To explain further, the nerfs to supports that happened in the Talon release patch were mainly aimed at taking down their sustain and ability to be powerful while building no ability scaling whatsoever. Most of these were fine as a lot of them had rightfully deserved nerfs like Alistar's ult giving 70% damage reduction at all ranks.
However this later resulted in Soraka being cancerous as fuck because if she built AP tank, she could spam her starfall like a retard, doing really good damage to everyone on the screen without aiming and would shred entire teams if she wasn't focus fired at the start of a teamfight. She didn't change the design of this character, it was always shit, she just nerfed their base values and increased their AP scaling, which caused this shit to become retarded.
For the most part, a lot of the LoL community was the worst possible retards imaginable and cry over the dumbest shit, so their complaints about her were massively overblown. A lot of them deemed that Soraka was trash after the patch, only for the AP Soraka solo laner to eventually become a monster. The LoL community, especially in those early days, was hilariously retarded at analyzing champion playstyles. Everyone thought Gragas was a mid bruiser until some pro pulled out AP Gragas and realized how broken he was. Same thing with AP Tryndamere, where everyone claimed it was just cheese that worked against bronze players until a pro player pulled it out and dominated a match. These same retards saw Tahm Kench and thought "he's okay, he just doesn't die", only for him to become permabanned because of how overpowered he was. My personal favorite was the community seeing Thresh and thinking "oh, he's alright" and not realizing he had an incredibly overloaded kit and would go on to have a dominant presence for years to come. So yeah, the LoL community is incredibly retarded and is indignant about being wrong.
I believe she left Riot because Randuin got a job offer somewhere else, don't know if that was a lie or if that supposed divorce came later. I wonder if she still talks with LilyPichu.