Green woman proving she belongs to the hair color at the moment on RM account.
Posted selfie, then deleted it, and talked about how she's always insecure posting selfies. Then posted another poorly censored selfie and deleted it AGAIN. She does this every couple of months but this is the first time I caught one before it was gone. Missed first one and didn't archive second one in time before it got killed but at least grabbed a screencap. Green woman stop menhera-ing over your looks, you're cute.
View attachment 91651
5th generation was interesting... Yet is really praised now
Garbodor would be a Muk regional variant and beloved if it came out today.>Pokemon 5 bad because it has a literal trash pokemon
>Pokemon 1 good because it has a literal pile of slop pokemon
Any genwunners out there; go ahead and count how many gen 1 pokemon are variations on 'literally just a ball'.>Pokemon 1 good because it has a literal pile of slop pokemon
it is over AI being tagged as normal fanart, she retweeted this then removed the retweet.Not 100% sure, but if I had to guess, AIYamanbas spamming her art tag with their sloppa.
Or people posting porn in the not porn tag.
Or both at the same time.
It's unironically the World of Warcraft dev retardation, where they kept introducing a new gimmick system with each expansion that your character's entire powerscaling was built around. One expansion they introduced Artifact Weapons and Artifact Power that had their own perks with special abilities. At the end of that expansion, they destroyed the Artifact Weapons and introduced a new retarded system (Azerite Power) that the playerbase had to play around, only to throw it out at the end of the expansion for another new retarded system (Covenants) for the next expansion.>Pokemon 5 bad because it has a literal trash pokemon
>Pokemon 1 good because it has a literal pile of slop pokemon
I like all of the gens until 5, 6 was boring, 7 was mediocre, 8 was fucking atrocious and 9 was "the worst parts of 8: the game"
The issue with the series has always been trying to introduce new gimmicks which they instantly drop in the next game instead of just making the games GOOD
I know nothing about wow so I will just take your word for it.It's unironically the World of Warcraft dev retardation, where they kept introducing a new gimmick system with each expansion that your character's entire powerscaling was built around. One expansion they introduced Artifact Weapons and Artifact Power that had their own perks with special abilities. At the end of that expansion, they destroyed the Artifact Weapons and introduced a new retarded system (Azerite Power) that the playerbase had to play around, only to throw it out at the end of the expansion for another new retarded system (Covenants) for the next expansion.
Mega Evolutions were okay because they seemed like an answer to some Pokemon having dogshit stats by giving them good Mega Evolutions. Then they threw that out for Z-moves, which got replaced with Dynamaxing, which then got replaced with that stupid tera shit. Now they've come full circle and couldn't even come up with a unique gimmick this time as they're bringing back Mega Evolutions. I've heard that the new battle system for Pokemon ZA is ripped from one of the Digimon games, so yeah, GameFreak is literally Blizzard at this point.
Gen 5 is great. It actually dare asked "Is it cruel to enslave pokemons in balls and force them to fight for our entertainment"meh people got overly upset that too many new Pokémon were objects not animals (some even getting it into their heads that all Pokémon are supposed to be animals never seen a geodude i suppose) the story is pretty ambitious for Pokémon which is why its so remembered.
the villian is just Giovanni again but cranked to 11. this guy is an uber terrorist abusive parent geocidal maniac and thats something pokemon has never had
There also the fights this is pokemon just before it started obnoxiously handholding you through the whole game some of the fights are actually challenging and i mean under normal play challenge runs are even more terrifying.
and then there's the actual peak of the game. it got a SEQUEL the only game in the main pokemon series to get a direct follow up set 2 years after the 1st game
some of the best content after you beat the game too being the peak of the battle engine and giving you the ability to fight basically everyone ever in the dirftveil tournament
Cynthia (and her amazing theme) Giovanni Red Lance ect. with updated teams.
Must be the universe's way of telling her to stop drinking pee
Putting this here, since I wouldn't call it a Niji L, just news.
当社所属ライバー「小清水透」に対する権利侵害行為への対応について | ANYCOLOR株式会社(ANYCOLOR Inc.)
I can imagine her asking the attorney for that recording to watch daily."sending a video recording of his own apology message to Toru Koshimizu's attorney."
Could it be related to this? I saw plebbitors in kurosanji talking about her today:Putting this here, since I wouldn't call it a Niji L, just news.
当社所属ライバー「小清水透」に対する権利侵害行為への対応について | ANYCOLOR株式会社(ANYCOLOR Inc.)
Palworld has shown that it's relatively easy to make a full-blown Pokemon-inspired game on a moderate budget, and that there's a huge market for such games that is not being served by GameFreak and the Pokemon franchise. Hopefully in a few years there will be some other companies doing their own take on the Pokemon franchise that have come about because Palworld was so successful.I know nothing about wow so I will just take your word for it.
I have a lot of nostalgia for the early years specially gen 4. I am sad that palworld exists as it does, not because it isn't good, I'd say it takes the formula in its own direction and that's fine, but more so because I do not really care for an Ark-style pocket creature game. I would instantly shell out cash for a 2D RPG style game though, fill it with charm and loveable characters, cool pixelart and swanky music and it would be a dream come true for me.
I wonder why japanese folded so easily.Putting this here, since I wouldn't call it a Niji L, just news.
当社所属ライバー「小清水透」に対する権利侵害行為への対応について | ANYCOLOR株式会社(ANYCOLOR Inc.)
Im just saying that these suits are perfect example of corporation bullying the common person out of freedom of speech. Rather than "justice being served"Most civil disputes in the world are settled out of court. Court battles are bullshit, expensive, slow and, specially in Japan, heavily favor the slandered party.
How it started:
How it's going:
What it culminated into:
@superduper stop encouraging the schizos and ask for dick pics like regular degenerate
Most civil disputes in the world are settled out of court. Court battles are bullshit, expensive, slow and, specially in Japan, heavily favor the slandered party.I wonder why japanese folded so easily.
It is really fucking hard to prove damages cause by "troll comments"
All of these stories are they got contacted and apologized with compensation before hitting court.
Mikeneko even went a step further and helped everyone by setting a precedent that you can actually win these suits.
I guess the court proceedings would be more expensive than just the compensation? And this is closer to a SLAPP lawsuit than anything.