"I volunteer to be Tenma's personal cow"Chisaka Airi

General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

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Spooked But Lobotomized

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  • Many spics @braindoko
  • Many canadian cucks @Todd's Mistake

I like how this implies that they either represent or simply ARE the entirety of the site's mexicans and canadians at once


Menace of the Asylum
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Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
I like how this implies that they either represent or simply ARE the entirety of the site's mexicans and canadians at once
More like I couldn't be assed to remember how many of each group there is and just put whoever came to mind first.


basic ass man who loves the british funny woman
Joined:  Jun 7, 2023
Rin is awake and what does she do?
of course its pikmin

anyways on the youtube side
junaur playing valo on ungodly times

and pochimama promoting her new doujin

I Wanna Die

Don't do drugs, blow all your money on vtubers
Joined:  Nov 15, 2023


Menace of the Asylum
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Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
He probably wouldn't have even made the list if it wasn't for the fact that all bigger autists end up getting banned. Also he's more of a whore than an autist.


Unicorns are the most oppressed minority
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Spooder will retire moar crab Replicants


#1 Hexa Fan
Joined:  Feb 26, 2023
He probably wouldn't have even made the list if it wasn't for the fact that all bigger autists end up getting banned. Also he's more of a :WHORE!!!: than an autist.
He's definitely near the top of the autism scale around here. Based off the autism test done in the Hexagon thread, his biggest competition is @Awoogers and ironically enough, @midori :whatastory:


Punished bug girl lover
Joined:  May 8, 2023

Spooked But Lobotomized

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Joined:  Jan 29, 2023

I Wanna Die

Don't do drugs, blow all your money on vtubers
Joined:  Nov 15, 2023
Pimpmi and Whorzziy

Pimp Lumi was something I didn't know I needed. But with Pippa and Dizzy's abusive lesbian relationship she probably would have been a better fit.

Spooked But Lobotomized

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Joined:  Jan 29, 2023
Pimp Lumi was something I didn't know I needed. But with Pippa and Dizzy's abusive lesbian relationship she probably would have been a better fit.
Short pimp is a classic archetype, but the lumi design here is so baller, I think I prefer this

Hotdogs Aplenty

King Shiori Poster
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Joined:  Sep 10, 2022

Fucking phoenix, She's alive! :pekol:
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Thomas Talus

Εκ λόγου άλλος εκβαίνει λόγος
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Todd's Strongest Howard

Do not trust the sticker farmer.
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Rich being called a cuck by a Nene fan. You'd know how to spot them. :smugina:


Menace of the Asylum
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Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
Rich being called a cuck by a Nene fan. You'd know how to spot them. :smugina:
Your whole nation is cucked bro, I don't live in a country where getting raped by immigrants is mandatory :selenpointandlaugh: In twenty years Canada will be considered an asian country by demographics.

Jolted Cookies

Ohmies don't snitch
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Joined:  Sep 11, 2022
:holohag: :hololove:
collab on sunday

Ready for the concentrated :holohag: power

Hmm. Its been about 3 weeks. She said she was going to be back after about a week then cancelled the comeback. Has cancelled about 6 or so streams. Going by what she was posting on Twitter it seemed like a stress/anxiety thing but it might be caused by IRL issues. Maybe shit has happened on her work thats eating up her time and energy or (hope not) shes having problems on the health/family front.

Girl's a fucking dork and I do miss popping by her streams. V&U doesnt really seem like a bad place (except pulling out a page out of Niji's book and speedrunning debuts) so I doubt it has anything to do with management.
Wasn't a good portion of her videos getting privated/deleted as well? Where there's smoke...

Muyu karaoke soon


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Lavender Spider Lover & Tsunderia Scholar
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Now that things have calmed down a bit after Doki ended her stream I wanted to ask something I've been thinking for some time: what was story of Cyberlive/Tsunderia? I ask because in my time lurking I've heard bits and pieces but never the full story and from the little I know of the company some points seem similar between them and Niji.

