"What even is a 'pathetic tsundere'? I've been called that twice already!"Himemori Luna

Nijisanji declares Total Retard War on Dokibird

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basic ass man who loves the british funny woman
Joined:  Jun 7, 2023
ehm guys... i'm a tourist prizu andastandu, but...
Who the fuck is Ebonito? I never saw him in my feeds.
a Yamanba
a vhoe orbiter
a niji cocksucker
a Yamanba
a fucking grifter who parades whores
did i say that hes a Yamanba?
a Yamanba who offers no substance whatsoever who yaps incessantly and is a fucking loudmouthed Yamanba
a Yamanba

Superduper Samurai

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ehm guys... i'm a tourist prizu andastandu, but...
Who the fuck is Ebonito? I never saw him in my feeds.
Token twitch black guy, possible future twitlonger recipient, professional Vtuber leech


Casting Yamanba Magic
Joined:  Dec 14, 2022
I hate commentary youtubers so much it's unreal
Commentary Youtubers are fun when they are at their best.

They are at their worst when they are actually "covering something" because they learned about it that day from someone in their discord and are reading off a script written by someone else in their discord.

They are at their best when they are autistically slapfighting each other in a discord call.

Radioactive Weeb

definitely not /here/
Joined:  Dec 4, 2023
time is a flat circle.
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Commentary Youtubers are fun when they are at their best.

They are at their worst when they are actually "covering something" because they learned about it that day from someone in their discord and are reading off a script written by someone else in their discord.

They are at their best when they are autistically slapfighting each other in a discord call.
I'll give Charlie credit for actually doing his due diligence on the research, but Nux is such a femboy with the clickbait. It makes me doubt even more than before his "super sekrit info" when he does attention whoring shit like this.


The Pontiff of PonWolf
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from my chatlog

"Oh my god, HAN! NOOOOO, Oh thank god. Fuck you Han, fuck you. Oh my god. Thank you so much for the 10 dude. OMG. Are you finally back from japan x3, dude. I hope you have fun. Thank you so much for the 10 gifties"
It's real, and she knows exactly who gifted. Vip member btw.
Also does she always speak like this sounds retarded.
The perception of "Altare bad" only came from his retarded one-line response about Harry Potter that always sounded slightly sarcastic or defeated to me and cope that he couldn't play the game, despite being a fan of the series. Since then, he hasn't done anything at all to deserve consistently get dogpiled on and I think it is pretty retarded that people still whine over that.

There was also the thing with Vesper which was entirely because of Vesper going full retard-autist on every one at the time. They had made up by the time Vesper left Stars, so they clearly got over it.
Based I knew Altare wasn't a Twitter freak no way in hell he would support Sayu after her rape joke if that were the case

I'm proud to have consistently defended that offhand comment as a nothingburger
Question for anyone about cy yu does he speak/understand Japanese well. Cause a thought just crossed my mind that if he was talking to niji if it was in English if the talents are the ones in charges for en could they also be doing the scouting and on-boarding as well and possibly making it so make the exclusivity like the voice acting.

It would certainly be easier to control, and bully someone if they are isolated and being made the only source of income.
As far as I know he only speaks en and Spanish
These guys are useless hacks and generally say nothing, but there IS a something you can take away from the fact they made their little slop videos on the Nijisanjy melty: They only parrot extremely safe opinions. That means this shit looks completely indefensible to a person who doesn't have prior knowledge of the scene.
Dude Nux is anything but safe the dude thrives on pissing people off
I'll give Charlie credit for actually doing his due diligence on the research, but Nux is such a femboy with the clickbait. It makes me doubt even more than before his "super sekrit info" when he does attention whoring shit like this.
Nux click baits as both a meme and because it works don't hate the player hate the game I honestly will take his click bait over Charlie's retarded titles that tell you nothing about the video usually and is the purest form of click bait just to see what the fuck he is talking about I like charlie but god that is annoying


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To be fair, when Axel was the only HOMO who find Doki to join and formed TSB for VSaiko, i felt it was very strange. Like Doki was known to be one of the Apex predator, and no one in KuroEN would ask or invite her to join the apex competition.

After that, Axel fought a lot for Doki about the joining and VSaiko score issue like a CHAD, something that KuroEN boys would not do.

I am not sure Doki already had issues with the Management team back then, and the management team intentionally not inform Selen about it till Axel intervention

I remember (though its now memory holed) seeing the recent custom and thinking "yay! Selen is organising shit again". Only to find out very quickly that Axel pretty much organized everything and brought her along for the ride. The dude is such a bro.
I wish i had the receipts but it was on selen's stream (i checked both axel and altare's stream to see if they had the vod; they dont). Not only did he do all the perms bs and organised the sponsors, he literally let her be the frontman for the entire event.
Clip tax: "THE BABIES!!!":


21st Century Pipkin Man

rabbit's foot, vomit drawer
Joined:  Jan 18, 2023
Dude Nux is anything but safe the dude thrives on pissing people off
Sorry, I mean muta, cr1tikal et al. I can't watch a nux video because my ears start bleeding.


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As far as I know he only speaks en and Spanish
So if we're to assuming for a moment that he's talking to a jp scouter, for starter I doubt he would use Google translate to figures out what there saying. Let alone him using a translator back to them, they had to have someone with the scouter to translate and with how cheap niji is that might have been a talent.


The Pontiff of PonWolf
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I think everyone knows he's still one, but there's just that indirect feeling of "I told you so" that is nice.

Also, random Nux video in my feed for some reason.

I enjoy Charlie as much as the next guy, but I doubt how true this thumbnail and title is. I do acknowledge he and Asmon were the ones that brought up this issue to normies though.

