"'Aren't you an idol?' No, I'm a comedian"Takane Lui

Nijisanji L Collection

Big PiPi Energy

Man I Lemonlea F
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Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
It must be Christmas for me to wake up and see Nijisanji take the biggest L ever right now. I hope Riku Tazumi still has the yacht once his company goes under because his ass is about to be homeless if he can't save the slowly sinking ship.
Don't worry about him. Riku will let the entire company burn to ashes before he sells his precious yacht. He always has the option of melting down his dragon's hoard of play buttons to fall back on as well.

I think we can all breathe easy knowing that he will make it!

Kanna's Glowiest Assistant

Hard-working girl enjoyer
Joined:  Jun 14, 2024
Yeah, you can't put lipstick on that pig anymore: -50% quarterly revenue YoY in all categories except paid promos for NijiEN even in a "calm" quarter; merch on track for -67% full year compared to FY2023. The bottom's fallen out.
Edit: Oh and that's with the yen at historical lows, the EN numbers compared to previous years would be even more catastrophic if they reported them in USD.
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jkterjter jkterjtier
LM's Ladyboy
Joined:  Feb 5, 2024
View attachment 78014
Also, "I know Q1 looks rough but Q2 is gonna go crazy! 50+% YoY increases in profits!" Motherfucker, how??? You can't sell out a small live concert at one of NA's biggest anime conventions. Y'all couldn't sell water to a dying man in the desert, good lord.
What absolute fucking clowns, i expect their stock to crash tomorrow again.

the only solution would be to merge it and make them all appeal to chinks who don't care about westoid grievances, but the west will likely never forgive Niji
true, oh wait, but Doki is beloved chink! (albeit cantonese, but still she is known figure who gather big attendance in a con, she's known in china and can easily multiply her following if she choose to regularly stream in cantonese again)

Revenue is down 13% for Nijisanji JP. However, it's hard to ascribe more meaning to that without knowing more about Nijisanji JP, the Japanese economy and what is happening with other vtuber companies to compare. Maybe your anecdotes provides a small part of the explanation, but I'd want more information before coming to that conclusion myself.
Simple: market is still crashing with no signs of stopping. Any company must constantly increase profits, and foreign income is the only real venue of growth for japs now. Without that, companies are forced to downsize and fire staff just to make ends meet, which then accelerate market down further.
Tradsanji cut their last straw with EN market, so yeah... going nuclear on Doki won't just kill EN branch, it's very much killing the whole company. I can't really imagine any options for niji to grow in china, not without pouring millions in translation and marketing (they won't)

Yeah, you can't put lipstick on that pig anymore: -50% quarterly revenue YoY in all categories except paid promos for NijiEN even in a "calm" quarter; merch on track for -67% full year compared to FY2023. The bottom's fallen off.
Edit: Oh and that's with the yen at historical lows, the EN numbers compared to previous years would be even more catastrophic if they reported them in USD.
One year ago yen value was exactly same (~145Y/1$), so no.
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Joined:  Oct 1, 2023
And, correct me if i'm wrong, there's nothing that can really help Anycolor to pull EN branch out of its slow death spiral, is there. Debuting new waves doesn't work, as evidenced by both TTT and Denauth having a fraction of the previous' waves reach, old members are slowly slipping away, even if they suddenly started spamming big events as opposed to constantly cancelling them i'm not sure the investment would pan out.
There is actually. It's called apologizing and replacing their entire management structure.

You know who did it? Brave did it. Now they are the third biggest corpo with almost 0 negativity, and they were one of the most hated companies in the market.

Hololive English also to some extent. Though they didnt explicitly apologize for omegaalpha, they allow talents to freely shit on him and old management. They got dimitry and overhauled the way EN was being run.

If riku apologize, pay compensation to sayu/doki/mint and fire Harry & his cohorts, then provide better contracts/revenue share to their talents. I can see the brand recover. People who are on the fence/afraid of reputational hit will come back.