What I do know is that Tsunderia was one of if not the first english Vtuber company, that it was mismanaged to hell and back leaving Dizzy to do all the work, that Rosemi used to be part of it until she jumped to Nijisanji, and then there's the bullying of Lumi? which might be a sub drama within Cyberlive or something completely different I don't know honestly, only that Lumi gets memed for every bad thing that happens and that Coni might have something to do with it?. And also that many of their talents have gone on to other companies like Phase connect or Idol. So if anyone has a summary or something I could read it would be really appreciated
I think we might have been long overdue for a Cyberlive and Tsunderia summation. I can only speak with confidence about Tsunderia, and if i get anything wrong i welcome any-one to correct my writing, this is a overview/history of the company and what IMO led to it's collapse, i will not cover any interpersonal drama between talents. So without further ado i give you:



Our story starts in the worst place possible; Early 2020 Los Angeles California in the rented mansion of a Yu-Gi-Oh addicted Asian-American man going by the pseudonym of "PPP". In a flash of inspiration and with a small loan of 100k eddies (from his parents of course) PPP contacts his friend, future talent and manager Hoshino Charlotte and tells her "would you like to be paid to be a anime girl for a couple hours a week?"

Char agrees and together they form a Vtuber company, one of, if not the first US Vtuber company; Tsunderia. At first everything goes smoothly, a first gen consisting of Char, and two former Indies: Inukai Purin & Kamiko Kana. This first generation was technically outside any generation, later on being styled as Gen0. As Kana debuts in April 2020, she introduces her gen-mates and they soon follow up with their own debuts. Kana especially was quite popular and give that the EN boom with HoloMyth's debut was still months away at this point thing were going well, even better than expected. Following the Myth debuts and the EN boom in September a new generation of Tsunderia Vtubers is launched in late November, consisting of four members; Nini Yuuna (who was an Indie for a whole two months before being scouted lol) Yazaki Kallin now Ember Aname Kirihime Ria (no link, accounts are scrubbed) & Matsuro Meru. So far so good right? first gen doing fine, and a new gen riding the tailwinds of HoloMyth. Gen 1 was also called "TsunQuest".

The First Graduations

Something was rotten in the state of Tsunderia, and it wasn't just Kana's smell, and speaking of Kana she would graduate and return to Independent status the 4th of February 2021. Followed closely by the complete graduation of Kirihime Ria on the 4th of April. Now, Ria graduated to enter another bigger company who was just starting to seriously launch their EN branch, and she would come out of this smelling like Roses. Also due to a certain staff member resigning in cinnection with her graduation, one wonders if it's connected, though we will sonn learn more about this staff member and his antics. In the aftermath of Tsunderia we have learnt that she was encouraged to graduate for greener (though recent events paints it black) pastures by non other than a manager, and not just any manager, a certain Umiushi Urara better known by fans as "Slugma". Slugma had just debuted as a Manager/Vtuber on the 14th of February, the timing possibly to distract from Kana leaving. We will see more from Slugma later in our story...

Moving on to Kana's graduation, it had many reasons, discontent with PPP's "hands-off" running of the company (TN: hands-off mean doing fuck-all) rumours at the time implied Kana was being bullied by other talents, (this rrat lived on until Tsunderias dissolution) Kana generally being lazy with streaming, boyfriend yab, openly (in her discord) talking about milking her pay-pigs and of course fucking her dog. It would later turn out that the primary reason was indeed bullying, but not from other talents, but a manager/the CCO, a certain "S-Train".

As we can see S-train is a real control-freak scumbag, and getting denounced by CHAD WARDEN himself? It's over for S-trooncels.

S-Train is PPP's friend and just generally a slimy groomer. S-Trains bullying would take the form of never responding to any request Kana had, or outright denying said requests. Neglecting to inform her of events, and misinforming other talents about Kana. Being PPP's friend made S-train untouchable. And all this supposedly stemmed from S-train trying to get into Kana's pants, failing and this being his very pathetic revenge. He resigned after the graduation of Kirihime Ria. Or did he? We know from Kana herself that S-train was a significant factor in her leaving whether he was for Kirihime Ria, I at least cannot say. As Ria between her new job under the rainbow went back to her previous Indie persona: Fuzuki Miki You might know her from this hilarious incident;
Unfortunately for us disgusting stalkers, only three full videos of hers have been preserved, and in those she did not touch on the circumstances of her leaving Tsunderia, so fitting for a Rat S-train contributing to her leaving will (for now) stay a rrat.

