"Because I told them I also accidentally made, uh, two gases of chemical warfare by accident. By complete accident! I was just trying to clean up blood, guys!"Shiori Novella

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  1. Fish bad

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    These Light Novel motherfuckers need to read some good western books. The writing they defend is pathetic.
  2. Fish bad


    I haven't been keeping up with her streams as well as I usually do because she's making me depressed these days. Even the colress simping made me feel awful for her. Her body wants her to fall in love and the best she can do is express it through some fictional characters. And she might even...
  3. Fish bad

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Am I the only one who thinks she sounds a lot like Yuri ? Not doing the same voice, but if you remember her deep voice, you can easily imagine her doing this voice. And similar cadence, and the way she screams "look at me".
  4. Fish bad

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Those monthly earnings are estimated ad earnings, they just take views multiply them by a guess of how much ads give per million view. Basically, this means nothing. If you want to try a guess at how much they make, you need to look at superchat revenue; which we can't do because playboard isn't...
  5. Fish bad

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    I seriously can't understand this. What fine print did they miss that was so bad ? What was so bad that she fell sick and quit her cushy job because of it ? I can't even begin to try a guess.
  6. Fish bad


    That's not what I'm talking about.
  7. Fish bad


    You're the newfag motherfucker. It got seriously worse about two weeks or less ago. She didn't really do it before a month or two ago, she had similar "tics", but now she's really playing it up.
  8. Fish bad


    Pippa's been aping way too much of Asmon and xQc's bits these days. Imitating the way xQc speaks like a sperg and cuts his sentences and also copies the way he rants.
  9. Fish bad


    At one point Pippa needs to realize people are just looking for an excuse to get mad and she needs to stop being afraid of people being mad at her for no reason, especially since they get past it in all cases. But that's too tall of an ask since she's a woman, and naturally neurotic.
  10. Fish bad


    Do you guys have a link ? I have no clue what you're referring to.
  11. Fish bad

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    How do you guys discover new Vtubers ? I went through the twitch tag and all of them show cleavage, from which I can tell they're not any better than normal twitch whores. And the ones who don't are affected by the twitch streamer brain rot where they can't string together any sentence of...
  12. Fish bad


    It's not really a rebrand though. The ship thing is an idea she got hooked on and talked about day-dreaming being a Vtuber manager and designing this as one of the slots in the company. My guess is that the she liked it so much she ended up adopting it for herself since nobody would, of course...
  13. Fish bad


    Just woke up mid sleep. I guess God wants me to see Pippa's new outfit live. It's so cuuuuuute. I love the new art as well, the whole theme is really well done. I hope her new toggles next time include her holding one of her bunny mascot.
  14. Fish bad

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    The OmegaAltare rrat is indeed a bridge too far, but here's a very similar explanation from what we already know. Altare probably sided with staff because he's a rat, thinking he's the "leader" of the group and it's his duty to "keep the peace". He shit on Vesper for something he obviously felt...
  15. Fish bad

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    What's name recognition for when you don't have anything else. The only advantage you get from Niji is that they're professionals at merch. But I don't see another Vox spawning from Niji. I think they're on the decline, and their strategy of pushing out quantity over quality has run its course...
  16. Fish bad

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    At this point I don't know how desperate you'd have to be to sign up with a company that just shits out talents weekly. You might be better off signing with Phase, because you're not getting valued at all if you're Niji. Next wave is probably going to average 500 CCV, seeing as there's massive...
  17. Fish bad

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    What loneliness does to a motherfucker. They'll spend hours of their life watching someone, chatting, participating in their community. They'll spend hundreds or thousands of dollars. But one thing they won't do is go outside to find someone who can, and will reciprocate.
  18. Fish bad

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Of course the people who gave you money are going to care. If you pretend like you're a single depressed lonely woman to attract single depressed lonely guys and THEN pretend to get close to them and give them companionship in a similar way a girlfriend would, of course they're going to be angry...
  19. Fish bad

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Don't forget, this is revenue, not superchats. How much do you think super popular talents make on merch ? How much do you think Gura brings ? If she makes 750k in superchats in a year, she can easily make 5 mil selling merch. They sell cheap shit at a huge markup, they can make 500% profit on...
  20. Fish bad

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Tenma is COOKED.
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