Too bad for elira but they also need to be rid of her and make her the scapegoat to their failure. Her name is way too hot at this point. You offer her a management position, make reviving nijiEN becomes her responsibility and she might even be glad to take the blame. She will become a martyr and be loved even more by her friends and people in the know. Her experience is also super valuable for the company too for a management position, she experienced NijiEN downfall, knows what they did wrong, what they could have done, understands their livers' needs, demands and psychology and on top of that can speak both language and already semi-leading the branch anyway

That is the only way to recover their reputation. But also the most impossible way because riku is a greedy piece of shit and Harry is his nepo hire.

And also return people their fucking youtube plagues
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Joined:  Sep 17, 2022
-8 in Events, goddamn, that cancelled Anime Expo concert really was the entire corpo's only quarterly event.
Losing 8 million yen (almost $57,000) from the canceled concerts is absolutely hilarious.

That's more than almost all the livers, except for maybe 5 of them, have made the entire past year.

-8 million yen for that event could have been a yacht, Riku
They lost more than 8 mil yen. This is just negative revenue. Revenue is before any costs. A negative revenue is only things like ticket refunds, returns, and maybe some types of cancelation charges.

If there were any other costs like rentals, recording costs, merch planning or prototyping, travel bookings or cancelations, etc, they would be recorded separately. Anycolor doesn't break their costs down by associated income type.


(๑ 'ᆺ' ) Pfp is me IRL
Joined:  Mar 15, 2023
Enna has depression, and she doesn't make a secret out of it. She somewhat recently started going to theraphy for it. It got a bit better during her elden ring arc, but now that she completed the game she is starting to fall back down again. (souls games helping with depression isn't totally unheared of: 1 2)

She is currently stressed to the point that her period hasn't stopped for weeks. She recently went to the doctors for a full checkup and the results are not really terrible, but also not good.

If you want to know how enna ended up with depression, this is the very short tl;dr version:
- her parents punished her harshly, even at a very young age (pre school) with stuff like kneeling on rice or being locked into a dark room
- her father had to return to japan, leaving her alone with her mother
- her mother has shizophrenia (or something similar), the real thing, not the funny internet kind
- that includes paranoia, like believing that the neighbours want to "replace" them
- that resulted for example in her forcing her to keep the lights of, so she had to do homework with a flashlight
- she had to deal with her mothers episodes every day
- she got bullied at school, some people thought she couldn't talk because she kept so quiet
- her mother stopped caring to a certain degree (like if enna didn't want to go to school like every child once in a while, she would just let her)
- on top of all of that her mother had a gambling addicition to the point that she would gamble the money away she needed for her trip back home
- despite all of this her mother was still together enough to fool doctors enna and other family members took her mother to
- over the years all of this got worse and worse
- around age 16, she made a very difficult decision: she stopped going to school shortly before graduation and moved out
- without her there, nobody was left to keep her mother in check which eventually resulted in her no longer being able to hide her illness and she finally got hospitalized
- enna then had to work multiple shit paying jobs, including retail
- corona hit, things got even more uncertain
- during all of the above, she always had singing as a hobby and got good at it, she used that to apply to niji
- debuts in niji
- niji goes to shit
- you are here
Where does her being in Japan and making music videos fit? When she was in college? As far as the period, I thought she was kind of a sickly girl. She complains a lot about her health.


- A
Too bad for elira but they also need to be rid of her and make her the scapegoat to their failure. Her name is way too hot at this point. You offer her a management position, make reviving nijiEN becomes her responsibility and she might even be glad to take the blame. She will become a martyr and be loved even more by her friends and people in the know. Her experience is also super valuable for the company too for a management position, she experienced NijiEN downfall, knows what they did wrong, what they could have done, understands their livers' needs, demands and psychology and on top of that can speak both language and already semi-leading the branch anyway
What? Alienate their remaining fans? Ok buddy.


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Joined:  Oct 22, 2022


jkterjter jkterjtier
LM's Ladyboy
Joined:  Feb 5, 2024
There is actually. It's called apologizing and replacing their entire management structure.

