Kinda sad Amber Coin got fucked over by rng
Its already the only guild with 4 members (instead of 5) and then 2 of its members weren't even there for most of it
Bae was only there for Day 1 and Kiara had lots of busy dance days in between as well
I am kinda sad that as early as day 2, Mumei defected from the guild to go spy on the others (its lame because thats just an excuse to hang more with her SNOT friends and less with people is rarely around with; those randomly mixed guilds are great for giving a chance to rarepairs)
That left Amber Coin with only 1 apparent and consistent member, Raora
I am just waiting for the next Reine sex Pochi-mama is going to deliver soon

Is ollie gregant?
also not-reine also did the copypasta
Orange woman she says??