"I just can't wrap my head around the fact that you sound the same when speaking different languages. That raspy wet bear voice is always there and I love it. More raspy voice bear song needed"Uruka's marshmallow

Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform


We have some serious streams to discuss 🔨
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 14, 2022
Gonna post here because I don't see a tv/movie/media thread. I got a good deal on a 256gb sd card for my phone and I'm old as shit that I can't seem to remember good movies from my time. I'd like if some of you niggas drop me good movies to download. Anything from 80's-2007 maybe current too if it isn't garbage. Some tv shows might be good too. Thanks :kaelaapprob:

I nearly said The Godfather then I remembered that thing is before even the 80s, so instead just watch The Secret of my Success.


Joined:  Oct 1, 2023
Part III is from 1990, but I wouldn't actually recommend watching Part III.


We have some serious streams to discuss 🔨
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 14, 2022
After reading what Sophia Coppola went through (role was supposed to fall upon Wynona Ryder) I kind of admire the effort. She knew she was dogshit, she was ruthlessly mauled by critics, but soldiered on to appease daddy. A hapless victim of circumstance.


Well-known member
Joined:  Feb 16, 2024
Really feeling the positive effects of the split in the VShojo thread. Going from around 20 reactions on info posts (most of them positive) to one or two at best really brings it across that people who clearly liked the posts enough to sticker them are now no longer seeing them.

Same goes for the Niji thread honestly. Yes there is less "negativity", but people who showed interest in the posts I was making about Niji before or were at least not bothered by them now don't get to see them at all unless I crosspost them to general.


Drink Milk
Joined:  Feb 24, 2023
The only people I banned from the forum during a 'meltdown' was roughly two years ago, and I gave them both apologies and rescinded their bans after I realized I had not handled the situation correctly.
you still banned them retard.

I shouldn't need to explain to you why that makes your claims dubious at best and outright lies at worst and we know you lie.

this is you in damage control mode again we have been saying the same shit since BEFORE the split before the year start even but your only paying attention to it now that it actually threatens to mean something.

I'm a retard.
Pointing out Proctors hypocrisy uneven hand lying and general dickery is not dooming and i would rather it be delt with now then far too late.
Really feeling the positive effects of the split in the VShojo thread. Going from around 20 reactions on info posts (most of them positive) to one or two at best really brings it across that people who clearly liked the posts enough to sticker them are now no longer seeing them.

Same goes for the Niji thread honestly. Yes there is less "negativity", but people who showed interest in the posts I was making about Niji before or were at least not bothered by them now don't get to see them at all unless I crosspost them to general.
it's a bad day when Vsoy speaks sense.


The abominable amalgamation known as "chyaaat!"
Joined:  Apr 1, 2023
Other users like @Cubanodun and @thhrang will tell you how incredibly resistant I have been towards such tactics. The fact the Pippa thread still exists is a testament to that. I was vehemently against its existence for a long time, and by scrolling back through the forum you can easily find evidence of me threatening to reintegrate it (as a joke, but I feel it's still a valid showcase of my preferences). Yet throughout all that, I didn't, because what I would like to do is constrained by what my principles say I should do. In the end my opinion on the thread changed, and I see that as a vindication of those principles. That's why I allow free speech on this forum even when I personally and very strongly disagree with the contents of said speech at times.
I don't really want to keep contributing to this circular argument/discussion as it really doesn't seem to be doing much to sway any opinions, but since you keep bringing up the Pippa thread, I want to voice my agreement with @Hff201 about it:

I think in general the idea should be less about pre-emptively starting threads to avoid hypothetical problems or attempt to generate conversation that isn't happening naturally, and more about creating them to satisfy a demand when it actually arrives.

The Pippa thread was the earliest implementation of this; the general thread was becoming overwhelmed by posts about Pippa whenever she was streaming to the point where non-Pippa posts were drowned out, so the solution was to move the Pippa posts somewhere else. The same is true with events threads; segmenting posts related to an ongoing event or controversy makes sense both so they can serve as a more easily-readable timeline of the happenings and people's reactions to them, and to avoid cluttering the general thread.

What doesn't feel necessary is splintering off certain topics when that demand doesn't exist. I don't think anyone's ever been bothered by the general thread having too many posts about Hololive, or too many posts about VShojo, or too many posts about indies etc.. They just happen when something comes up that's worth talking about and run their course organically.

