"Santa told me it's not a good idea to lie, so I'm going to tell you.🥺 Actually, I'm not seiso. And I'm not a cute girl.🔥 I'm a with a bad mouth and a bad laugh, just a dragon with a pretty voice - But of all the phaseconnects, this is the most seiso💛"Utatane Nasa
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So now that we have a real graduation. Do you think Alien Mixture lied about the half a million the company wanted for her to graduate? Or do you think Spectra paid the money considering she is receiving a proper company approved graduation?
A whore lying about being abused to make simps give her money? No way, that would never happen.
VnU is also unmistakenly retarded and I don't buy it even for a second some mastermind finally grew a second braincell and decided to handle graduation properly just to stick it to her. More that she went full bitch on them and they retaliated in likeness
An advice to all aspiring graduates - the best way to make sure no one buys your reasons for graduation/termination being "management is evil" is to become a whore and start fleshposting nudes immediately after
I think you're better off creating a one off and ignorable e-mail account for slightly transgressive forums like here and KF that isnt linked at all to a main account of yours
This is going to end horribly and I hate that there's nothing anyone can do to prevent it. The claim they're not producing lewd content isn't reassuring in any way given the character models they're using suggest otherwise.
This is going to end horribly and I hate that there's nothing anyone can do to prevent it. The claim they're not producing lewd content isn't reassuring in any way given the character models they're using suggest otherwise.
This is going to end horribly and I hate that there's nothing anyone can do to prevent it. The claim they're not producing lewd content isn't reassuring in any way given the character models they're using suggest otherwise.
This is going to end horribly and I hate that there's nothing anyone can do to prevent it. The claim they're not producing lewd content isn't reassuring in any way given the character models they're using suggest otherwise.
Children's online spaces like Poptropica or Club Penguin fucking dying in exchange for normally adult sites adding often ignored children's options was a mistake
This is going to end horribly and I hate that there's nothing anyone can do to prevent it. The claim they're not producing lewd content isn't reassuring in any way given the character models they're using suggest otherwise.
Pitybaiting on twitter how streaming is hard and YT is unfair and you should all follow her on twitch and give her money because full-time streaming is really difficult to do and no one wants to give her a job irl so streaming is the only way for her to make money
Pitybaiting on twitter how streaming is hard and YT is unfair and you should all follow her on twitch and give her money because full-time streaming is really difficult to do and no one wants to give her a job irl so streaming is the only way for her to make money
If it isnt the consequences of my own actions. She started sperging out, alienated a good chunk of the people who would follow/watch her. Feels like there are many things one can do to try to stay afloat after your company crashes and burns and she seems to have picked the ones that only do damage to her own brand:
Lashing out at some of her former genmates
Getting into slapfights with bigger creators who highlighted how unhinged she was
Sperging out on twitter about everything
Getting one-guyd in Marros by some VT troll
Ego searching and freaking out because people started calling her out
Buying her old IP only to cast it aside because some sort of PTSD
Fully stopped streaming and making content
Going to Twitch means starting out from scratch to get a new audience because the number of people from Youtube that will follow is probably less than 20.
So now that we have a real graduation. Do you think Alien Mixture lied about the half a million the company wanted for her to graduate? Or do you think Spectra paid the money considering she is receiving a proper company approved graduation?
I dont think she lied. Reminder that she was basically the fastest growing talent that corpo had. They had just produced a 3D music video with her and her genmate. Suddenly they started fucking with her because her content got too risky for them despite them greenlighting it in the first place. They got 1-guy'd and sperged out at her for doing what they themselves had already approved (playing South Park). They suspended her for and chewed her ass. She got angry and clapped back. And in typical black corpo asian corpo, a talent clapping back is the biggest/worst thing a talent can do. They started threatening her and she decided to dip. The terminated her and she leaked their shit contract and their shit termination agreement.
This is extremely similar to the whole Globie situation that happened recently (the French chick not the UK one). Despite the apparent hit piece False made, the company is to blame for how retarded it acted which is what caused the talents to sperg out.
Was this the ancient cat she had? Or is this another one? Back when she debuted as Fauna I remember her talking about her ancient cat (think it was like 17 or 18).
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