Sounds like the problem is between the seat and the keyboard.

2. Scarle and Aster at one point had some sort of weird awkward chat were Aster was moping about Scarle not paying him enough attention or some high school shit.
Number 1 is juicy at least on a persona drama level, but is there any particular reason I should pay attention to the other two? Am I understating them?
I'm probably not remembering clearly because it's middle-of-the-fucking-night AM right now, but I think the bigger take from Aster's meltdown to Scarle is less him demanding her attention specifically, but that he gets cut off/interrupted when he's talking in VC regularly and never gets to just keep rambling about whatever the fuck because other people join/pipe in something else and he's just ranting at Scarle about it like she's supposed to give him asspats. It comes across as an overbearing asshole cornering some random girl at a company party and just laying out to her how important he thinks he is and why EVERYONE should hang on ever word of his. Speaks way more to an insanely inflated ego and sense of value for someone with no fucking viewers.
Women like this are the female equivalent to "eternal nice guy that mods Amouranth's chat for years and becomes furious when he finds out she's married".
A dumb stance to have at that, just because a woman's married don't mean she ain't gonna whore it up.

View attachment 63329
Who's Mike?
Mike Meveland
You don't already pay for a membership and you don't watch her often enough to have snagged a gift membership? Fake fan.
The pain of being grandfathered into modern youtube as a brand account and being permanently unable to receive gift subs.
All I want is a collab with Kiara, not-Pomu, and Matara. That shouldn't be too much to ask
My "Never Gonna Fucking Happen" crack collab is Randon and doki for fucking anything.
It is fun seeing a Nijisister getting called out on her cope about the "fake" screenshots and all
There are people I know that I've met online that even though I know their real name, home address, phone number, been to their weddings and even lent a couch when they lost their home in a fire, I still call them by their screen name 98% of the time. Comparatively, my own legal name is only ever used by employers, the government or my girlfriend, everyone else I know either uses my nickname, my work alias or my screen name depending on which group they're in.
Sounds like sister here is just a fuckin' normie.