I suspect she told them what they wanted to hear to get the job. Fishman has no language barrier to worry about for most of his talent and even he admits every one of these women under his employ appeared like different people to him during the hiring process. Imagine trying to interview Myth and Council through however many levels of translation and manager broken telephone. And once she's in, she doesn't have to hide that she's a cold fish, because nobody is going to hold her accountable for "not soliciting sexual harassment" or whatever phrasing the genderfucked use these days to describe harmless observations.
Alternatively, there was no deceit or miscommunication whatsoever, and they pegged her for exactly the awkward, androgynous fruitcake she is, so they gave her Wada Motherfucking Arco, blessings upon her house, as a momma for that fat titty artwork Wadarco's great at as a deliberate attempt not to mesh with her personality, but to compensate for it. This option is vastly less likely, but very fun to think about.