"I'm going to live for Yaggo together and swim wear"Todoroki Hajime

General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

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I can't substantiate this with more than a 'trust me bro', but I will say that I've heard since the Sayu stuff went down, Niji has dropped 1984 level social media restrictions and PR demands on their talents to prevent it ever happening again. They're being told to say it and have to say it, or else their jobs are in danger.

I wish somebody in there would just snap and make a 'fuck it I don't care anymore' style exposé about it all. Latest gen has numbers lower than a decent chunk of indies, and they're pissed off.

Corpo hate.

Meanwhile, over at Phase Connect:


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So, I'm watching Killia and I had wondered if any of you have an oshi in a corpo, have you wondered what they'd be like as an indie? Just curious...

Oh here's the Killia stream I'm watching

I saw what my oshi would be like as an indy. Less creative though she still has an infectious attitude. Too bad she sounds ESL now.

John Vtuber👁️

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Nijisanji is a family

Phase Connect is a mental ward
The Niji Family:


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John Vtuber👁️

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The Rratarded Alt

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Most of this is similar during the time Granblue Fantasy ended up revealing collaboration in game with Love Live series (Highschool Idols, most of the cast there are women, do the math) around, couple of years ago. To this day you can hear people still malding that their 2D idol is in this game and gasp interacted with the pretty boys and males in this gacha game.

This pretty much the same thing that happened with Hololive, though imo I am baffled as of why they even mad at it in the first place. They just there as guest and the Granblue Fantasy Fest stream/event that was held last saturday/sunday JP time done well enough anyway. Heck, the game didn't even collab with Hololive either, they went with My Hero Academia instead!

Why even?
The girls had fun in the event segment and it was a great program altogether until the end, some people just don't want to feel happy even on the holy day itself.
Which is their loss anyway :botanshrug:

I thought the title is called Troon Bangers....

Almost forgot but it's also winning son's anniversary day and he released a new song to celebrate it as well

He had an anniversary live a few hours ago with Matsuri and Kagura Mea as guests


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Nene's Pet Latinx
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Well here's the rant I promised to post, I originally wrote the thing yesterday and fortunately I only had to do a little modification in the middle because of something that was released at last minute. I tried to be as "normal" as possible but I honestly just wanted to write what I was thinking into the void and get it out of me
So Nijifest is over, and you guys want to know what exciting announcements there have been for NijiEN? That's right folks! It's NOTHING. Ok I am exaggerating a little bit, there has been something, this year Nijisanji cooked and for Nijifest EN fans got: drawings on the walls from the livers, pannels and a concert in which Pomu sang one song (which to be honest was a really good song and the livers were physically there for the pannels which at least is different from what we usually get), and... figures... 3 of them 1/7 size, and the others are Palverse... And they are not even selling them, they were just announced, so if you were able to go or if you wanted more merch then I guess it has been an excellent event, otherwise I guess you can get fucked

I am just dissapointed and a little angry right now. I admit it though, I know I shouldn't feel like this because they never said they were going to announce anything at Nijifes, but still I wish there could have been something of greater importance. I feel this whole second half of the year has just not been as good, with the graduations, the Livers disappearing for weeks to go to Japan in projects or vacations which then kinda force you to learn what cool interactions or stuff happened offstream, and then having a lot of cancelled streams when they return because of "offline work" or travel sickness, and that's not even talking if one of the livers you watch lives in Japan cause they are going to miss their streams to hang out with whomever is there for the week. I was at least expecting something, anything to make this last half of the year worth it, maybe a teaser of the "big thing" they've been working. Instead we got more merch that's not an acylic stand, which hey, good for you if you want that, at least they are not completely abandoned like NijiID.

But it's just been... I don't know if the word "empty" is right more like "in autopilot mode", sure things exploded at the start of November for a weekend, and then there was a trickle of outfit reveals and covers in the next weeks, but those have slowed down and now everyone is back in Japan to participate in their Nijifes panel or just hang out. It's reasons like these my opinions for Reimu and Aia have increased so much lately, you can say whatever you want about their content but at least they had a consistent streaming schedule. Hell! in the period of October where every pre Iluna girl was in Japan doing god-knows-what Reimu was the only one who actually tried streaming even a little bit and I really appreciate that effort.