I can somewhat sympathise with the idea of wanting alternate "positive" and "negative" threads in certain situations, but it should be a case-by-case thing and not standard policy. I feel that Clara's political extremism and vitriol toward conservatives is in the public interest and should be documented and discussed, but I also appreciate that some people want to talk about other things, and would rather those subjects not have to take backseat to the nineteenth Clara post that day.
He stated it perfectly. The thread was necessary at the time because it was definitely flooding general and becoming an annoyance to others. At the time of the recent splits, there was little demand or reason for it as the General thread functioned just fine for the most part. There's a difference between the two situations. One happened as a necessity, the other did not.

I understand some of your reasoning behind it. I get that you look at how the Pippa thread has built itself as its own little insular community within the larger TVA to be a group that gets along well and has even put together great community projects dedicated to Pippa, and that you'd like to see more threads with people doing things like that. But I can't really think of another singular vtuber this would work for. @NeneLOVE brought this up and said it perfectly too. While most of us are fans of multiple vtubers or even a corpo as a whole, we all have our particular favorites, and there's not another singular vtuber that a large group of us can hyperfixate on like Pippa unless it's for drama related reasons. Even within our favorite corpos, we all have our favorites and others within that we don't pay much attention to.

And even besides threads for singular vtubers, I can understand your thought process behind having threads for different corpos to an extent. New users who are interested in just Holo, just Phase, and other individual groups will immediately see threads dedicated to them and may feel more inclined to join to talk amongst others with similar, more narrowed down interests than just vtubing as a whole. This has happened with the Pippa thread. I do get it, and I do get that two weeks isn't really long enough to see how effective this is. However, while the site growth may not have been as great as you'd like, we've always had newer users come in and integrate fine into the forum with the General thread. I mean, that's how I, and many others who didn't immediately start here after what happened with the Farms got here.

@Hff201 also pointed this out earlier, but for these sorts of threads to thrive and attract new users, there needs to be a reason for these new users to want to join here instead of Reddit or a Discord, and that depends on the current user base. As a Phase fan, myself and some of the others do enjoy posting funny memes and out-of-context jokes amongst ourselves, but the Phase thread is not like the Pippa thread. They are always having discussions amongst each other because they are all focusing on Pippa and Pippa related things. Sometimes we get enough people watching the same talent in the Phase thread to do a bit of liveposting together, but no where near as much. And most of us are not like Nolan to constantly livepost amongst ourselves. So when there's not much going on with Phase, or any group, as a whole, there's not as much discussion going on (this is ignoring the Clara shit for a bit).

This essayed way more than I intended. I'm kind of rambling now and feel like my thoughts are getting scattered, but hopefully I got some of my opinion across well enough. I don't think there's a reason to be super antagonistic about this from really anyone. I do get what some of your reasoning is, but I agree with others that it just doesn't feel like the change was a necessary one at the time.

Anyway, I'd much rather discuss movie recommendations that was brought up earlier, so I'll get to that once I get some work done.


"Shut up, Dazzle. I will clip your balls" -SB
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 12, 2022
Mechanicus is a really nice game I love nuking xenos off the face of the earth

Zyklon Mag

This magmite stares at gays
Joined:  Sep 14, 2023
TVA has no banned users aside from Nolan Crush who were not trolls or severely mentally ill, like Kestraline or the BannedVTMemes people. I have not 'chased off' anyone, aside from maybe Hexa, who everyone agreed was a bad influence who shared none of our values and was purely here to leech off us.
I agree with banning those nigs you listed, but silently taking away @El Rrata's reacts because he kept migoing too much is buttfuck retarded.


May we never go to Hell but always be on our way
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 9, 2022
If this was the impression you have gotten, then I apologize. I'm aware that I can be a bit of a doomer on the vtubing scene and it is something I have tried to reign in during the last few months. As for the banner announcements, they are open to suggestions at any time. Again; I apologize if it appears as if I only pick the things that interest me, specifically. I have no issue highlighting things other people would like to see, and part of the reason for creating separate, dedicated announcement banners [technically widgets] for each new thread was to allow people more agency in recommending things relevant to them.