You know who did it? Brave did it. Now they are the third biggest corpo with almost 0 negativity, and they were one of the most hated companies in the market.

Hololive English also to some extent. Though they didnt explicitly apologize for omegaalpha, they allow talents to freely shit on him and old management. They got dimitry and overhauled the way EN was being run.

If riku apologize, pay compensation to sayu/doki/mint and fire Harry & his cohorts, then provide better contracts/revenue share to their talents. I can see the brand recover. People who are on the fence/afraid of reputational hit will come back.

Too bad for elira but they also need to be rid of her and make her the scapegoat to their failure. Her name is way too hot at this point. You offer her a management position, make reviving nijiEN becomes her responsibility and she might even be glad to take the blame. She will become a martyr and be loved even more by her friends and people in the know. Her experience is also super valuable for the company too for a management position, she experienced NijiEN downfall, knows what they did wrong, what they could have done, understands their livers' needs, demands and psychology and on top of that can speak both language and already semi-leading the branch anyway

That is the only way to recover their reputation. But also the most impossible way because riku is a greedy piece of shit and Harry is his nepo hire.

And also return people their fucking youtube plagues
Yep, all of that is bare minimum they need to restore rep, but it's too late. They would have to get rid of Vox and Ike too.
For vtuber corpo PR equals revenue, and it will tank their PR in short and mid term. Whale sisters will leave. It'll only pay out in two years at the soonest. Investors might riot before that.
BTW, do JP law allows for CEO to be kicked out by minor shareholder quorum like french one?


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Joined:  May 6, 2023
-50% on Revenue YoY normally gets a bunch of people fired. That's almost 5 million USD per quarter missing. Which tells you how much Pomu, Nina and Selen ... wait, how many graduated in the last year? Geez.
"A stable system in which revenue is spread across a wide range of VTubers, rather than being highly dependent onthe top tier, which is often the case in the industry."
First 5 vtubers contribute 20% of overall revenue, next 5 vtubers contribute 10% of overall revenue. I am pretty sure Nijisanji has the worst distribution out of everyone in the industry
"Along with continued efforts to nurture and debut VTubers, revenue per VTuber is increasing through thestrengthening of the ecosystem"
I am pretty sure it's because your employees are leaving and it raises the average, not because you are attracting more fans. I am sure the report after Vivi and Kunai will leave will have even better average income, considering 12 vtubers they hired that year contributed to only 1% of the company income
It's pretty telling that there is only one place in the entire document where EN profits are separated from overall, and it doesn't even have a graph, because it looks fucking miserable. Gone are the days when they were flaunting it on the front page

For the type of business that Anycolor is in, I can very much see them continuing to increase revenue for a while as the core of the company disintegrates. A lot of the corpo to corpo stuff takes 6-12 months to catch up. You can see how little from "Livestreaming" that they actually make. Which means they can keep doing promotions / expand the places to get goods until the bottom suddenly just falls out.

There's a lesson in here about how McDonalds, being one of the largest real estate firms in the world, spends a lot of effort in making sure the food is competently similar the world over. Up to and including creating cattle breeds in locations for beef production. While your Profit may come from the secondary effects, your primary economic driver is always your primary economic driver. When you forget that and let either bad leadership or just finance dudes in general run things, you end up in the spot Intel is right now.

Very much so. Holo itself is top-heavy but nothing like Niji, the amount of dead weight from spamming debuts Niji drags around is several times anyone else's.

View attachment 78015
Better visualization of how bad shit has gotten.

Hololive is only top heavy because every industry like this is. The difference is Cover's top performers are actual Rockstar-level earners. Aqua is going to make >2 mil USD just on the way out the door. The issue for Anycolor is they have actual Dead Weight that costs them money, which is probably why it gets so toxic. They want to actually get rid of people.