The cracks are already beginning to show, two graduations, Kana being the biggest talent of the company, the CCO being involved in the worst kind of drama, a manager levied to fill the gaps in the ranks as a ersatz Vtuber. To fill the empty spot in TsunQuest the former MyHoloTV talent, then indie, Miori Celesta got recruited, continuing the Tsunderia tradition of recruiting Indies into the company. Things started to stabilize again, Miori, despite any faults in her personality is a very talented singer and music producer, check the credits of Vtuber covers or orisongs, good chance you'll find Miori there. As a recent, and quite big example the last Lazulight cover prior to Pomu's departure;

Check the description for "Vocal arrangement"

The Cursed Founding

Gen 2 or TsunVerse went wrong from the start. the exact circumstances are somewhat shrouded in mystery, but seemingly this gen would follow the same pattern as previous generation, some new talents and some Indies. But something happened to make the recruited indies drop out. The rumour is that TsunVerse was supposed to be "Tsunderia Noire" and the Indies were to be given new models but keep their old identities. (sounds familiar...) The name was announced on a Rock painting stream done by Kallin, Yes you heard that right; a rock painting stream, she joked about selling rocks painted like the talents to raise funds, and the joke turned real;

said rocks would raise over 4000 dollaridoos in an Discord auction, and Slugma sent an image to tease the next generation as a reward;
On the 19th of May the official Tsunderia account Tweeted out the same logo, with a link to their website;

We don't exactly know who would be on the roster, but often cited candidates were Shimada Tiger & Seiryu Komatsu who both were seemingly preparing for re-debuts at the time but ended up not doing so. Shimada even have a sort of mini debut where some hints were given;


Slugma following her mid-stream
New model teaser, presumably paid for by Tsunderia, since it never materialized.

Shimada joining Kallins membership, might be completely incidental but it's something i guess
Shimada's contacts with other former Tsunderia members are also taken as sign of this being true, as well as the face that Hoshino char would come to join Duskward together with Shimada and Komatsu. Whatever the truth may be, the fact is that something went terribly wrong and gen 2 was left with one, yes one talent; Amemachi Hanabi. And so as to not debut a one woman gen Orla Gan Ceann joined up as the second member, reportedly she did not want to be a talent, but agreed due to how sad it would be to let Hanabi debut all on her lonesome.

The Last Attempts At Relevance

Uncharacteristicly for PPP and likely driven by the efforts of an increasingly desperate Slugma, 2021-2022 would see real signs of life and attempts to grow by Tsunderia. most notably closer cooperation with other second-tier EN vtuber companies, PRISM & Phase being the most notable. Among us SUS, some might remember this as the era of "small corpo unity", what with the joint Minecraft server and the combined Tsunderia/Phase booth at Offkai in 2022.

But before Offkai and the MC server, we had the last real generation of Tsunderia; Gen 3 or TsunDream. As PPP slipped further into torpor Slugma got more and more control over Tsunderia, and gen 3 was scouted by her, (and possibly Kallin/Ember) Slugma would commit one big mistake with TsunDream; It was a mixed gen of Men; Uzuki Tomoya & Tetsuya Kazune women; Chikafuji Lisa & Amiya Aranha & of course Tsurugi Nen who is very special and I'm not sure what she wants to be called at this point I'm too old for this queer shit.

Regardless of whether you're a Unicorn or Sister, a fag-basher or a homo-beggar, I think we can all agree that the last thing you wanna do as a failing Vtuber company with many of your talents having trouble breaking out of a CCV in the low hundreds is launch a gen that will filter people from the very beginning. Also notable is that Hoshino Char and Slugma pushed the boys in TsunDream to do BFE. this is something that Tomo has talked about afterwards how he wanted to be a D&D fighter (Tsunderia let the talent have quite a bit of input on their models. This is the process of transforming Kirihime Ria's sketch into a real character concept.) but got overruled by Slugma and ended up a Bunny-Boy, lol, lmao, even.

