I know you guys are joking and all. But these are all specifically phillipines/indonesia and nowhere else in SEA
Sure jungle hellholes exist in other country but because they are hellholes, noone lives in there. Everyone lives in the central cities where they have access to internet and a modern life. Even the bumfuck poor land of Laos are getting a lot of investment from China & Viet to steal their golds and minerals.
Basically only Phillipines/Indonesia/Myanmar are shit to live in. Flip/Indo just being shit. Myanmar is in a perpetual civil war, the west completely fucked their political stability.
Jelly should be fine as one living in a non-shithole country.
Edit: Nothing wrong with frog, they taste like chicken. Same thing with human meat tbh. Frog are consumed all over the world and is one of the least offensive thing SEA eats. We do spiders, snake, unhatched chickens, even piss organs in here, there are so many weird thing SEA eat that frog is like #1231234