And, correct me if i'm wrong, there's nothing that can really help Anycolor to pull EN branch out of its slow death spiral, is there. Debuting new waves doesn't work, as evidenced by both TTT and Denauth having a fraction of the previous' waves reach, old members are slowly slipping away, even if they suddenly started spamming big events as opposed to constantly cancelling them i'm not sure the investment would pan out.
You have to do something radically & publicly different. Basically any non-Criminal situation can be salvaged, you just don't normally see people with the foresight to do what is necessary.

Holo's bottom 10% really are kinda down there in terms of profitability... but Holo's bottom 10% are mostly HoloID who have a significantly lower cost-of-living, so they don't really need to make Gawr Gura money.

Accelerating new waves will probably be what kills this corpo even faster, bet me. Denauth can't be profitable at their ccv, not enough to offset even the bare minimum of effort that Anycolor puts in getting new livers' models & channels ready, nor designing & making merch. And they're not many views but every Denauth viewer has gotta be someone who would've been opening their wallets on another older liver's stream.

In terms of revenue, I'm pretty sure it's mostly the Holostars that are at the bottom of the Cover list, though everyone there is profitable to the company. HoloID now has Kobo, who'll be able to drive some pretty radical profitability to HoloID.

You can actually sort of work back through most of, at least the EN generations, when the real money hits for them. They have to go through an adjustment period because the real money starts hitting. Minus Calli who went through the fun of screwing up your International Tax structure, because of course she'd be the one to get screwed by double taxation penalties.

There is actually. It's called apologizing and replacing their entire management structure.

You know who did it? Brave did it. Now they are the third biggest corpo with almost 0 negativity, and they were one of the most hated companies in the market.

Hololive English also to some extent. Though they didnt explicitly apologize for omegaalpha, they allow talents to freely shit on him and old management. They got dimitry and overhauled the way EN was being run.

If riku apologize, pay compensation to sayu/doki/mint and fire Harry & his cohorts, then provide better contracts/revenue share to their talents. I can see the brand recover. People who are on the fence/afraid of reputational hit will come back.

Too bad for elira but they also need to be rid of her and make her the scapegoat to their failure. Her name is way too hot at this point. You offer her a management position, make reviving nijiEN becomes her responsibility and she might even be glad to take the blame. She will become a martyr and be loved even more by her friends and people in the know. Her experience is also super valuable for the company too for a management position, she experienced NijiEN downfall, knows what they did wrong, what they could have done, understands their livers' needs, demands and psychology and on top of that can speak both language and already semi-leading the branch anyway

That is the only way to recover their reputation. But also the most impossible way because riku is a greedy piece of shit and Harry is his nepo hire.

And also return people their fucking youtube plagues

There's no returning the plaques. They never got them in the first place. The livers would have had to personally order an extra. It's possibly the most petty thing they can do that shows you exactly how they think about their employees.

It applies generally, but if you're in an industry where you keep coffee for employees, always spend the extra money and make sure it's pretty good. An extra 1k USD per year in coffee & supplies will save your 100x or more in issues just related to friction in the workplace. Friction points always make everything worse, and Anycolor seems like the type of company to just add more whenever they can.
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I left Kson
Joined:  Feb 19, 2024
It must be Christmas for me to wake up and see Nijisanji take the biggest L ever right now. I hope Riku Tazumi still has the yacht once his company goes under because his ass is about to be homeless if he can't save the slowly sinking ship.
Will his race horse fit on the yacht?


Well-known member
Joined:  Oct 1, 2023
Yep, all of that is bare minimum they need to restore rep, but it's too late. They would have to get rid of Vox and Ike too.
For vtuber corpo PR equals revenue, and it will tank their PR in short and mid term. Whale sisters will leave. It'll only pay out in two years at the soonest. Investors might riot before that.
BTW, do JP law allows for CEO to be kicked out by minor shareholder quorum like french one?
Noone even remember ike being on the blackstream. Vox could just blame elira writing the scripts for him to read, that's what I meant by scapegoat. His main problem is his constant larping and lack of streaming anyway.
There's no returning the plaques. They never got them in the first place. The livers would have had to personally order an extra. It's possibly the most petty thing they can do that shows you exactly how they think about their employees.
Pretty sure multiple people including mika talked about them having a trophy room where they display the plagues.
Also tbh the plagues were over inflated to avoid youtubers buying and selling them. Nijisanji as a corpo can totally negotiate for a discount when they order like 200 from youtube. Or just go on etsy.
What? Alienate their remaining fans? Ok buddy.
Some of them yes. I dont believe for a second all the remaining nijifans watch elira. Or even half of them.
By making elira and old management the scapegoat they can find some ex-fan who was hesitating back. E.g. reaction fags like koeefficient would return to do nijisanji react the moment their name are cleared.
And the best thing is they can get future fans. Which they can not do right now and are just enjoying a spiral descend to death.


