"That’s god damn right chat! (slams water bottle) I just stare [snakes] right into the eyes and I'm like way more mentally ill than you are and they just stop, just like, 'holy shit' they start flicking their little tongues out and retract their fangs and are like 'O my God-I can carry bags for this bitch' (giggle) And they do! And they do "Juniper Actias
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Honestly not surprising based off the decks they we're playing.
For a bit of Yu-Gi-Oh autism and personal opinion, evil twins was always going to be the better deck because of multiple reasons. Though don't get me wrong both decks can be strong, eldlich is better as a stun deck in my opinion, which I'm going to assume biboo didn't build as it's pretty slow, boring, and frustrating to go against. It got two inherit flaws that make it the worse deck, those being it's a trap deck and the golden lord himself.
Trap decks by their nature are inherently slow as you have to usually wait till your next turn or your opponent turn to use them, now this isn't always true as Konami sometimes makes it so you can set and use them that same turn Labyrinth for example. The other flaw being the Eldlich the Golden Lord is because the deck is very over reliant on him, which goes back to the traps and spell. If you don't have him on field you loose the other benefits of the traps or able to summon something else to extend your board. Not to mention both forms of the golden lord have next to no protection on themselves, and not a sold way to OTK.
The Evil twins on the other hand are just the better deck as it like to spam out monster, usually can play through disruptions, and link climb. I would say they can lean towards a bit of a glass cannon but it can sometimes push though it. The twins are constantly able to search the other out and reviving the other if they get destroyed, even using extra copies of themselves at times to get the other on board only to revive it and then draw or pop something. Even after they get to the technical boss monster, Trouble Sunny, it's better used as disruption and otk set up as it can tribute itself to summon the twins back in the field and because they can come out at the same time they both get their effects as well. Even the spells and traps good for starters or extenders depending on what you need them to be but usually are for taxes or disruption. Just in archetype evil twins are better, but can be even stronger if you combine them with sprights as they add in more disruption and grind game.
Thats my autism on this and probably wrong on some aspects. I don't particularly like playing ether deck but that's just preference. Though I do think if ether of them played more towards there characters lore, Evil twins or Melfy or Purrly works for Fuwamoco, while for Biboo, Tistin or Ashened or Adamancipator.
Evil Twins is definitely the better archetype Eldlitch is just way too slow for modern yugioh and needs all it's protection on golden lord or get's to eat shit the whole match.
though i should note that trouble sunny is not their boss monster as the deck does not have a typical boss monster as part of it's design if your going off pure stats Ki Sikil and Lil-la do more damage as well (assuming your playing the deck right anyway)
Honestly it's like an evolved version of the gladiator beasts concept way back
Yeah, IMO Eldlich is much better as a splash engine in something else, I used to run him in an Ayakashi deck before the entire thing got completely power-crept. As soon as I saw FWMC running twins I knew they'd probably win with no issue. Still a fun little sponsor set-up though, I hope more of the girls get into it. Watching Rosemi try to make her rose deck work was always a fun time back in the day and Yugi-oh is at its best when you're playing off-meta archetypes against friends anyways.
Resident Eldlich/trap deck user here. The deck she had COULD work but it was very much all engines not enough traps. Would you call a deck with 10 trap cards in a 60 card deck a trap deck? No. No you wouldn't. No rollback, no elemental burst/paleo tech, no kharma cannon, no ice dragon prison, no solemn strike, not even a torrential tribute so many options and none of them taken. So the first maxx c or ash that shows up the deck just falls over and dies for the turn because you're running cards that are good in a deck like this but in weird ratios and without a proper trap core. Or in short, combo deck pretending to be a trap deck learns the hard way that 60 card piles only work for branded players.
Ashened is a cool deck but it's a terribly weak deck sadly. Maybe it'll get support someday.
Yup as I said you basically need all those traps and protections to keep golden lord alive and he puts in work best as a zombie deck engine or a spell/trap deck used for massive disruption and is also hard countered by decks that want stuff in their GY which let's be honest is most decks since they essentially function as a second playable hand.
I know there are a lot of no-name/small corpos out there, but still. Why do so many of them attract sociopaths to run/own them like flies to shit? Shouldn't these idiots have learned from NijiEN by now that talent happiness/well-being comes first? You aren't in a position to whether a PR disaster like Niji (and even then they're permanently crippled in the EN sphere). What do they think stealth firing two talents will accomplish?
because being a sociopath is an easy way to earn money. Fuck you got mine mentality.
as for Current Drama. i would like it noted I assumed brave was scum from the beginning. happy for you bossman get your victory laps in and wish the talents the best and a quick return
"Brave Group JP, Brave Group US and Brave Group EU are entirely different, they have nothing to do with each other and the communication between talents of different branches is forbidden" - not-Lilou.
Some good non-corpo exploding news as a palate cleanser. Joru has a new outfit coming out next month.
She's been teasing this since the end of last year: Big titty monstergirl slug priestess
Meanwhile, Lilou is being smart, she won't interact with Globie anymore, this stream will be her last word. If they want to get in touch with her, they'll have to go through her lawyer. She claims she's only said what's more or less legally ok to say.
Also, if you want to support anyone else left in Globie, she suggests using Throne (for gacha apparently).
Curious she says there that she thinks Pippa hates her, I wonder why that would be, she seemed really sweet though I might be biased cause I liked her collab with pink Pippa, unless she was just joking a bit.
Some good non-corpo exploding news as a palate cleanser. Joru has a new outfit coming out next month.
She's been teasing this since the end of last year: Big titty monstergirl slug priestess
It's hilarious to imagine a giant sea snake god slug that can murder you with a tailswipe but when she talks it's only Joru giggles. Geega is up with her early access of MHWilds featuring a new outfit!
Nako is collabing with many menhera in a retail slave shop
Nina and Inis collab, get ready for a lot of german banter
I have been talking about not trying to find "moral" corpos for several days now and I openly mocked people praising brave buying everything under the sun because if they turned out to have mismanagement, that's just more shit that could explode under their tenure. It is so AMAZINGLY IRONIC that this shit goes down not even a week later.
Fuck these people, stop trying to be "virtuous" based on your fucking company choices, you are never gonna sit in a golden throne of untouchability and lord over all of the other LESSER plebs who watch evil corpos. Indies aren't gonna save you either, just look at twitch drama and how many scandals go down among independent creators on the weekly.
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