You guys know in my opinion what the biggest NijiEN unity moment of the year is? a moment where everyon can look and say "oh Niji looks like a really cool place"? The Oto no naru hou e cover, which was made by Pomu in the middle of the year with her own funds and by her own initiative. (Guess what, the same day I wrote this Rosemi released her 12 days of christmas cover which is good, but it was a smaller last minute project where almost everyone in NijiEN decided to jump on, I still think Pomu's cover is bigger and more representative of what I mean)

I know comparison is the thief of joy but look at Hololive: They had the Connect the World concert, the 3D showcases, a new highly anticipated gen. Look at Vshojo, they incorporated new streamers to their ranks and they have been doing projects all year long, they had the bubblegum concert or whatever the fuck it's called. Both of them had great moments through the year and then you look at Niji and it's just one step forward one step back. And just to be clear I'm not saying this from a tribalistic point of "Niji needs to be better to be number one" but rather because these companies have been doing some really cool shit while the Niji livers have nothing of that scale.

And then you take all these things into account and get a tweet like this

NIJISANJI DIDN'T COOK SHIT, THIS IS JUST THE EQUIVALENT OF BEING SERVED PREPACKAGED FOOD AFTER WAITING AT A RESTAURANT TABLE FOR 4 HOURS. It's just so infuriating because the livers keep saying "Oh I love Nijisanji", "it's great", "my manager is so nice", "I love being here" and they really seem to love it but the problem is they don't give the fans any reason to love it too, when almost every good thing that came out of NijiEN this year has been thanks to the livers and not the company.

Knowing my luck it will be like what that one user said before and they'll probably say something about the "big thing" when all the livers come back home or in the Anime Impulse convention (which has all the niji members up to Krisis), but seeing how glacial the pace has been with news it might be even longer.

But perhaps the most discouraging thing is, I feel like I am going crazy. I don't use twitter so I don't know if the "Nijisanji black company" sentiment calmed down or not in the past few weeks but everyone seems to be looking at Nijifes and going "this what we have been waiting for" and I am just here being like "this is it?". So I want to ask to anyone who watches Niji, am I the only one who feels this way? I really want to hear some opinions, because I don't know if I am going schizo or if I am justified in feeling like this.

I don't know anymore, I am just... tired :depressedtako:. I love the Niji talents I watch, I really do. But when the company they belong to seems incompetent at best and uncaring at worst, and the talents leave for long periods of time just to come back and say "oops it's a secret" or "surprise! I hanged out with my coworkers" with little to no warning and with no company supported big events since the Lazulight 3D debuts it becomes really frustrating to support them wholeheartedly.

Throw me the meds and MATI's if you want, I said what I wanted to say.

I know who's behind this...
BAYLURKER! Come out, come out wherever you are! Your reign of terror ends today you blockheaded menace! Don't you DARE migo me you bastard! We settle this in the waffle house parking lot buddy, you and me 1v1 GG no re!
*Promptly gets beaten into a pulp by Baylurker, the most beefed up inmate in the whole asylum*


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Pope of にじさんじ
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Thanks for your post frzned, I really thought I'd be getting more negative reactions so I'm happy that what I wrote managed to resonate.
I really have mixed feelings, I am happy the livers that went to Japan are having a good time and being able to meet each other and I am not selfish enough to think "my oshis are not streaming in the days of christmas? HATE", but at the same time I feel like that happiness and energy the livers have is not getting translated into their content, like it's good for them personally but it has been really affecting them content wise with only being able to get reactions and news from them through Twitter.
Also I may not have explained myself properly with thesubject of paying the events. I was not trying to complain about the livers having to pay for them because I think that it doesn't matter what they do it's gonna have a cost to it, rather I was talking about the fact that it feels like the events and content they manage to do is not done thanks to Niji management but in spite of it. You are right about TSB and the suika tournament it was something at least.
And like you say it could be worse, I am glad there was only two graduations in NijiEN and I really, really, REALLY hope that whatever they are working on is actually worth it, because I feel that until now it hasn't been.
Have a merry christmas everyone, may your oshis continue bringing you happiness in the future :kroheart:

EDIT: I forgot to say that the Millie tweet was made before the app announcement, I think she was refering to the palverse figures and maybe Nijifes too

Honestly I have been having the same thoughts about Phase, the new gen they debuted has been really strong and if things with Niji continue like this I might end up watching them in the future.
I've said it before, but trust is a currency.

