A lot of American power grids are incredibly outdated and horribly maintained. California is REALLY bad about this, which is where a lot of vtubers are (as it is like 10% of the country's population and tons of Asians are there). They tried to push some laws trying to force everyone to buy electric cars and then that same year, they begged people not to charge their cars so much because it was putting too much strain on the power grid. During the summers, they'll often put out maps of the state which are likely going to receive power outages because the power grid is so shit.First of all, quite a few American vtubers seem to have periodic issues with blackouts and surges. Is it common for electric grids in the US to be that unreliable? The other day my boss told me he lost power for a couple of hours in the morning and we discussed how unprepared people here are for those sorts of situations these days since they just don't happen anymore: no one stores candles or propane bottles for emergency heating and lighting.