Though being crippled from the start TsunDream launched to some fanfare, with an original song; (Hazy Hours -TsunDream) written,produced & performed by the TsunDream members, TsunDream being notable for all it's members being quite talented singers and musicians. And in November 2021 Tsunderia would open it's merch store. What's that? You're confused? you thought they had a merch store all along? Nope. not until well over a year from it's launch, and after three generations of Vtubers did Tsunderia get merch. Yes, this is exactly as dumb as it sounds. And speaking of merch here's one of the more well known scandals, being the spoilt princeling he is PPP would not deign to package the merch himself. This then fell upon the managers and talent living nearby, the talent living nearby being Chiiiiiiiiikafuji Lisa, so she got to serve as PPP's warehouse worker while at the same time being enrolled in university and streaming regularly, very cool and fair PPP, very good business practise.

As Tsunderia was finally trying, late as it was to regain (or rather gain at all) it's relevance the only member of management who gave a shit the ever overworked Umiushi Urara, beloved Slugma would graduate on the 8th of April. Slugma held many hats and juggled many roles this screenshot illustrates it quite well;


This was something that seemingly was decided suddenly, the talents at least did not know of this, as Kazu who was streaming at the time ended his stream prematurely. Tsunderia losing the one staff keeping things together, and then;
on the 15th of April founding member and part time manager Hoshino Char would graduate;

And to make things worse, just days before Offkai started the whole remaining line-up of gen 1 and Orla from gen 2 announced that they would be graduating;

This left Tsunderia with 7 members, the two outside of TsunDream being the only ones in their respective gens.

Most here know the previously mentioned MC server, where Lisa would befriend the toothless trailer park queen of Phase Connect, and well known proponent of "good paedophilia", our beloved Pipkin Pippa. And later at the Offkai expo Slugma in the flesh would be at the Tsun/Phase booth, this feeding the rrats running wild and free; Is Tsunderia gonna get purchased by Phase for a merger? Is Slugma a manager at Phase now? Despite the many uncertainties facing a more and more beleaguered Tsunderia, several Tsun talents would have panels there; Mixing covers with Miori and Tomo And Amiya did Livelooping of music (no VOD for that one that i know). A by all measures successful Offkai appearance did little to improve the situation, what with a whole generation + 1 leaving & the one staff member with any ambitions for the company leaving and appearing to be in service of a friendly competitor, but a competitor non-the-less. The now rudderless and decimated Tsunderia was left in a state so pathetic I hesitate to even call it death-throes, more like the spasms a corpse gets when you throw salt at exposed muscle.

It's Already Come And Tumbled Down, No Need To Even Play The Song

Hobbling along Tsunderia would spend the rest of 2022 doing a lot of nothing. A appearance at Anime Expo (probably arranged while Slugma was still in charge) gen 4 auditions were announced, Three new managers were hired, the only one of the new managers doing anything of note was "Rei Daimonji" who seemingly had good report with Lisa in particular, and appeared one one of her streams; (LINK HERE) It was not until late in the year something started to seem off, talent had meetings they came back from saddened, and some of the discord mods left. Now, normally the sort of sub-human slime that would become a moderator leaving to die gracelessly in a ditch would be celebrated, but just this once a disgruntled former mod took his frustrations to 4chan, after one of the then common discussion loops about secret inner circle discords came around, and this one mod wanted to disprove this; (his first post) (second post) (third and most important post containing proof of modship) In that third post is a list of bans;
while the funniest one is someone getting banned for talking about "coochie" in general chat, the important one is the one with the mod note mentioning "Bob" there was a "Manager-B" with an suspicious amount of power, being able to overrule decisions by all other managers. This is likely to be S-train under a new name, yes the same S-train that got Kana to quit. Now this seems real rratty i get it, but you might have seen the video of Ember playing FTL and venting about her exit from Tsunderia,
in it she confirms S-Train was still around after being fired;

If the piece of shit multi gazillion Eurodollar website known as YouTube gives you the wrong timestamp it's 2:11:00 - 2:12:00. Also please note that there is more to the VOD, Ember talks about Slugmas role in keeping stuff together, how Slugma leaving made Ember and the rest of her gen + Orla give up on Tsunderia, I recommend you watch it all.
Very good and cool yet again. so as January 2023 begins all is up in the air, and then first on January 20th, the remaining managers leave;

Just three days later, Purin graduates on January 23d;

And then...