Sometimes I miss stuff that's worthy of being in the banner. I generally don't follow large corporate events, so I am not as on the ball with those as compared to indie events. Users are free to @ me or any other staff member if they feel an event is worth featuring on the banner. I'd honestly love to open up the ability to add to banners to multiple people, but the problem is that by default you need administrative powers and those fields can contain HTML and various other code that have a very high potential for abuse if not kept in trustworthy hands. Therefore, it's a wortharound system that relies primarily on users noticing and requesting things be highlighted manually.
I mean I know you throw general stuff up there, I didn't mean to infer otherwise on that end. My intent was mostly just noting that having it all front and center is going to to drag a mood down regardless. And with the string of shit that kept happening half the time it more or less just serves as a note that almost everything is terrible. Which isn't going to do a lot for a place pushing to make things feel more upbeat. But there's more to it than seeing bad headlines. People feeling like they're being told to fuck off with their grievances isn't generally going to sit well either.

For lack of a better way of putting it, if life at home sucks ass then being there probably won't help you relax much.
If you decide you're fine with that because you do okay managing day to day, that will make it tolerable.
If the TV features a news caster telling you everything is garbage and you finding the smallest thing to take as a win is only proof you're a dumbass who doesn't understand your place in the world, that's probably going to shit your mood up again.

Think I stopped making sense. My main point was nobody here can do shit about the general state of things and when/how they happen. People COULD work together and do stuff on the forum but that starts at the top, which currently says "taking suggestions" beside a comedic trash can with "suggestion box" taped to it.

I cannot emphasize enough how much it absolutely SHITS all over a lot of the mood when the higher up won't even hear people out. I get it, you did a super secret ballot that managed to be overwhelmingly in agreement. I can even believe that. Yet there's a lot of pushback. You have to consider the difference in the users here, who this happened with, and figure out where the disconnect between the two is. That's never going to happen if you aren't even willing to engage.
I can assure you that despite whatever unfortunate shit happens in the scene, the forum itself being depressing due to random big ass slap fights over something pointless, especially with the management themself being involved and unwilling to interact, isn't helping.

I used to be deeply against the idea of single-talent threads before the Pippa thread. Now I am the reverse. I hope that someone takes the initiative to make single-talent threads for other people here. I'm not going to address much else right now because I'll be in college all day studying 3D printing, but I will also say that the idea of a dedicated thread for corporate events and industry '''''''drama'''''' (a term I am starting to dislike in the same terms Null dislikes the term doxxing due to how liberally it is abused to refer to anything that is less than perfect in the industry) to funnel negativity away from other threads is a perfectly acceptable one.
This doesn't really work for basically anyone else. I actively do not see how. Pippa is a unique case that REALLY blew up to a specific group of autists who has an organically grown community who all adore her for various reasons who does random nonsense content. Even the people who think she's saying something retarded can hop in there and shit on her ALONG with her other fans and it's all good.
This is a lot more awkward and almost seems hostile when you swap it to.. I dunno calling Biboo an inept tiny asshat with no sense of balance who constantly trips over nothing and knocks over store displays when on stream she's nothing but a bundle of sunshine. You can't just slap a Biboo thread up and expect it to go ape shit. You'll probably get like 3 people who maybe live spam it, but even as a stand out who I adore I really can't imagine live posting virtually everything she does because the difference is also their content.

Pippa says really retarded off the wall shit, or has arguments about topics that aren't exactly "acceptable" and things like that.
Hololive in general itself is also going to have metric asstons of crossover content and topics which are all going to be some variation of mostly safe. Biboo talked about meeting Raora and Ceci! *People ramble about it in her thread*
Ceci talked about Raora and Biboo! *I guess she's supposed to also have her own thread that's repeating this same info*
Oh hey Raora ALSO talked abou- And that's for 3 people. Consider there's variations of this for another like 7, then 2 entire other branches. They'll tell a few different stories in a few different ways maybe but the overall story is going to be similar. FES brought a lot of people a better mood but you're still getting a bunch of variations of X met X. The thread split also happened right while Holo was in a stretch of time where a lot of people cut back hard on actually streaming in preperation for FES, minus a few collabs and scattered bits and bobs.

