This doesn't really work for basically anyone else. I actively do not see how. Pippa is a unique case that REALLY blew up to a specific group of autists who has an organically grown community who all adore her for various reasons who does random nonsense content. Even the people who think she's saying something retarded can hop in there and shit on her ALONG with her other fans and it's all good.
This is a lot more awkward and almost seems hostile when you swap it to.. I dunno calling Biboo an inept tiny asshat with no sense of balance who constantly trips over nothing and knocks over store displays when on stream she's nothing but a bundle of sunshine. You can't just slap a Biboo thread up and expect it to go ape shit. You'll probably get like 3 people who maybe live spam it, but even as a stand out who I adore I really can't imagine live posting virtually everything she does because the difference is also their content.
Pippa says really retarded off the wall shit, or has arguments about topics that aren't exactly "acceptable" and things like that.
Hololive in general itself is also going to have metric asstons of crossover content and topics which are all going to be some variation of mostly safe. Biboo talked about meeting Raora and Ceci! *People ramble about it in her thread*
Ceci talked about Raora and Biboo! *I guess she's supposed to also have her own thread that's repeating this same info*
Oh hey Raora ALSO talked abou- And that's for 3 people. Consider there's variations of this for another like 7, then 2 entire other branches. They'll tell a few different stories in a few different ways maybe but the overall story is going to be similar. FES brought a lot of people a better mood but you're still getting a bunch of variations of X met X. The thread split also happened right while Holo was in a stretch of time where a lot of people cut back hard on actually streaming in preperation for FES, minus a few collabs and scattered bits and bobs.
Hololive is hitting the high end of a decade of existing and is slowly losing bits and pieces here and there. No, I don't think this is doom and people who keep losing their mind over it confuse me, but it IS going to lead to people feeling ways about it. Most of whom randomly become absurdly vocal about how literally everything is over and dying because "Changes in management" is apparently clearly code for the building is on fire and everyone will die soon. Completely ignoring that, as a company running this shit on the premise of an "idol group" a lot of these people actively have a whole ass life to live still. They'll want to move on or do other shit or have their own ambitions. (Even IF it's just not having to deal with perms issues for their streaming or something lol) It's based on an industry where people get molded and churned out after they're too old, the fact that they even have the luxury of hanging around as long as they want is already an anomally in the concept. People need to expect and accept it will happen, even if it sucks. Most other groups and companies aren't dealing with that reality. And if Holo has one of if not THE biggest fanbase, then yeah it's going to hit more people.
Phase itself has also dodged most bullets the industry is going through in general, and funnily enough despite his autism Fishman has managed to avoid the pitfalls of basically every other tiny group to emerge. But for all the lulz at his dream of a Marine, they're still basically just variety streamers goofing off and while he does like funding their efforts to do some music and stage shit, it's not a mainline stated goal of theirs as far as anything I can remember. It's more like a bonus for them and the fans.
Maybe that's easy for me to say because nobody I truly adore in Holo has fallen yet. I'm not saying Cover is without fault in these happenings. No shit there's going to be issues. But you can't even discuss them half the time because it turns into "shill holobronies" vs doomers which just shits up the mood and quality of everything everywhere. Who the fuck wants to post random feel good stuff (except
@Svarog and
@Willemshaven the madlads) in the middle of a bunch of shit flinging.
MAYBE this is just a me thing but I really don't feel like the idea works for anyone else. Company threads arguably had the chance in thoery but I mean, as we can see, there's a lot of people who feel like it just makes them miss random things instead. It's an attempt to make things work out in a way that's more mechanical and not organic. Which works for threads that are supposed to be pure info drops or whatever, but for interactions between people it's awkward and forced.