"Would you love me even if I was reincarnated Hitler?"Jelly Hoshiumi

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Rrat Dissolver
Joined:  Jul 22, 2023
I have to wonder how good these games are if I keep hearing praises about them but they're never seemingly made huge waves.
They are FALCOM games, outside of Ys their IPs are not amazingly popular in the west

Edit: dont listen to the old 60 something old man claiming Xanadu is the best game in the world

God's Strongest Dragoon

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How much of that did you have to deep dive into internet archives to remember because I don't care how fucking autistic you are, remembering game design drama about a game like League from 15 years ago is a big pull.
None of it. In fact, I just looked up the numbers because I wasn't so sure and turns out I was wrong about the numbers on the Alistar ult, it was originally 75% damage reduction at all ranks, not 70% reduction.

I still remember the post that triggered Tseric and got him fired from Blizzard in the mid 2000s. The old WoW forums during vanilla were some wild shit.


menhera addicted sister
Pipproject Producer
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To explain further, the nerfs to supports that happened in the Talon release patch were mainly aimed at taking down their sustain and ability to be powerful while building no ability scaling whatsoever. Most of these were fine as a lot of them had rightfully deserved nerfs like Alistar's ult giving 70% damage reduction at all ranks.

However this later resulted in Soraka being cancerous as fuck because if she built AP tank, she could spam her starfall like a retard, doing really good damage to everyone on the screen without aiming and would shred entire teams if she wasn't focus fired at the start of a teamfight. She didn't change the design of this character, it was always shit, she just nerfed their base values and increased their AP scaling, which caused this shit to become retarded.

For the most part, a lot of the LoL community was the worst possible retards imaginable and cry over the dumbest shit, so their complaints about her were massively overblown. A lot of them deemed that Soraka was trash after the patch, only for the AP Soraka solo laner to eventually become a monster. The LoL community, especially in those early days, was hilariously retarded at analyzing champion playstyles. Everyone thought Gragas was a mid bruiser until some pro pulled out AP Gragas and realized how broken he was. Same thing with AP Tryndamere, where everyone claimed it was just cheese that worked against bronze players until a pro player pulled it out and dominated a match. These same retards saw Tahm Kench and thought "he's okay, he just doesn't die", only for him to become permabanned because of how overpowered he was. My personal favorite was the community seeing Thresh and thinking "oh, he's alright" and not realizing he had an incredibly overloaded kit and would go on to have a dominant presence for years to come. So yeah, the LoL community is incredibly retarded and is indignant about being wrong.

I believe she left Riot because Randuin got a job offer somewhere else, don't know if that was a lie or if that supposed divorce came later. I wonder if she still talks with LilyPichu.
I'm digging the divorce rrat and it matches with what you're saying: was married then divorced, went on the common female "no one loves me" journey, ends with simps and some light passions, hit it off here and there while keeping simps around, which one ended being the schizo.
Many people cry about that era but even without ever touching Soraka, the idea of having a Jungle Soraka was so fun it made the game much more interesting to watch and play. I'm really fond of Season2/3 specifically because you could do some stupid, out-of-pocket shit to confuse your opponents and it did work if you synergized well within your team. The solidification of roles and purpose of heroes was the worst thing that happened to the game, it was only downhill from there. It was unbalanced, sure, AP Trynda/Yi was pure sewer juice to deal with, but it wasn't something you couldn't build against, the exception being Thresh, fuck that bitch it monopolized bottom lane for 3 years straight.
View attachment 92843

Note for tourists: all of the materials in this post were acquired from public sources that were voluntarily uploaded to the internet by the subject.

Yesterday, just as I was about to go to bed, I was contacted by an individual who had decided they had had enough of SilvySpark throwing stones from within his glass house. They promised me more information today. Recently... they delivered. Here is a link to my google drive (open in private to hide your gmail), where you will find a permanent archive of the material in question. For those who want the juicy details, see the quick links below.

First of all, here's an encyclopedic record of his activities online, stretching back over a decade. This includes his Encyclopedia Dramatica Page.

Plus, there are many, many, many screenshots. Some are fairly mundane. Others are utterly hilarious and should be a death knell for anyone taking him seriously in any context whatsoever, ever again.

1) SilvySpark posing in his disgusting hovel of a bedroom. See how much filth and weird details YOU can spot!
2) SilvySpark wearing
hentai of his OC at a con (censored)
3) SilvySpark
showing off his PC Setup. Note the open DM lists with his clients in the background.
4) SilvySpark
gleefully preparing to watch Cuties and calling it a great example of 'outrage marketing'.
5) His
sexy pony commissions. Not safe for sanity, reality, humanity, and various other words ending in '-anity'.
6) His
massive presence on DeviantART, which includes a ton of slapfights.