Well-known member
Joined:  May 6, 2023
Pretty sure multiple people including mika talked about them having a trophy room where they display the plagues.
Also tbh the plagues were over inflated to avoid youtubers buying and selling them. Nijisanji as a corpo can totally negotiate for a discount when they order like 200 from youtube. Or just go on etsy.
They have a room full of them at the Anycolor office. But the don't order an extra when they qualify, so the singular plaque only goes to the home office and the liver never gets one. It's beyond petty.

Also, it's a Q. Your autocorrect keeps making it "plagues", hehe. Riku's plague of plaque stealing.


Well-known member
Joined:  Oct 1, 2023
They have a room full of them at the Anycolor office. But the don't order an extra when they qualify, so the singular plaque only goes to the home office and the liver never gets one. It's beyond petty.

Also, it's a Q. Your autocorrect keeps making it "plagues", hehe. Riku's plague of plaque stealing.
Nah it isn't autocorrect
It's ESL behavior


I left Kson
Joined:  Feb 19, 2024

Fauna's Deadest Sapling

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Joined:  Jan 26, 2024
Hololive is only top heavy because every industry like this is. The difference is Cover's top performers are actual Rockstar-level earners. Aqua is going to make >2 mil USD just on the way out the door. The issue for Anycolor is they have actual Dead Weight that costs them money, which is probably why it gets so toxic. They want to actually get rid of people.
What, you mean the company that's been accelerating new waves for years and is posting record losses should try doing the opposite? Wild.

By making elira and old management the scapegoat they can find some ex-fan who was hesitating back. E.g. reaction fags like koeefficient would return to do nijisanji react the moment their name are cleared.
And the best thing is they can get future fans. Which they can not do right now and are just enjoying a spiral descend to death.
Honestly this seems like Elira's only actual Out of this scene that doesn't end with her redebuting as a 3-view (at best) indie who eventually loses her mind dealing with haters & trolls telling her to rope for the rest of her online existence.

Just do a big flashy graduation & quietly become a manager under a different alias. At least that way she can transition into a lower-stress management job - at least until Sony buys Anycolor & fires everyone.


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Joined:  Sep 12, 2022
I highly doubt niji will win anyone back with blaming another liver. Yes even the black stream ones. Too much distrust in the company.


White Yaksha
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Joined:  Sep 11, 2022

Behold. The most expensive cover song in vtubing history.


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Joined:  Mar 1, 2023
Just do a big flashy graduation & quietly become a manager under a different alias. At least that way she can transition into a lower-stress management job - at least until Sony buys Anycolor & fires everyone.
Oh yes, I would love to work under someone who bullied a person to suicide, creating her own clique in the company and instead of being prosecuted has been promoted to a position that has even more authority! I will definitely never spill it out on accident, creating even more drama for the company
She has no future, and the company has to let go of her in the most spectacular way possible

El Rrata

Gringo Tolerable
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Joined:  Sep 9, 2022
Oh yes, I would love to work under someone who bullied a person to suicide, creating her own clique in the company and instead of being prosecuted has been promoted to a position that has even more authority! I will definitely never spill it out on accident, creating even more drama for the company
She has no future, and the company has to let go of her in the most spectacular way possible
I mean, they keep hiring people from said clique, so I don't think those hirees have an issue with it.

Superduper Samurai

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Niji can just fucking ask to not lose money
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