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Yeah, she says 前世 which is like past life in a reincarnation sense. AZKi never streamed her Rust arc but she was basically that broken NPC who farmed tanks all day, went around with strong gear and randomly helped people out. Some people even thought it was Botan using an alt account.
This must be how I feel about Memory's streams. They seem adorable, and I'll probably learn she's discussing cannibalism but I wouldn't know because it's all in Japanese.
I was skipping over this post (as one does) but happened to read the text as "Blue woman reads mein kampf" and I gotta say, my brain did not question a phase member doing that.
They've done this already with some shitty movie that won't be released for a hundred years (fittingly called "100 Years"). Didn't care then and don't care now, it's a stupid gimmick. How about making interesting content instead?
But how is that gonna work though, She is dead. Unless when she got zombified all of her normal bodily fucntions returns to normal, But then again she wont be able to cut off and reattach her limbs without great pain. Hmmm
Making content that no one alive today is going to see? Fantastic use of resources, I'm sure Youtube will still exist in 100 years. and people will care. The more I see of this choob the less I give a shit.
But how is that gonna work though, She is dead. Unless when she got zombified all of her normal bodily fucntions returns to normal, But then again she wont be able to cut off and reattach her limbs without great pain. Hmmm
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