Do another black stream and has Vox outing Aster as a sexpest and and every sis will turn on him.I don't know if it would be much of a W when part of the allegations is that they refused to budge on this situation for over a year now. Would sisters even applaud it if they officially said yes he was harassing women? The mind of a sister is an enigma to me.

If I were them I'd say "we had a lack of staff at the time to properly investigate the situation, we have now recruit the required staffs to prevent future cases from happening"
"He was actually reprimanded behind the scene after what happened to Scarle"
(even though they didn't recruit jackshit and Scarle was the one getting scolded instead)
But honestly I think at this point Aster probs has dirt on Vox and Luxiem since he's so close to them.