I would rather thirst over snake mommy than pretend like listening to Millie is a good idea. She is the definition of "let me explain to you for the next 4 hours in excruciating details just how much I am not bothered by what you just said". With at least two streams dedicated to "owning the antis". The only part she is somewhat not wrong is picking the wrong person to complain to. What's going to happen if she starts venting to management how horrible they are and how they should talk to their boss and tell them to change things? A long ass list of reasons detailing how much of a horrible person she is and deserved to be fired being posted in graduation announcement, that's what's going to happen. Her only choice of action is to say nothing bad, suck up to management as hard as she could, and email every decent company if they are willing to take her and Enna together as future employees. The whole "well they still signed up for another year so there are no big issues" makes no sense when you consider that their options are going back to being a 1view or quitting vtubing as a whole. Not everyone has connections and well liked to show up in a big company a couple months later. Yeah, it's a horrible place, but it's less horrible than others they have access to