"What's uhlimunny? (Alimony)"IRyS

General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

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Idiots are my type.
Joined:  Jan 13, 2023
Bossman is literally in the vtuber scene just to be parasocial. That's wild.

Not parasocial, parasociality would mean the illusion of closeness but proctussy says quite clearly that he wants an actual close relation.

I imagine some of the parasocials do too.
Joking aside, at least our vagueposting overlord actively tries to help some of them, so that's nice.
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OG Pomu fan and former nijisister
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I Wanna Die

Don't do drugs, blow all your money on vtubers
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Bao shared a look at her newly announced Novel Horizons figure. Don't know why she is so stern about the Jar thing, since that is probably exactly what she wants you to do with it.
$250 | December 2025 | Preorders open now

That fucked up face ruins what would be a nice figure


Menace of the Asylum
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Nene's Pet Latinx
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Bossman is literally in the vtuber scene just to be parasocial. That's wild.
Not parasocial, parasociality would mean the illusion of closeness but proctussy says quite clearly that he wants an actual close relation.


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For some reason when i download the audio off Elevenlabs and upload it directly to Davinci it sets it to one channel. Need to open it on Audacity and re-export it so Davinci can recognize both channels.

I could also run a very manly voice through it.

Reuploaded the Femboy one with the Fixed Audio:

What does it sound like when he laughs?
You forgot the most important person: @Awoogers, would you oshi this fine British maiden(♂)?


Awawawawa (derogatory)
Joined:  May 23, 2023
Didn't see this posted. I don't watch her much, but this came across my timeline. I hope everything goes smoothly for her.

Thomas Talus

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Cover by Amiya:

Sounds great. Amazing singing from her in this.

The singing is fantastic, but the audio in the early parts felt a bit off from what I was expecting from the supercell version, possibly something about reverb.


Pippa Fan, Failed Normalfriend
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This copyright claim dox technique has been known for years. How has Ironmouse gone this long without setting up her channels in a way that would let her respond through a lawyer? :vesperfacepalm:
(Also, is there even any special setup required? IIRC back before he got hooked on coke, Rekeita helped some of his friends out with disputing copyright claims.)
The thing with fighting claims/takedowns is they just need someone willing to accept legal liability for the dispute, it doesn't necessarily have to be Mouse herself. She just needs to give someone else access to her account and have them fill out and sign the form themselves - it still requires doxing someone, but if it's a manager or other VShojo employee who already has their shit all over LinkedIn anyway it doesn't make much difference.

It's a broken system to have let it get this far and it's especially frustrating since I can tell they've been led in circles by the "live support chat" (read: a bot that copy/pastes FAQ answers at you until you close the window), and YouTube do everything in their power to scare you out of disputing anything since they don't want to rock the boat with rights holders, but if VShojo are willing to throw an employee at it as a meatshield they have options (although if she's intentionally not doing that out of principle I can also understand that, since people will probably just reupload her vods anyway).


Menace of the Asylum
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Nene's Pet Latinx
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Seems like it wasn't a nefarious TROLOLOL after all targeting poor widdle iwonwung, this removes any shred of pity I had for the situation, reaction content is hot, effortless garbage.

God's Strongest Dragoon

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!!Foot Dox Confirmed!!
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So she was a retard and was putting up the low effort shitty react content on youtube

Guessing reacting to shit that gets played on TV and other YT Videos. While stupid as hell, shouldnt the people doing the copyright strikes are better off just doing a claim to take over the monetization?


menhera addicted sister
Pipproject Producer
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Bao shared a look at her newly announced Novel Horizons figure. Don't know why she is so stern about the Jar thing, since that is probably exactly what she wants you to do with it.
$250 | December 2025 | Preorders open now

250 bucks for a 1/7? I don't know, man. Even Goodsmile charges around 100-200 at most. With that money you could get a premium Square Enix figure now that the yen is weakened.
Good luck to her, but I don't think she's gonna get the numbers she wishes for.

Roro is going through 12 hours of Minecraft, currently at hour 2


Murdered Lurker
Joined:  Dec 19, 2023
Seems like the Wosemi has a surprise (announcement/reveal) on this stream.

E: I have no idea what to expect but I'll assume it's probably an outfit tease of some kind.
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Joined:  Mar 1, 2023
So she was a retard and was putting up the low effort shitty react content on youtube
She has any other content she makes to put on youtube? Also, how are her fans going to spin this story around now, when it turned from "evil scumbags are trying to hurt our precious sickly princess for no reason" to "she is a tard who fucked up copyright rules on a platform"


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Lethe's celebrating her BD. She's reading maros right now


Drink Milk
Joined:  Feb 24, 2023
Bao shared a look at her newly announced Novel Horizons figure. Don't know why she is so stern about the Jar thing, since that is probably exactly what she wants you to do with it.
$250 | December 2025 | Preorders open now

because easy meme joke is easy and drives the retards to engage harder.

God's Strongest Dragoon

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She has any other content she makes to put on youtube? Also, how are her fans going to spin this story around now, when it turned from "evil scumbags are trying to hurt our precious sickly princess for no reason" to "she is a tard who fucked up copyright rules on a platform"
Probably "blah blah blah there's other react streamers that don't get hit like Asmon!" while forgetting that Asmon is infamous among his chat for pausing and talking so often that he turns his reaction of a 15min video into a 50min video. I don't watch Ironmouse but I wouldn't be surprised if she does the lazy "watch video, laugh at it, make at most a few words of commentary while watching it, say something usually <1 min when its over, and then hop to next video".

kushami tasukaru

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Himukai Kogane continuing Blue Archive and voicing all the characters.

774inc's Hebiyoi Tier interviewing her bassist senpai Kanade Kanon at 7PM JST.

Inui Toko's birthday singing and new outfit at 8PM JST.

Yesterday, RK Music's NEUN has her first online solo live and it's beautiful.

Also released her second song.

VSpo's Kaga Nazuna trying to ask a controversial question to Neoporte's Shirayuki Reid in front of other VSpo girls.


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asian vtuber gawl gula2.jpg

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