Today is Subaru's 6th anniversary of being a vtuber! The anniversary live won't be happening until next year, but she'll be revealing a new outfit, doing call-ins and making some announcements in about 45 minutes. Judging by the silhouette, she might finally be getting the police officer outfit that every subatomo has been asking for:
And just in time for HoloGTA
There's gonna be a video premiere after as well. Likely a new original song:
This has been my 4th year watching her as my oshi and it's been a pretty rough one honestly. There were a lot of cancelled plans, sore throat problems, the tendonitis and of course, the graduations. Despite the brave face she put on, Subaru spent the summer feeling miserable due to Aqua leaving. But I think all of that has only reinforced my decision to support her. She still wants to keep going, still wants to accomplish her own goals and still wants to make everyone smile. Being able to watch that journey and even help it along just a bit has made me very happy, while also inspiring me in ways I never expected. She's aiming for that sololive, that 2 million sub mark, that first album and who knows what else, but I want to be there to see it all happen.
I know she'll bounce back from these rough spots because she always does thanks to that bone-headed power of positivity she has. Like when her 2nd anniversary live got cancelled and she nearly quit the company, only to make her 3rd live one of the best events in Hololive history. As she goes into her 7th year, she still seems just as determined to be the Sun Girl as she was when I first saw her, so I'll keep watching for as long as I can. After everything that's happened this year, I've accepted that all of it will end one day. I can only hope she'll be able to accomplish all her goals before then while shining as bright as possible. But whether it's a wonderful blaze of glory like Aqua or a sudden explosion like Mel, I wanna be able to say that I cheered for her as much as I could. Because she is someone that truly deserves it.
I just ramble and post sappy nonsense like a schizo, but
Noel said it best here:
Thank you for existing