They found Bijou's FF XIV boyfriend aka Karok Tumet.Some people (outside of here) believe that Waabyu and nomommie are not the same, so I thought I would compile all the reasons they are connected.
Basically searching "Waa Byuu Final Fantasy XIV" leads to some interesting results.
In the Linkshell Finder, the profile Waa Byuu still exist

List of LS and CWLS to which Waa Byuu belongs [2023-01-21]
Linkshell Finder FF14のキャラ名からLS,CWLSを検索できます。

List of LS and CWLS to which Waa Byuu belongs [2023-01-21]
Linkshell Finder FF14のキャラ名からLS,CWLSを検索できます。

Shiny Hiney | FINAL FANTASY XIV, The Lodestone
Character profile for Shiny Hiney.
Update: They have removed all members of "Hydro Hommies" except for "Karok Tumet." and its now called "Casual Tryhard".

Casual Tryhard Members | FINAL FANTASY XIV, The Lodestone
Member listing for the free company Casual Tryhard.

List of LS and CWLS to which Karok Tumet belongs [2023-01-21]
Linkshell Finder FF14のキャラ名からLS,CWLSを検索できます。

List of LS and CWLS to which Karok Tumet belongs [2023-01-21]
Linkshell Finder FF14のキャラ名からLS,CWLSを検索できます。

Tommie | FINAL FANTASY XIV, The Lodestone
Profile page for the linkshell Tommie.

List of Tommie members [2022-11-02]
Linkshell Finder FF14のキャラ名からLS,CWLSを検索できます。

Waabyu is a Sage main just like Waa Byu/Shiney Hiney
And she cleared TEA (The Epic of Alexander (Ultimate)).
This gives you the Perfect Legend title that Waa Byu/Shiny Hiney has. Waabyu's FF XIV character in this tweet also looks like Waa Byu/Shiny Hiney's character. The image in the tweet also indicates she has the Dancer Job just like Waa Byu/Shiny Hiney.

Waabyuu 💙🌊 on Twitter
“@maddiekuma You look so good!! aaa I wanna co-heal with you, I'm a sage main 🥺”

Waabyuu 💙 on Twitter
“MY FF14 STATIC CLEARED TEA!! can u tell which one is me? c; AAAAAAA”
Summary - All Encounters - Report: Trials (Extreme)

Summary - All Encounters - Report: Trials (Extreme)

Summary - All Encounters - Report: Trials (Extreme)

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