I will say, without any hint of irony, that the Pippa thread is the best thread on the forum, and while I enjoy discussing more general industrial matters with the rest of you, it's the Pippa thread that keeps me coming back day after day. We're all retards but we're retards who get along, and I think there's two main reasons for it: the structure of the thread has barely changed in the 2+ years it's existed so there haven't been any drastic cultural changes to filter people, and it's all in one place rather than being splintered off into Discord servers so we're all on the same wavelength. We get occasional new posters but the mood of the room is easy to read so they quickly acclimatise, or are at least content with being the butt of the joke when they say something out of line.
Is this kind of atmosphere possible to replicate with the other splinter threads? Maybe, if a dedicated enough group of people were to populate them, but I think it's much harder to keep everyone on the same page for threads covering groups of streamers rather than just one. There are a lot of people here who love Hololive and it's always fun liveposting with everyone during the concerts, but on a day-to-day basis not everyone who posts in the Hololive thread will have watched every notable Hololive stream so there's not as much to talk about - compared to the Pippa thread where I can drop a random esoteric reference to some years' old Pippa lore and multiple people will immediately know what I'm on about.