The most relevant parts of this archive are the many, many times he uses slurs. Including the n-word. What an AMAZING progressive LGBTQIA+ ally, everyone!
Of course the anti-lolicon, known harasser hovers over the pedo zone. Concrete shoes on his four hooves. :lumitenmakillhim:
I have to wonder how good these games are if I keep hearing praises about them but they're never seemingly made huge waves.
Classic JRPG autism with dozens of thousands of textboxes and things to explore, note and experience personally. Neigh-perfect worldbuilding and characters that make you care about everything involving them. The combat itself runs on Calculus Autism Juice to pull arithmetics out of players, very rewarding experience for crushing numbers properly. All in all, the ideal turn-based JRPG made by fans, for fans.
If you want an outdated comparison, check the script sizes:

Uwu achieved 100k subs on YT, so to celebrate he's making a YouTube plaque with lead and silver just to explode it afterwards

Takako is playing Klonoa 2 tonight while Ruri comes in to talk with her about her derranged thoughts

The SEA sisters are back with The Quarry

Banana Hammock

Born to Sneed
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Banana Hammock

Born to Sneed
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electronic elephant

"I am uncontrollable. I cannot be managed."—Vesper
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Mogu talking about how she became a vtuber.


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If I remember word on the street was that Kawaii wanted to rush their gens to perform as well. And I'm trying to remember but Mozzu kind of alluded to this as they did not want to be rushed. And then things broke down real fast and we got the walk out, Mozzu wanted to go scorched earth about the breakdown but the others kept her from saying anything.
Not quite accurate. All of gen 3 were interested in the performance aspect (they're all performing at carrier con this week) but management's approach was comprehensively retarded. Mozu wanted to graduate normally and said she never wanted to just disappear on fans, so the scorched earth thing isn't true, it was Kawaii that dropped all of them in an instant. One of the earliest things she commented on about Kawaii was that she didn't want any bad blood with the Kawaii girls, it's my understanding some made up in Japan after Kawaii dissolved so a lot of the drama was instigated by management forcing tribalism. One of the other big misunderstandings is that Mozu and Elia kept their Kawaii donothon money, they returned it all so Kawaii could refund those who requested it (and no, it wasn't an automatic refund for donors, so I have to assume they pocketed the rest).
To understand the level of retard that Kawaii management operated on, they threatened certain members over reusing colors in their indie designs. :ponrys: Somebody should tell Nimi to remove the green from her design just to be safe. I can't point to any one source since this has been dripfed over a long period of time pieced together from all the members.

Lee Crabb

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Banana Hammock

Born to Sneed
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As for mods/editors taking over her channel, Julio is absolutely running her yt, he makes and uploads everything, but I doubt he's saying what she should watch or talk about. Cause I mean do you really think there money behind saying she would be willing to eat dog?

Just to say shes doesnt let mod run her channel she told off her mod when this came up and she was tangenting hard, eventually leading into powerpuff girls.


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electronic elephant

"I am uncontrollable. I cannot be managed."—Vesper
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No Elia's partially right there, Mozzu got cancelled for making racist jokes against her friends during her time as a VRchat content creator back in 2020. Mozzu was open with this with Kawaii and all her genmates when she joined Kawaii. Mozzu also recently confirmed it on a members stream, the response was a resounding "who cares?".

The /PKG/-/corpo/ schizo sends those fake screenshots along with the twitlongers of her getting cancelled to anyone Mozzu or V-dere Collab with to try and sabotage her.
Partially right is too much, she might have been right 5 or 6 years ago when Mozu was an edgy teen. I was being generous assuming Elia got duped because otherwise the read is that she doesn't believe that people grow out of shit they did as a minor or are capable of change and has held this against her since day one. Regardless, I take the reformed southerner that's held a clean record for gamer moments the last half-decade over grown ass woman that was bitter just yesterday.
A resounding "Who cares?" seems like the correct response, and going by track records it's a core quality of success in Hololive talents :guh:


I'm not gay but an akasupa is an akasupa
Joined:  May 19, 2024
proceed at your own risk
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Joined:  Oct 23, 2022
View attachment 92843

Note for tourists: all of the materials in this post were acquired from public sources that were voluntarily uploaded to the internet by the subject.

Yesterday, just as I was about to go to bed, I was contacted by an individual who had decided they had had enough of SilvySpark throwing stones from within his glass house. They promised me more information today. Recently... they delivered. Here is a link to my google drive (open in private to hide your gmail), where you will find a permanent archive of the material in question. For those who want the juicy details, see the quick links below.

First of all, here's an encyclopedic record of his activities online, stretching back over a decade. This includes his Encyclopedia Dramatica Page.

Plus, there are many, many, many screenshots. Some are fairly mundane. Others are utterly hilarious and should be a death knell for anyone taking him seriously in any context whatsoever, ever again.

1) SilvySpark posing in his disgusting hovel of a bedroom. See how much filth and weird details YOU can spot!
2) SilvySpark wearing
hentai of his OC at a con (censored)
3) SilvySpark
showing off his PC Setup. Note the open DM lists with his clients in the background.
4) SilvySpark
gleefully preparing to watch Cuties and calling it a great example of 'outrage marketing'.
5) His
sexy pony commissions. Not safe for sanity, reality, humanity, and various other words ending in '-anity'.
6) His
massive presence on DeviantART, which includes a ton of slapfights.

The most relevant parts of this archive are the many, many times he uses slurs. Including the n-word. What an AMAZING progressive LGBTQIA+ ally, everyone!
Of course it must be fucking bronies, just like nolan:


I'm not gay but an akasupa is an akasupa
Joined:  May 19, 2024


Revived Lurker
Joined:  Dec 19, 2023
it's weird to think that we aren't, in fact, the bottom of the degeneracy pit
Bronies are the worst traits of the furry and cartoon fandom combined. They was never any hope to begin with.

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