Hololive is hitting the high end of a decade of existing and is slowly losing bits and pieces here and there. No, I don't think this is doom and people who keep losing their mind over it confuse me, but it IS going to lead to people feeling ways about it. Most of whom randomly become absurdly vocal about how literally everything is over and dying because "Changes in management" is apparently clearly code for the building is on fire and everyone will die soon. Completely ignoring that, as a company running this shit on the premise of an "idol group" a lot of these people actively have a whole ass life to live still. They'll want to move on or do other shit or have their own ambitions. (Even IF it's just not having to deal with perms issues for their streaming or something lol) It's based on an industry where people get molded and churned out after they're too old, the fact that they even have the luxury of hanging around as long as they want is already an anomally in the concept. People need to expect and accept it will happen, even if it sucks. Most other groups and companies aren't dealing with that reality. And if Holo has one of if not THE biggest fanbase, then yeah it's going to hit more people.
Phase itself has also dodged most bullets the industry is going through in general, and funnily enough despite his autism Fishman has managed to avoid the pitfalls of basically every other tiny group to emerge. But for all the lulz at his dream of a Marine, they're still basically just variety streamers goofing off and while he does like funding their efforts to do some music and stage shit, it's not a mainline stated goal of theirs as far as anything I can remember. It's more like a bonus for them and the fans.

Maybe that's easy for me to say because nobody I truly adore in Holo has fallen yet. I'm not saying Cover is without fault in these happenings. No shit there's going to be issues. But you can't even discuss them half the time because it turns into "shill holobronies" vs doomers which just shits up the mood and quality of everything everywhere. Who the fuck wants to post random feel good stuff (except @Svarog and @Willemshaven the madlads) in the middle of a bunch of shit flinging.

MAYBE this is just a me thing but I really don't feel like the idea works for anyone else. Company threads arguably had the chance in thoery but I mean, as we can see, there's a lot of people who feel like it just makes them miss random things instead. It's an attempt to make things work out in a way that's more mechanical and not organic. Which works for threads that are supposed to be pure info drops or whatever, but for interactions between people it's awkward and forced.
This is a circular argument. There are not the activity levels because the setup of the forum is fundamentally structured in opposition to the idea of promoting activity of this kind. The megathread structure is a confusing and inelegant mess to everyone who isn't already used to it, requiring extensive patience and extra effort to catch with. I personally find it near-incomprehensible at times, and the way people frequently loop about topics that were previously discussed in detail results in warped narratives and mis-remembered facts that cannot be easily cross-referenced or corrected unless someone has the archival autism needed to do so. New users are required to abandon all previous standards set by other websites and discussion venues, including those of other forums, which they have no incentive to do. Meanwhile, half the systems for Xenforo and most of the add-ons we could use were never designed for a megathread structure and massively limit our potential.

People have gotten far too used to this structure, when it does not promote growth or encourage people to branch out and explore new ideas and options. I understand that nearly three years of the same system is comforting for many, but staff do not feel this is a valid argument for clinging to the megathread structure. If you have an alternative that would accomplish similar goals of opening up the forum to a multi-thread structure that would preserve activity, you are free to propose it, but apart from potentially consolidating some threads back together, there will never be a return to a megathread system. TVA is now an open venue, where people are free to make topics as they see fit. Whether it takes a short period of time or a long period of time, I'm confident in and trust in the ability of the community to adapt.
Staff is you, a guy who claims to like and care about the forum he runs, telling everyone on it to get bent because they're stupid and spends most of his "effort" interacting on a discord most of the forum isn't involved with
A guy who has a real life and flat out admitted he barely USES the forum at all due to bad vibes, MANY of which come about because the guy above constantly wants to start fights WITH the community
A cool dude who basically shows up, does one line zingers, and is never heard from otherwise (Who is somehow also the only one who hasn't change at all in that time and nobody has any issues with.. hm. odd that.)
And a guy whose main focus is a thread literally built around a talent he likes who has her own thread because she and her community function like literally 0 other people.

You unironically have 0 grasp of the fucking pulse of the forum, you don't USE it other than to peddle drama.
You don't interact with anybody except in one thread SOMETIMES, you don't join in on clapping like a seal when some dog girl in on stage doing flips, you have no interest in giving a fuck about a good singing voice doing a comfy cover song, you don't care what kind of memes develop in the fanbase, you couldn't give LESS fucks about what makes anyone in this hobby happy because you're miserable and purely focus on the shit that makes you miserable, so everyone else has to be too.
The only thing you even seem to care about it small or new corpos because you cannot wait for the fireworks.

