Vox has stopped with his ASMRs. Mainly because he just doesn't want to do them anymore and also partly because YouTube finally bonked him for them. He's actually been on a type of break and stopped streaming for like two weeks. He's back now, but he isn't streaming as often as before, which has helped with his menhera tendencies.I saw this earlier today (thats NijiENs Hex channel btw) and it made me wonder:
What's Vox and his fujobaiting up to?
Did he completely stop ASMRs and BFE? Like he said he would multiple times in the past already?
iirc he was the guy who also debuted with chinese subtitles on his lore video, so at least he knows exatcly what he's doing
I believe that his audience will blow up, just like for anyone else who caters to the chinese audience, its just a matter of when
As for Hex, it's really hard to tell with the guy. He's admitted that most of his tweets and stream titles are based on songs. His BFE is also kind of weird in the sense that he does do BFE content, but it's played for laughs and treated as a joke by him and his chat. That hasn't stopped his more rabid fans from doing weird shit like taking pictures of their thighs because he said he liked girls with some meat on them, but for the most part, they've calmed down a bit. Surprisingly, he's more popular with Koreans than Chinese girls, but that could be because he knows how to speak the language.
Mmm... Kind of. He's not as funny as Vox, but he's definitely more outgoing and has his moments. He's been a bit weird in the past, he had a dildo asset for some reason, but he sticks with his fans and doesn't really cause an issue for others, so it's whatever.From what I've heard straight from the NijiEN fans themselves, Hex is basically Vox without any of his redeeming qualities.