"Don't do this to me. I know you guys are doing this to me, because you have hand fetish! You care about my hands and my sweat because you guys have... hands and sweat fetish!"Anya Melfissa
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Oh so thats why Takahata kissed his ass so much
Also Mim is one of the dozens of troons that collab with Taka: this guy its just the most notorious one
Oh so thats why Takahata kissed his ass so much
Also Mim is one of the dozens of troons that collab with Taka: this guy its just the most notorious one
Straightest dub enjoyer right here, Good his wifeys maiden name is "Beatty" cuz if she a Lethbian now she's gonna get Beattyn' the fuck up by this ogre. Given what a cesspool the US anime dub industry is I'm surprised this hasn't happened more by now, and given this guy at least has a Wikipage is this one of the few "celebrity" Vtubers we know of? Other than Jamie Lee Curtises son i can't think of any off hand?
Quoting myself here. Took a quick look this morning, most of the document consists of screenshots taken from discord messages so it's not really 100 pages long but the length is still insane to me. While I am writing this, Papi has promptly de-activated his Twitter account (so much for taking accountability).
I'll give you folks a TLDR because I don't want you all to subject yourselves that document. It's a good chunk too.
Papi kept his relationship with his at-the-time girlfriend MythicSights from another person (referred to as "V" in the document) and refused to mention that he was with someone else. When someone in a VC blurted that Papi was together with Mythic while V was in that VC, he got absolutely furious and verbally abused his girlfriend. He doesn't care that she isn't feeling uncomfortable with him doing this, he is upset that he lost a regular who funnelled money into his pockets.
He made quite the transphobic statements. I know most of you don't give a shit about that but keep in mind that Papi advertised himself as an LGBT ally and donated thousands of dollars for the Trevor Project. The audio files for those are here and here. He essentially put himself in a community to garner more clout and money from them.
But if you didn't care about the last part, this one is important. At Page 78, Papi claimed his +18 space is only on discord which is false. Before he nuked his twitter, he had a NSFW tag and retweeted a lot of porn in the past. In short: He is sharing pornography in a space that he allows minors into.
And last but not least: Papi is a manipulative piece of shit and a massive leech, talking shit about other content creators and fellow peers and also referring his community as "assholes, simps and losers".
TLDR: Papi is manipulative, cheating transphobe who inserted himself into the LGBT community for clout and money. He has no respect for anyone but himself and his pockets. He had an NSFW art tag on Twitter despite claiming his only +18 haven being on discord and he heavily retweeted commissioned porn of his character, meaning he might've exposed minors to pornography.
I wasted my time for this. It was not worth it. I ain't even gonna archive the audio files, I can't be arsed anymore. This is less fun than Marina burning back in December.
Tickets for all 31 members of NijiEN are sold out. Not sure how fast was Selen’s but the last one to sell out was Meloco apparently. Also if anyone’s curious the ticket price is $50 per minute, with each talent’s m&g session initially having a max limit of either 2 or 3 minutes per person, but certain ones has been bumped up to a max limit of 5 minutes per person.
Edit: Riku taking the idiom “time is money” literally and manifesting it into another yacht.
These are much more funnier with the new information.
About the babiniku there (and put a lot of niku, sheesh go diet fatass) I think that if you're gonna "come out" at least make an effort, top trans whores shave up and down and that's the bare minimum. Grimmi is chatting everyone up while she taste-test the vile MREs
It boggles my mind on why NijiEN management did not put out a statement. Are they so blind and deaf to the room?
I don't like comparing corps but Hololive when Rushia is melting down puts out a statement to 'please wait we are still in a investigation phase, and we do not interfere with talents' personal life'
It boggles my mind on why NijiEN management did not put out a statement. Are they so blind and deaf to the room?
I don't like comparing corps but Hololive when Rushia is melting down puts out a statement to 'please wait we are still in a investigation phase, and we do not interfere with talents' personal life'
Different situations:
Selen was injuried and (maybe) suspended but its taking the situation very relaxed
Rushia was okay in her health and she was maniacally searching for the opinions of the fans in every single fucking social media and japanese boards and also contacted dramafags to "clean her name" wich ended with the info leak and eventual termination
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