I should probably drop it but I have some interesting observations about Ember as if you combine her current persona with her past I feel like you can land somewhere on the real person.
1) Lurker Mcspic is probably right about her parents as she says that the would freak out if they found out she did this. So they probably didn't know. Plus of course she goes into some explicit detail on sex with boys and girls so if they are as conservative as she implied that also would probably get her kicked out at the time. So I think she was able to keep it under the radar
2) The name changes might have to do with gaps. As I haven't gone that far into it but I see mainly references to 2015, 2016 and 2018 which makes me believe that she retired and came back briefly. Or I just missed the 2017 stuff.
3) She doesn't have an accent. In a video she claimed to be living in the South but she came from the bay area. So either she developed a Southern accent after living in the South for awhile, or it's partially put on.
4) In one of the early ones she mentioned having a sibling that at the time would have been around five, which I'm pretty sure checks out with mentions of having a younger sibling. I need to go further though on the Ember side of things as she has explicitly mentioned many times living with her cousin and her mom, but without mentions of others. I can't remember if there was a divorce mentioned or anything like that. However it could be an inconsistency as ill rrat here for a second. During the Christmas karaoke Dizzy asked Ember if she was gonna have her mom over for Christmas and Ember had a slight panic moment. So my rrat is that the inconsistency could be explained as her not living with her mother but maybe a boyfriend or husband. You would think Dizzy would know Embers living arrangement. But then again I'm not sure why Ember would craft a story about living with her mom so perhaps it was a fuck up by Dizzy.
5) She mentions relatively low cost items, at least to what we are use to now like items being 50 dollars as being expensive for her. Sex toys, dildos the stuff you would need or partially want to have for doing cams, plus her Webcam wasn't that high in quality. Which again leads to my theory that it wasn't very lucrative. However she did seem to stick with it for awhile.
There is likely more stuff there but i am getting kind of depressed watching her do porn to be honest. Kind of like "You don't care unless it happens to someone you like" sort of things. For all I know she enjoyed it, but there is evidence that she would stop and start up again. Name changes, opening and then closing an Onlyfans in a fairly rapid manner. I know as Ember she has mentioned being suicidal to the point where she had attempts, so I fear that this period came at a pretty emotionally vulnerable stage in her life. Now perhaps the timeframe for that doesn't match up, we probably won't know.
Studying porn was not on my bingo card for really, any point in my life.