Charlie mentioned he has seen a couple corpo Vtuber contracts in the past and he hates them
Nux: I'm not allowed to talk about which Vtuber groups I have access to contracts of but it's most of them and they are bad"
Nux says that Nijis deal is we give you a platform and that's it you are on your own
I'm about 99% sure the liver that won their amicable separation was Yugo Nux dropped some more info he said that if the talent did not sue they would have Zaioned (before Zaion) them. I always thought yugos graduation was weird it was an extended period of mia and then a graduation not a termination notice with no goodbye stream and the notice almost seemed passive aggressive in its wording from what I remember I'll have to read it again when I'm not at work I'll update this with more info as it comes up

Slight detour to post this

When Zaion was terminated Nux immediately reached out and and helped in any way he could Zaion wanted to apologize for everything in hopes it makes things right and Nux told her not to based Nux "don't you dare fuckin apologize you'll never be able to take that back"
Nux corrected Charlie's mispronunciation of Sincronisity lending backing to him being friends with her imo
Nijisanji blacklisted Nux en and jp he says word travels from En to JP corpos fast he said that after Nux vs Vshojo JP talents from other companies followed him after having issues in their own companies despite having had no contact with them prior citing Rushia as an example she immediately followed him on mikeneko after she was fired to his confusion.
Nux has convinced people to rethink joining Niji in the past
Nux has sent Charlie a thoroughly researched write-up in the past on Vtuber corpos nothing as bad as Niji
Nux alleged Niji once sued a Twitter troll through personal info found in his socials because he shat on a model design
Nux about Doki "success is the best revenge"
Nux believes that Niji planned to have Doki be s blindsided by the trio of snakes stream that Doki would accidentally say something sue worthy and I agree
Talked about how much he was attacked over defending Sayu and wholesomey praised and shilled her telling his fanbase to give her love
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Doki will be streaming later today.

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Superduper Samurai

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Tea is just leaf juice。
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Dunno if this belongs here or the Doki thread...

Edit: dangit, this was meant for the Niji L thread. Wrong tab, my bad. Mod please move? :)


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Fubuki's Best Friendo
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Looks like his meeting with a lawyer bore fruit. I'll watch it when it drops and update if there's anything especially interesting inside.

Oh boy...... video is out

And i wasted 8min of my life. Zero new info. Shame i cant give late reacts on youtube.

- artists share their stories about the niji management not being able to do NDA correctly
- artists share that the talents have to pay of their own pockets except for branch projects
- anon has an interview and they ask him to drop his old buddy which he has a contract with, refuses, get told to come back when they can sacrifice everything for Niji.
- Shows the Cy yu clip where he talks about his interview.

Edit : Rumble archive even if not worth it

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John Vtuber👁️

Sentient Eyeball, Primarch of Hag Pride Worldwide
Certified Manwhore
Joined:  Oct 24, 2022
Doki will be streaming later today.

after the hot mess that was Suicide Squad, the Arkham Trilogy + Origins would be a night and day difference in quality stream content

...so what are the livers going to do at roughly the same time to prevent her from enjoying a game? place your bets now


Joined:  Oct 21, 2023
after the hot mess that was Suicide Squad, the Arkham Trilogy + Origins would be a night and day difference in quality stream content

...so what are the livers going to do at roughly the same time to prevent her from enjoying a game? place your bets now
Elira gonna go on stream and fake cry for 30 mins with a black background at how she felt threatened by the phantom dox.


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Joined:  Jul 23, 2023
I always thought yugos graduation was weird it was an extended period of mia and then a graduation not a termination notice with no goodbye stream and the notice almost seemed passive aggressive in its wording from what I remember I'll have to read it again when I'm not at work I'll update this with more info as it comes up
Oh absolutely agree that yugo was the one who ended up being a graduation via winning an amicable separation. They’ve mentioned at least once they were scouted and encourage to audition (and from here on out was either this was a rrat or an actual plausible theory that stemmed from all the timing) and got in for Ethyria but yugo didn’t feel ready, but some scout kept encouraging them to join or something and they ended up being yugo.

Yugo was a whole fucking mess during their streaming career, constant tech fuck ups, accidental discord flashes of convos that should’ve been private, and many more.

I’ll need to go back to find how the exact wording was for the graduation but I remember it mentioning something along the lines of “his behavior as a liver within the company wasn’t in line” and something about “the company and the liver discussing the matters, decided to have him graduate”; again not the exact wording but I think this was more or less the way it was interpreted. This was definitely a line where a bunch of fans (and probably rrat enjoyers) during the following days of this announcement were concluding this was effectively a termination rather than a graduation.


Drink Milk
Joined:  Feb 24, 2023
a Yamanba
a vhoe orbiter
a niji cocksucker
a Yamanba
a fucking grifter who parades whores
did i say that hes a Yamanba?
a Yamanba who offers no substance whatsoever who yaps incessantly and is a fucking loudmouthed Yamanba
a Yamanba
come on guy at least diversify your slurs. @Nenélove help this poor flip out.
Based I knew Altare wasn't a Twitter freak no way in hell he would support Sayu after her rape joke if that were the case

I'm proud to have consistently defended that offhand comment as a nothingburger
:cursedbae:my personal theory is people confused Altare with one of the actual femboys Aster? :cursedbae:
after the hot mess that was Suicide Squad, the Arkham Trilogy + Origins would be a night and day difference in quality stream content

...so what are the livers going to do at roughly the same time to prevent her from enjoying a game? place your bets now
"selen we have your parents"


Dang it
Ward Security
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
Wonder if Anycolor would be so bold to strike this video. Given their track record, it's a possibility.

God I hope they do.
Good point, I'll remember to sick YT-DLP at it while I watch it
Edit: Here's the 3 relevant screenshots from the video. Not the biggest scoop ever, but still some interesting blurbs.
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