It's over, not even with a whimper.​

Gen Fourn't

Apparently Gen 4 was somewhat far along with a fitting four members; Juri Shima, Haewon The Heartstring, Yomi Cham & Maria Paradisia. Juri Being the only one to be new, and was given her model post-collapse. The exact circumstances of gen 4 are very strange, "supposedly" both Maria and Haewon implied being under NDA still. Haewon also "supposedly" claimed to have done commission work for Tsunderia, pre being hired for gen 4. And Haewon "supposedly" Talked about being fired from Tusnderia pre debut, for what is anyone's guess, one was her doing the epic Twitter bit of denouncing loli, and using her to-be Senpai in Tsunderia Inukai Purin as an example, Haewon would delete her Tweets, and though this got picked up by Twitter dramahogs, the drama account in question got themselves Musked, and so the proof is gone. Though this is unlikely, why would PPP suddenly give a shit about one of his employees, when he could instead open another Yu-Gi-Oh booster pack? The other leading theory is that YET AGAIN It's S-trains fault. "Supposedly" Haewon did a stream talking about how you should; "Find out who was fired in the past when doing research about a corpo" and talking about how you need to make sure they think about; "Talent safety" Which would line up with what we know about S-train. However, given that to my knowledge no archived material of this claim exists, not helped by Haewon having rebranded and DFEing all Twitter YouTube and Twitch content she had, I can prove nothing, any Haewon or Maria experts chime in if you know what is up.

~A Meru interlude~

On July the 7th 2023 Matsuro Meru former gen 1 talent did a stream that sadly degenerated into a drunken cryfest, this stream got notice here; DISCUSSION STARTS AT THE FIRST POST THIS PAGE.
I have gone through all 7 hours, 32 minutes & 39 seconds of the VOD, and i will share general points relevant to Tsunderia Meru keeps hammering home while hammered;

"Her lack of success and gen 1 in general hurt future generations" "Management denied all ideas she had to improve viewership" "Received no or unclear instructions on how to improve" "Tsunderias Potential was wasted" "Does not think management acted out of malice" "Misses the camaraderie between the talents" "Feels like all the talents struggled to make Tsunderia successful, and everybody cared, no one phoned it in" "There were different contracts for different talents, some having a salary some an hourly rate" "Thinks those applicants that didn't make it into Tsunderia were better off for it"

As the VOD is now available in the MEGA archive you are free to peruse it at your leisure, It is NOT fun to listen to however I warn you, Tsunderia was always the true "Sad Girl company" and Meru possibly the saddest of them all.

Wrap it up already!

So, Exactly why It all shut down is a little unclear, probably PPP running out of steam (and possibly money), running out of managers and Vtubers on the roster probably didn't help, were more graduations on the way? Word through the grapevine is that at least Lisa was gonna leave no matter what. Was there another big scandal with Haewon and gen 4 involving S-train? I don't know, seems possible. All that is certain is that the company at the forefront of EN Vtubing that started oh so strong, and then fell, oh so hard had ended. It's talents scattering to the winds, and in all honesty; good for them. Tsunderia never really managed to offer much, except the bitter taste of defeat, getting trampled, and left in the dust of more successful companies. I'll let Tsunderia alumni and saddest sad girl Meru sum it up;

And so ends our tale. And Tsunderia enters the annals of history in disgrace.


Link to folder of Tsunderia videos of historical significance;
For legal reasons this is all fiction ,i invite you to do your own research and to add or correct as you see fit also this will take like a whole page for itself lol
Special thanks to @lakyus @Kalion @Short for archive materiel.
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Todd's Strongest Howard

Do not trust the sticker farmer.
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Joined:  Sep 13, 2022
Your whole nation is cucked bro, I don't live in a country where getting raped by immigrants is mandatory :selenpointandlaugh: In twenty years Canada will be considered an asian country by demographics.

Yeah, people typically run from third world hellholes, not move in. Why would they want to downgrade by moving to Tacostan when they can instead go to Maplevania and get handed free shit because we can afford to give away money and euthanasia to people? :smugselen: Maybe you should try immigrating, we don't have enough spics as it is. You can get your very own SEAwife as a signing bonus, god knows there's a fuck ton of unregistered women here, you'd fit right in squatting in a 3 room apartment subletted to 5 different families on a weekly rotation schedule.
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