I am sorry to say that this is post gonna need a little bit of context. Back in december of last year I wrote another rant post about the state of NijiEN at the end of the year, TLDR is I was tired and frustrated of the livers constant offline works, trips to japan, lack of announcements and big events, perceived lack of support from management besides merch and just not having a good time. You can read the original post here, if not you can skip it
The point is after posting my thoughts and chatting with other users of this forum I had hope for the next year, sure my gripes were valid but as others said NijiEn livers had been making some small events and tournaments here and there and now things could start to look up or at least go back to normal, right?
Selen's song was literally privated 2 days after I posted the original rant
and then Pomu announced her graduation a week or so later
And Kyo has now announced his graduation (though to be honest I really don't care that much about it, more about it's effects on the rest of the branch)
This would be the part were I angrily write in big bold red letters telling Nijisanji they are a bag of fuckwits or something like that, but at this point there is no anger in me, there's just a feeling of defeat

. I just hate how NijisanjiEN situation has become a recurrent "one step forward one step back" or even "two steps back", to the point that this forum had to create three events threads just to keep up with all the bullshit that has happened in the last month.
Even if we take into account that Pomu and Kyo's graduation was set in stone from a long time ago it's still such a shit start for the year 2024. At least Pomu had a great victory lap in the two weeks before her graduation and the graduation itself if not the best in the branch (at least compared to Nina's who was sick for one week) and we also had the Anime Impulse concert and M&Gs which were great! as long as, you know, were able to be there and ignore the "what the fuck happened to Selen" phantom hanging over the event.
But the thing that frustrates me so much is that the livers just keep saying "good things are coming, good things are coming" but ever since the beginning of the year, hell even before that there hasn't been anything that justifies all of this. In my last rant I talked about NijiEN's "big project" or "AR live revenge" being the thing that could revitalize the branch or at least recover trust in it so things could get better and how I would really like for them to announce it already so they could at least give some signal that they are supporting their talents. But there has been no news of the project, not in the new year program, not when the livers came back from Japan and not in the Anime Impulse concert, just more Voice Packs and acrylic stands. At this moment I my theory is they are going to announce it at the Mario Kart tournament on Saturday 10, both because there is proof of making big announcements at these types of events and also because of some contextual clues from the livers (then again I could be super wrong like the last times so who knows). But the bigger problem at this point is that I think that even if they make the most perfect 3D event with all the waves up to Iluna and production values that exceed Hololive, I don't think it will be enough to make things better or swing the branch reputation, or shit maybe it does and then we could go to the horrifying route that this just repeats again and again in the future, who knows with this company.
Not only all of this but also other livers have been hit by other minor things last month that didn't allow them to stream, whether it's dying pets, or being sick or taking weeks off because of the nebulous "offline work". The talents may be happy being able to hang out between themselves or with their graduated coworkers and look forward to whatever the fuck they are working on but I feel that in general for the fans it has just been shit after shit after shit for months with no end in sight for when things might get better.
In response to the rant I did before Scuddle did a great analysis of the NijiEN situation, with shorter words and more concise than I could have ever written so I'm gonna quote him:
His post is way longer and I just quoted the parts I was interested in so go and read it if you want to, it's great. Scuddle's post says something I thought about but honestly didn't have the heart to say: Nijisanji has burned A LOT of good will last year and now I feel they are at a negative trust level, so whatever they are planning to do is gonna be an uphill battle to recover that trust, and if things don't get better soon then it might start a death spiral or a reputational point of no return, or in the worst case maybe it already has.
After all the bad news in the last month I'm not sure if things in the branch will ever go back to "normal". Maybe the worst part of all of this is that even the livers themselves have started to be affected by all of this: 1/4 of NijiEN has started to play FFXIV as a sort of comfort game, Aia made a members post about how much this month has affected her and I'm sure there are more things that show that they are not having a good time, and even if they try their best to hide it that dejection can be seen in their streams or in their lack of it. It has reached a point where even I don't know if I'm having as much fun as I did before, but even so I'm just gonna keep watching my oshis and enjoying whatever time I have with them today, because god knows if they'll still be here tomorrow