Even if you did? Nobody here KNOWS about it because you aren't PART of the forum you run. You don't give a fuck about being involved in it other than to go "Lol kirsche said cursed thing" or "watch my 2 view." You don't even post covers or clips or anything from the 2 views you shill or anything. You drop a link then fuck off until there's some dumb shit you can jump on on twitter. But WE are the ones out of touch. We just cannot comprehend the great megamind.

You're too busy trying to whip everybody as da massa then wondering why the fuck everyone is hostile towards you.

Whatever you right. My bad for harshing your happy little vibes and whatnot about enjoying the hobby. Good luck with your endeavours of bringing joy to everyone with the last thing you were involved in related to vtubing and brought to the forum to spark joy in the place with everyone which was...
oh. right. Mentally ill woman harassed and a possible attempt to get her kicked out her of housing situation.

Haha oh man, that's definitely up there in the enjoyable to talk about department like Korone basketball dunk memes. God speed with that.


I left Kson
Joined:  Feb 19, 2024
Gonna post here because I don't see a tv/movie/media thread. I got a good deal on a 256gb sd card for my phone and I'm old as shit that I can't seem to remember good movies from my time. I'd like if some of you niggas drop me good movies to download. Anything from 80's-2007 maybe current too if it isn't garbage. Some tv shows might be good too. Thanks :kaelaapprob:
Rush Hour, Sopranos, Sudden Death, In Bruges, Rat Race, The Naked Gun.

Aquatic Novellite

Merry Shiorin
Early Adopter
Joined:  Oct 10, 2022
TVA has no banned users aside from Nolan Crush who were not trolls or severely mentally ill, like Kestraline or the BannedVTMemes people.
The phrasing here implies that Nolan isn't severely mentally ill.

Lurker McSpic

We need to increase the hag population
Joined:  Mar 8, 2023
Huge thanks to the niggas who responded. I knew most of the reccomendations but every time I tried to remember movies I simply cant for the life of me :Vesper-UNHINGED: if someone has more hit me up.

On another note. Reading the last couple pages I just find it hilarious that the forum it's on its way to the graveyard. I think there's time to pull up if you reverse the split but we know how groomer in chief works. So enjoy the time you have lads.


Drink Milk
Joined:  Feb 24, 2023
Huge thanks to the niggas who responded. I knew most of the reccomendations but every time I tried to remember movies I simply cant for the life of me :Vesper-UNHINGED: if someone has more hit me up.

On another note. Reading the last couple pages I just find it hilarious that the forum it's on its way to the graveyard. I think there's time to pull up if you reverse the split but we know how groomer in chief works. So enjoy the time you have lads.
Eh i said it before ill say it again. At worst the site will just continue unless bossman actually decides to pull the plug as it is the site is still perfectly usable even if it could be far better.


Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022


"Shut up, Dazzle. I will clip your balls" -SB
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 12, 2022
Huge thanks to the niggas who responded. I knew most of the reccomendations but every time I tried to remember movies I simply cant for the life of me :Vesper-UNHINGED: if someone has more hit me up.

On another note. Reading the last couple pages I just find it hilarious that the forum it's on its way to the graveyard. I think there's time to pull up if you reverse the split but we know how groomer in chief works. So enjoy the time you have lads.
Also men in black
I watched jt like 5 times in my life and every time its like the first

Superduper Samurai

Well-known member
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Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
If when the site dies, its going to be really funny seeing the nu-KF users react to the horde of anime avatars posting in the vtuber thread again atleast


Well-known member
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 12, 2022
If when the site dies, its going to be really funny seeing the nu-KF users react to the horde of anime avatars posting in the vtuber thread again atleast
Josh will nuke the thread from orbit.


I do be doobing
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
A cool dude who basically shows up, does one line zingers, and is never heard from otherwise (Who is somehow also the only one who hasn't change at all in that time and nobody has any issues with.. hm. odd that.)
Proctor kicked him out :fishmandispair:
Proctor removed his admin privileges

I'm writing a novel. Literally. I see you revoked my admin privileges, see ya nerds!
Last edited:


"Shut up, Dazzle. I will clip your balls" -SB
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 12, 2022


White Yaksha
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 11, 2022
If when the site dies, its going to be really funny seeing the nu-KF users react to the horde of anime avatars posting in the vtuber thread again atleast
TVA inmates returning to KF to reconquest the Vtuber thread (2025, colorized)
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