed it was just cheese that worked against bronze players until a pro player pulled it out and dominated a match. These same retards saw Tahm Kench and thought "he's okay, he just doesn't die", only for him to become permabanned because of how overpowered he was. My personal favorite was the community seeing Thresh and thinking "oh, he's alright" and not realizing he had an incredibly overloaded kit and would go on to have a dominant presence for years to come. So yeah, the LoL community is incredibly retarded and is indignant about being wrong.
I believe she left Riot because Randuin got a job offer somewhere else, don't know if that was a lie or if that supposed divorce came later. I wonder if she still talks with LilyPichu.
I saw that shit and when the teams were announced and saw Mozu on Red Team i immediately knew what was comingYes. She is trying to backpedal from public accusations of someone being a racist and a backstabber to "I'm not here to battle."
Oh and if you laugh at her, you're the bully and she feels sorry for you.