At all times, especially with corporations, they spend a little bit of our trust to get away with things in the hopes they'll make up for it down the line. Cover, for example, spent almost two entire months being extraordinarily blasé about Magni and Vesper's lack of streaming, relegating their announcement to a single, casual tweet, only to graduate both of them at once with ostensibly no opportunity to say goodbye. They did this, likely, so they could carry out whatever paperwork was necessary without fans constantly worrying about their status, so the end result burned a lot of trust.

Now, if you're a fan of both Stars and Live, you may think that the company has recouped that trust with events, new gens, outfits etc, but maybe if you're only a Stars/Tempus fan you may feel like you're supporting the retarded half-brother of a rich CEO about to have their name uncovered in Epstein's list.

Same is true for NijiEN. They have burned a lot of trust this year and are in a negative account balance with their fans. You can generally handwave Mysta and Nina's decisions as personal choice, but the cancelled AR Live, elements of the Sayu stuff, initially telling Selen she couldn't do international events border on the inexcusable. Now if Colors comes back next year, it's less of a 'lets go. 3D concert!' and more so 'Finally. Took you long enough.' and that's really unfair on the livers' hard work but also symptomatic of the uphill struggle management have put them in. Though, if you're a fan of EN and JP, you may think that the ship is still plenty steady even if that hole needs plugging quickly.

Millie has kind of soft-spoiled what they're working on anyway in a stream, where she said verbatim to 'judge them after the 3D debuts, the concerts, and the game shows.' This year was also the first year Nijisanji EN Official YouTube mirrored NijiFes at all, which makes me think they're trying to get that channel more active and involved for the future. Maybe NijiFes would have been more accommodating of EN if they didn't book it on fucking Christmas this year.

THAT SAID. It's valid to be disappointed and there's absolutely nothing wrong with watching members of other companies either - I'm very open that I am a huge VSPOtard - but I would at least advise taking a step back for a moment and putting it all into context.

When AR Live was announced, the likes of Reimu and Pomu were doing their best Courage the Cowardly Dog impressions of visible anxiety over not having enough time to stream and fly to Japan and work. They had 10 weeks until the concert was to be held and most members hadn't even recorded. I would argue that the cancellation came from them pushing back against being crunched, and that this current silence is just a necessary evil for getting members to Japan on their own terms with less pressure because now they have longer to get it all done. It's unpleasant that we can't see the fruit of their labours yet, but I'm okay with it if it's leading to a healthier working environment. Kotoka and Meloco, just days after Sayu called them flops, netted a massive sponsorship with an expensive clothing brand. First party and third party figure announcements are a big deal. The asset-sticking tech being added to the Niji app is long overdue but no less welcome. We've had three EN events (Suika, Niji Prism Cup, TSB Custom). We've had a fuckload of outfits and songs. We finally got our brotubers in Krisis. This is all within the timeframe of most of them being in and out of Japan, and it's not like these things are happening behind management's back either. They're all working hard and have been solid for a few months now.

For my part, I'd feel better knowing my oshi isn't streaming because they're working on a multitude of things we can't see yet. I'll pour one out for Chumbuds this Christmas.

Anyway, for those who missed it: here's a Hiroshima-level cuteness bomb.
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No faith in Humanity
Dizzy's Wife
Joined:  Oct 30, 2022

So Nazuna is streaming? I thought Migel Gato was done with this character, anyone who follows her able to chime in on if there's a reason?
Save us from schizo women, honestly.
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La+ de Central Norte

General of the second army commanded by Gozaru
Joined:  Apr 23, 2023
I've said it before, but trust is a currency.

