im barely 5 minutes in but its a very critical summary of all the times Squirmimi had gone against brave management. Mostly consisting of liking dissenting opinions, all her complaints, vaugeposting and snide comments. Alongside the bitching she did because of her throne, alongside revealing Ilou/Seely had contacted him just before the notice was sent out.
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He plays almost the entire Squirmimi meltie including the botting allegation while being somewhat snide about it, he barely pays attention to Illou's statement beyond covering how she was bitched at for her "ties to anti social forces" and her exit contract.
The entire segment and the comment section is very critical of Squrimimi/Barbie's handling, its somewhat deserved since Barbie seems kinda schizo and she seemingly broke many rules but the entire video stinks of him having Brave's cock in his mouth, the lack of attention to Ilou's much less damning case makes me think that alot. But that could be my bias against him speaking.
He brushes off her botting accusation and brings to attention how she "walked it back" when its something that could have a smidge of circumstantial evidence that many here have brought up, so i doubt he actually has an actually unbiased view of the situation