"What is an 'ayaya'? Hallo? Hallo, nice to meet you worudo... wide people? What is ayaya!? HELLO! Nice to meet you, I am human! I am concentration human! I am very very heartbeat, my heart is very hotto~ please remember me! My name is Big Legend of Death Mountain Ohayama! My name is Legend Human!"Hayama Marin
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I was gonna post all 3 but Remi and the Rat/Orca already got posted so I'll just post the 3rd you guys missed that came out at the same time
U-San cover
All 3 were great btw
Honestly, I think that makes the voice even better. Her steamer voice is not annoying or anything, so the gap-moe her singing voice provides is nice.
The most amusing thing about that VTweeter is that they seem to hate Calli for the normal retarded reasons of dumb shit she said 10 years ago, but turn around and threaten to rape people and throw obvious slurs at people.
Secretly based Aprimum, every controversy that can be tied back to Froot has a chance to be the one that finally sticks. She should fuck around more! Ganbatte Ant-Hime.
This has always been what's funniest about all this retarded bitch's actions. She doesn't realize that the actual best thing to avoid drama shit is to just let it burn itself out and bury the ashes, but this unemployed cunt keeps showing up to the embers with a full tank of kerosene and a bundle of firewood. Eventually Froot's going to get caught in the flames, and it will be her mom's fault.
Delutaya/U22News U22 uploaded their second cover named Ended Up Dead by Sheeno Mirin
But before that, Delta did a Zatsudon stream.
Some Highlights of this stream were:
The song RedAliceshe did with Akatsuki no Sora was added to the rhythm game Groove Coaster. Mentions of buying the game and playing that music (she had a difficult time completing it) as well as playing other music (Touhou songs) in the game.
No, some VTweeters start accounts with "ambitions" and then they do nothing with it over time other than sperg out. What's funnier, I think he was SUPPOSED to manage that VTuber he was in a relationship with.
Honestly, the only times when he was notable is when he was being an unbearable femboy with his weird anti-white sentiments and when he threatened to rape me because I rubbed him the wrong way.
Well now, that there's the problem. You need to learn on how to properly rub someone so that they wouldn't want to rape you after. Have you tried using lotion when you rub someone, that usually helps.
I'll admit to not watching Delta (I'm a fool who cannot follow JP very well) but I do enjoy her songs and am very glad that things are constantly looking up for her after all the turmoil she went though. Thanks for the update
Thank you Delutaya correspondent on the Delutaya beat.
The sing stream was good (and is still up, as of now, not sure if she privates or not)!
I have not kept up with her karaoke in a bit but it sounded like there was SO MUCH LESS autotune stuff so you could just hear her voice and it was still very enjoyable, I remember the first couple of streams the voice was full robot (which is a choice and was fine too).
I like this (slightly) more natural voice karaoke better. I cannot understand anything so has it been mentioned as a conscious choice or anything?
EDIT: I started rewatching because I came in about half way through and the beginning is full auto-tune so I guess I mean LATER songs she eases off on it.
I did not watch the recent Fauna karaoke but clips make me excited to when I have a chance.
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