At all times, especially with corporations, they spend a little bit of our trust to get away with things in the hopes they'll make up for it down the line. Cover, for example, spent almost two entire months being extraordinarily blasé about Magni and Vesper's lack of streaming, relegating their announcement to a single, casual tweet, only to graduate both of them at once with ostensibly no opportunity to say goodbye. They did this, likely, so they could carry out whatever paperwork was necessary without fans constantly worrying about their status, so the end result burned a lot of trust.

Now, if you're a fan of both Stars and Live, you may think that the company has recouped that trust with events, new gens, outfits etc, but maybe if you're only a Stars/Tempus fan you may feel like you're supporting the retarded half-brother of a rich CEO about to have their name uncovered in Epstein's list.

Same is true for NijiEN. They have burned a lot of trust this year and are in a negative account balance with their fans. You can generally handwave Mysta and Nina's decisions as personal choice, but the cancelled AR Live, elements of the Sayu stuff, initially telling Selen she couldn't do international events border on the inexcusable. Now if Colors comes back next year, it's less of a 'lets go. 3D concert!' and more so 'Finally. Took you long enough.' and that's really unfair on the livers' hard work but also symptomatic of the uphill struggle management have put them in. Though, if you're a fan of EN and JP, you may think that the ship is still plenty steady even if that hole needs plugging quickly.

Millie has kind of soft-spoiled what they're working on anyway in a stream, where she said verbatim to 'judge them after the 3D debuts, the concerts, and the game shows.' This year was also the first year Nijisanji EN Official YouTube mirrored NijiFes at all, which makes me think they're trying to get that channel more active and involved for the future. Maybe NijiFes would have been more accommodating of EN if they didn't book it on fucking Christmas this year.

THAT SAID. It's valid to be disappointed and there's absolutely nothing wrong with watching members of other companies either - I'm very open that I am a huge VSPOtard - but I would at least advise taking a step back for a moment and putting it all into context.

When AR Live was announced, the likes of Reimu and Pomu were doing their best Courage the Cowardly Dog impressions of visible anxiety over not having enough time to stream and fly to Japan and work. They had 10 weeks until the concert was to be held and most members hadn't even recorded. I would argue that the cancellation came from them pushing back against being crunched, and that this current silence is just a necessary evil for getting members to Japan on their own terms with less pressure because now they have longer to get it all done. It's unpleasant that we can't see the fruit of their labours yet, but I'm okay with it if it's leading to a healthier working environment. Kotoka and Meloco, just days after Sayu called them flops, netted a massive sponsorship with an expensive clothing brand. First party and third party figure announcements are a big deal. The asset-sticking tech being added to the Niji app is long overdue but no less welcome. We've had three EN events (Suika, Niji Prism Cup, TSB Custom). We've had a fuckload of outfits and songs. We finally got our brotubers in Krisis. This is all within the timeframe of most of them being in and out of Japan, and it's not like these things are happening behind management's back either. They're all working hard and have been solid for a few months now.

For my part, I'd feel better knowing my oshi isn't streaming because they're working on a multitude of things we can't see yet. I'll pour one out for Chumbuds this Christmas.

Anyway, for those who missed it: here's a Hiroshima-level cuteness bomb.


Sorry Mister but this is every single one of your posts :(


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Poyoyo & Jill

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Racism except it's because of skin color specifically rather then because of race.

if you think that's retarded congradulations your brain is functional
Wokeness is full of retardation. Per the same example, you have "POC" there...."People of Colour", which if you reverse it around it's "coloured people". Yet one phrase is A-OK, and the other is BAD BAD BAD.

Gaotye (bilibili DD)

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How do they find so many cute anime girls in reality?

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I dont watch them but someone told me that FuwaMoco its going to a an "Asamoco" in the 4th anniversary of Asacoco its that true?

John Vtuber👁️

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That's how you get Oshi no KO'd

yeah, now that he knows where she lives, she should probably go to the police yesterday, ideally!
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